Home > Grown Enough For Love(21)

Grown Enough For Love(21)
Author: Chelsea Falin

Mrs. Meridian stared at Gabriel for a long while and what appeared to be pity or regret flickered past her eyes. Shaking her head, she stomped towards the door. With one hand on the doorknob, she turned and said, “You’re not my daughter any longer. Lose my number, forget where I live. You are not welcome in my life any longer.”

“Thank God,” Savannah said. She looked surprised she’d spoken and her mother’s eyes flamed with anger. Mrs. Meridian slammed the door behind her and the tension in the room immediately cleared.

Savannah stood staring at the door, and Gabriel went to stand in front of her. She smiled up at him softly, tiredly. Gabriel was surprised to see no tears but pulled Savannah in close against his chest. She didn’t cry but clung to him while they stood in silence for a long while. Gabriel ran his fingers through Savannah’s hair and she finally turned her chin up so she could look at him.

“Do you think I’m all those things, Gabriel?” Her eyes searched his.

“Yes, my little kitten. I think you’re the most amazing woman in the world, and I’m so sorry I let that horrible woman talk to you like that for so long.” Gabriel did feel bad. He could have said something at any time, and he’d listened to Mrs. Meridian say much worse before. Then again, if Savannah had still been living at home, speaking up for her could have only made things worse.

Instead of saying anything about his comment, Savannah said simply, “I love you, Gabe.”

Gabriel cupped Savannah’s chin and turned her face further upwards. He kissed her lips tenderly, lingering over them as he savored the feeling being close to her brought him. If his heart did burst, he’d die happy. “I love you, too, kitten.”

* * * * *

Three days passed since her mother’s visit when Savannah heard a knock on the door again. She’d been playing with Smoke and Soot on the floor after a few hours of work. Finding it difficult to concentrate, she got done the most basic items and felt okay with her work for the day. Savannah had paid both rent and electric without pulling from her savings account. She even had a little leftover for the week.

Savannah rose from her position on the couch, careful to avoid stepping on the small kittens who always crowded her feet. She tiptoed to the front window and peeked out. When Savannah saw her brother, she let out a breath she didn’t know she’d been holding.

Savannah opened the door and ushered Jay inside. “Jay! What are you doing here?”

Jay smiled. “Well, Sav, I heard you stuck it to mother finally, so I’m here to celebrate with you.” Savannah’s eyebrow rose up on her forehead and Jay chuckled. “Okay, so that’s not exactly what I heard. I heard there was a big blow out and you stood up for yourself. I’m here for moral support or whatever else you may need.”

Savannah smiled and shook her head slightly. “Don’t you worry Mrs. Meridian will be upset you’ve visited the leper?”

Jay grinned widely. “Leper, you say? Hope it’s contagious, because if you’re not welcome than I sure as hell don’t want anything to do with them.”

Savannah laughed at her brother’s unique humor. She was touched at Jay’s unwavering loyalty. “Gabriel told you?”

Jay nodded, still grinning. Before answering, he headed towards the couch, careful of the kittens playing underfoot. “These things have gotten big, huh?” Savannah nodded, and Jay sat on the couch. Savannah went to sit beside her brother.

“Guess that’s a yes?” Savannah prompted.

“Oh. Right. Forgot you asked a question.” Another toothy grin was directed her way. “Yes. Gabe told me. Also, I’d like to humbly say what I do so love saying to you. I told you so.” Jay’s face was filled with unvoiced laughter.

“You told me what?” Savannah asked, confused.

Grinning even larger, Jay said, “I told you Gabe would take care of you. That he would stand up for you and make you happy, so I wouldn’t have to worry about you as much. I was right, wasn’t I?”

Savannah rolled her eyes. She couldn’t help smiling at her ridiculous brother. “Yes, Jay, you did tell me. But it wasn’t like I was arguing that point with you.”

Jay shrugged. “No, but I enjoy making points.”

Savannah teased, “Ah, you take right after your mother.”

Jay grimaced and directed a disgusted look at Savannah. “How dare you, and to think I came over to comfort you.” Jay couldn’t keep his face serious for long and broke into yet another toothy grin. Savannah shook her head.

“You know you're ridiculous?”

Jay nodded with too much zealous. “Why, yes, dear sister, I do know that.”

“As long as you know…” Savannah trailed off. She let out a startled cry as Smoke bit her bare foot. Jay laughed at her pain and bent down to pat the crazy little ball of fur on the head. With eyes too wide, Smoke turned over and bit Jay’s hand. As he let out a cry of his own, Savannah laughed.

After their laughter died down and the terror went to fight his brother in circles around their scratching post, Savannah asked, “How’s your love life going, Jay? Gabe said you were going on a lot of different dates lately.”

Jay nodded. “Yeah, decided I was tired of the single life – especially now you and Gabriel are an item. Don’t want to spend my life as a third wheel, so looking for the last piece of the puzzle.” He grinned. “At long last, I successfully conquered two dates.”

“Oh? With the same woman?”

Jay nodded, grinning. “She says I’m funny, and we have a third date scheduled for this weekend.”

“Wow, three dates! Look at you go, bro!” Savannah teased Jay, but she was happy for him. “Who is she?”

“Do you remember Paula Tucker?” Jay asked.

Savannah nodded. “Yes. She’s a grade ahead of me, right? Paula was always nice to me. I like her.”

Jay nodded slowly. “Good, because I think this one might work out. I like Paula myself. She thinks I’m funny and charming instead of annoying.” Jay smiled. “I’d say that’s pretty important.”

Savannah smiled back at Jay. “Yes, I would think so.”



Chapter 12



The day had been almost perfect. With the big fiasco with Savannah’s mother two weeks behind them, Gabriel felt things couldn’t be better. Savannah hadn’t seen or heard from her mother. It might have been Gabriel’s imagination, but his kitten seemed to bloom without fear of her mother’s unexpected appearances and blatant disapproval.

Savannah came over to eat supper with Gabriel, Rio, and Jay. After eating, they’d put on a children’s movie. When Rio went to sleep, the adults watched a comedy before Jay excused himself to bed.

Gabriel sat on the couch with Savannah now, and the house was quiet. The television had been turned off, and Gabriel started stealing kisses now he was alone with Savannah. His kitten smiled against his lips more often than not, and Gabriel’s heart couldn’t have been fuller.

Savannah yawned between kisses. “I should get home, Gabe. I’m exhausted.”

Gabriel kept his arms wrapped tight around Savannah’s torso. “Why don’t you stay tonight? It’s already late, and it’s about to storm.” As if on cue, the loud rumbling of thunder was heard rolling across the sky. A bright flash of lightning lit the window.

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