Home > His Obsession(9)

His Obsession(9)
Author: Rose Marie

“You know what?” I pull out my keys from my pocket and rip off the office badge and chuck it at his head. “I CAN'T TAKE THIS SHIT ANYMORE.” He ducked his head just in time to stop from getting knocked upside his head. When he came up looking at me, he looked like a child who was about to cry. “I QUIT!” Fuming I stomp out of the office slamming the door behind me.

As usual I ignore the onlookers and go to my now old desk and commence packing my shit. Look all you want! I’m done. The last thing I do is turn off my computer and grab my Potty the potted plant, my plant baby that I got from my secret admirer. I make sure to gently tuck him away and stack my already finished work in designated folders while grumbling to myself. “Who the hell did he think he was treating me like that? I've had his back and stuck it out this long I don’t deserve this… why me? My eyes start to burn, but I refuse to cry because of him anymore. With somewhat of a heavy heart I pick up my box and make a beeline for the elevator.

“Angel wait! Holy shit! Wait!” I didn’t expect for him to follow me. I start power walking so he can’t catch up to me. I ignore their snickers, the stares and the smug looks. When I reach the elevators, I damn near cheer when they miraculously open on their own. Not going question a good thing.

Inside I quickly press the close button just as I see him about to stop the door from closing. Thank God he didn’t catch it, I don't want to hear a damn thing out of his mouth. When I get to the ground floor near the metal detectors, I try to go through, but I'm stopped by security.

“Ms. Giles we’re sorry but we can't allow you to leave.”

“What? Why? I no longer work here. I just trying to leave. Everything on my person is mine and I’ve already informed Mr. Stohurst.” They came closer trying to apprehend me, but I jerk away. “Excuse you, I understand you’re just doing your job but don’t put your hands on me.”

“He’s sorry Ms. Giles. It was a rookie mistake now can you please follow us back upstairs?” What the hell is this? A crime television show? I was just about to ask to go but then I turn slightly and catch Channing Stohurst briskly walking to me from the stairwell entrance.

As soon as he reaches me, he instead of trying to apprehend me he grabs my box and my arm walking back in the direction I just came. The hell I will.

“Let go!” I demand.

“No.” He’s still dragging me towards the elevators.

“Fine you can keep that shit. I only need my car keys and my plant.” He stops in his tracks then runs his hand through his hair, but I don’t waste no time. I burn off through the doors, dashing for my car. At my car I remember my keys are in my work box. About to turn and go confront Channing about my personal property I'm pulled off my feet and into a tight embrace. Huh? Struggling I rear back to see Channing holding me for dear life.

“Get back to your desk.”

“Excuse me? I didn’t hear you.” And I hadn’t he was speaking into my shoulder and shaking.

“The hell you didn’t. I already fucking told you Angel you aren't leaving me.” I scoff. Hitting his shoulder.

“Fuck YOU and this damn job.” I scream trying to wiggle out of his hold, but no such luck. Pushing hard and with all my might I grunt, going dead weight giving up, spent. He only smirks and lick his lips like he enjoyed every second of the encounter we just had. Like he wants me to push harder.

“You can push me away all you want Angel but I'll never in a million years let you go.” He leaned against my car making it rock and all I could do is stare, flustered. “I promise you to properly speak with you later, but right now I want you to take your ass back up to your desk and sit where I can see you.” I feel him let me go but I’m to stunned and rendered too speechless to run or jack my car keys. He bends down to my eye level and puts his face directly in front of mine so I can see the flickering of this blue iris. I blink trying to snap out of the trance he’s put me in, but my body is his. “Now.”

My mouth popped open, but nothing comes out. He didn't say anything else but grabbed my face and pulled me to him giving me the deepest tongue kiss I’d ever had in my life. My knees go week and my lugs compress into tiny prunes, but I wasn’t complaining. My God his kiss had my pussy walls break dancing. When he pulls away, he grabs my hand pulls me along without any protest all the way up to my desk, then slams my work keys and badge down with a loud smack. When I look around, everyone is staring in awe and I see my desk is as it has always been. Everything back in place and the cardboard box is ripped in pieces in the recycling bin next to his office. If that wasn’t enough, he pulls out my rolling chair guiding me to slowly take a seat and rolls over to my computer, typing in my password. When he goes to move, his lips graze my ear.

“I'm sorry Angel.” Gasping, I turn to him but he's already walking into his office. When he takes a seat, he does so not facing his computer like his always does…he does so facing me watching my every move intensely.

Felling trapped, I have no choice but to get back to work, but no matter how many seconds, minutes, hours pass by I can only ask one question. What the hell just happened?



It’s Gotten Worse


I’m having a bad day… a very bad day. Hell, a terrible week. I'm physically and mentally exhausted from trying not to feed my obsession. It’s hard and it makes my stomach and chest hurt every time I think about putting away my paraphernalia of Angel. When I thought about throwing them out, I became physically sick and my nerves started acting up.

And I just went and did something idiotic. I hurt her feelings. Again. I'd made her want to leave me AGAIN. Yelled at her! What the hell was I thinking? I’d been in and out of my therapist’s office all Saturday and Sunday trying to get this obsession under control and in the end, I got nothing from it. How can I continue to treat the woman that I adore like this? It’s shameful and wrong! She deserves so much more. My woman deserves the world handed on a platter by no one other than me.

Saturday when I woke up, I had an intense craving to be around My Angel. I was delirious in my want and did something reckless. When I told my therapist Shay about it, she looked as if she wanted to beat me over the head with a brick. It was one of those few times she couldn’t mask her disgust, but I can’t say I don’t understand where it came from. For a man to sneak into his own woman’s house, and take a pair of her panties, lay in her bed breathing on her pillow is kind of sick. When I told her that after I left her house, I used her panties to jerk off, she was ready to call the cops on me. Thank God she grew up with me and knew I’d never harm her, or I’d be in jail. Her only “prescription” for me was to distance myself from Angel and get rid of everything I had that’s associated with her.

That’s easier said than done. She might as well ask me to kill myself. Angel is my entire existence, she’s my world, my love, my heart. Mine! I could never be apart from her. Still recognizing that I’m getting out of control, I did take SOME of her advice and put everything away outside of her panties. I refuse to distance myself from her so I minimize contact with her unless it was absolutely necessary but fuck me if this isn’t painful. I’m in serious withdrawal.

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