Home > His Obsession

His Obsession
Author: Rose Marie

Just one of those days



Oh God, oh God, oh God, oh no. He's here, oh no! I scramble from the break room with a huge mug of black coffee and a whole wheat bagel with cream cheese and make my way to his office. As I scurry through the hall, I notice the mocking looks and gestures of my coworkers. A bunch of rat bastards! The whole lot of them! Ignoring them I pick up my pace only to bump into something solid.

While trying to steady myself by flailing my arms, I stumble backwards. Then my not so high heel twists at an awkward angle, sending my rather rotund body to the floor face first. Then as if I were in a comedy making fun of the pitiful big black girl, the bagel falls on my face, cream cheese side first of course followed by the coffee that comes sloshing down on my arms burning me. Fuck my life!

“Dammit.” I mutter as the on lookers start snickering as in remove the remains of what was supposed to be my boss’s breakfast from my person. “Damn I know you sa-” my voice fades as quick as my head raised and my eyes landed on him. I blink and I pray it's not one of those days, but I know it is. I just KNOW it is

“Angel, I see you've decided to do your job.” Yup I knew it.

“Mr. Stohurst I'm so sorry for my clumsiness I was-”

“- watching were you were going? Late? Flirting in the break room on company hours when you have a job to do? Which of these grievances should I address in your seventh informal warning?” The smug bastard raised a brow in my direction and quirked his lips in a smirk. Mama, today’s the day I become a criminal. I’m finna punch him… well maybe not since he wasn’t wrong. I was in fact getting my mac on in the break room. This morning I did clock in fifteen minutes late and I was running not watching were I was going. Damnit I hate when he’s right. I'll be damned if I admit it to him of all people. Shit ol’ ugly, attractive and sexy bastard.

“N-none of t-that sir.” He twisted his face into a grimace then examined me from head toe. I watch with batted breath already knowing what’s going on all throughout that big apple head of his.

“You stand in my face and lie wearing this ridiculous and unprofessional work attire?” I look around feeling the hairs on the back of my neck stand, and sure enough the whole office had all eyes on us. “Will you get up already? Being on all fours like such is highly inappropriate.” Good lord everything I do is a problem. Watch standing up become a problem.

“Office, NOW!!!” Knew it. I suppress the groan and the eye roll that threatened to come forth because this man was working my nerves. I strut in his office wanting to cackle when I hear him mutter profanity under his breath. “Get back to work, I want all reports on my desk forty-five minutes earlier since you all feel it's more important to watch what I have going on than to complete your work.” Next, I hear footsteps coming then I hear the office door slam. Dammit, what crawled up his ass today?

I don’t even turn to look at him. I just wait for him to come around his gargantuan desk and take a seat in his humongous ass chair. He’s so dramatic. “Have a seat Angel.” Wanting to get this write up over with, I do as he says bracing myself for a yell. But instead I see him open his desk and pull out a first aide kit. “Your arm.” When I see him hold out his hand, I’m so stunned I actually give lay my arm on the desk so he can examine it. “You’re too clumsy.” I watch stunned as he gently applied ointment to my burns, bandaging it. “How’s it feel now?” Taken aback I examine and move it around feeling only a slight discomfort compared to the stinging pain I felt earlier.

“It's fine now, thank you Mr. Stohurst.” To my thanks he only stared at me for a long time then sat back with a annoyed expression on his face, and his hands clasped on his arm rest.

“Good. Now you can explain to me why you’re not in compliance with dress code and and why were you were caught fraternizing during business hours? Because I thought I told from the day I brought you on NOT the dress this way or wear shoes like that?” He licked his lips then frown while pointing at my cute yet very professional three inch heels. “It's highly unprofessional and your flirting and fraternizing has become-” he sweeps his eyes over me sneering harder “-a distraction.” Ugh to whom exactly?

“I'm sorry Mr. Stohurst I-” he raised his hand cutting off my excuse looking away from me. I swear it’s like this man hates hearing me speak. More like hates me.

“Excuses will not be tolerated Ms. Giles. I have no need for them, nor do I care to hear them.” He rolls eyes and waves his hand dismissing what I was going to say. His ass needs a good ol’ school Houston ass whooping WITH A SWITCH for how rude and dismissive he is. I don’t know how he grew up but my mama, aunts and grandma would NEVA allow me to act like this to people. This type of attitude was pick your own switch behavior. I’d make him skin it and make it nice and wet, so it stung as it hit his bottom.

How dare he tell me about the outfits I spend HOURS picking out due to my 38DD bust and size sixteen dress. With all the hips and ass I’m packing he better leave me alone. He’ll never know the struggle I go through to make myself “in compliance” to the dress code here at Stohurst Investments. I work my ass off to make sure I’m not a distraction, but for fuck’s sake there’s only so much a big girl that has been blessed with all the dangerous curves in the world can do. I’m tired of this same ol’ tirade from his trifling ass mouth. I should just walk out. Yeah get up right now and walk out Angel, you don’t deserve this shit. You’re the shit. You’re beautiful and you also have a right to feel beautiful. Damn!... then logic kicks in girl sit your ass down somewhere you also got bills.

“I’ll do better next time, Mr. Stohurst. Do you mind if I take a thirty-minute break to get myself together? I have a change of clothes in my car and-” again he holds his hand up cutting me off. Bastard.

“No, just go home and change. I’m sure the attire you have with you is just as inappropriate as what you have on now.” Excuse me?

“I’m sorry I don’t think I’ll be able to do that sir. I live over an hour away by the time I get back I’ll have missed half the day.” Is he joking? No way in hell I’m making that drive. I smile to show that I’m not trying to be insubordinate but that does nothing for him. He only frowns gapping his mouth open as if he’s shocked I didn’t simply listen to his request.

“That's not my problem Ms. Giles. You simply cannot walk around my office in what you have on. I won’t allow it.” I wish he’d stop repeating himself and actually listen to the words that are coming out of my mouth.

“Look, Mr. Stohurst I really do apologize but I honestly cannot go home and change. I checked the dress code meticulously when I was brought on your team. I personally don’t understand why I’m being singled out like this. I understand you may not appreciate the fact that I have a tad bit more fat on me than the average woman but listen here Mrs. Stohurst you CANNOT keep this biased behavior up. I’ve done nothing to warrant it and I am the most diligent contractor you have. Please understand that if you keep this up, I WILL file a complaint to Human Resources.” I know my rights asshole. He doesn’t even answer, me he only turns away from me from me facing the wall as if the mere sight of me disgust him.

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