Home > Holiday Fling(4)

Holiday Fling(4)
Author: Crystal Lacy

“Gin and tonic for you, sir. Compliments from a certain gentleman.”

My phone pings before I even have a chance to be curious. It’s an unknown number, but I’m not at all confused as to who sent the message when I see what it says.

Trying for a bit of bravery.

My pulse kicks up a notch. All thoughts of hooking up with Devon fly out the window, because my drunk plane guy is texting. And—hold on. Did he just send me a drink? I look up from my phone, my eyes searching for his face in the crowded restaurant.

There. Sitting at the bar with one leg crossed elegantly over the other, wearing a long-sleeved T and khaki shorts that reveal nicely muscled calves, is Bennett. Okay, so I’m not a leg guy, but seeing Bennett’s legs gives me a jolt to my groin because I’m already imagining them wrapped around my waist as I drive into him.

Not in the restaurant. Not in the restaurant, I remind myself. I tamp down on my arousal and give him a friendly nod.

“Friend of yours?” Devon asks. I force myself to glance away from Bennett and focus on the guy in front of me. Devon looks a little bemused, but there’s also plenty of amusement sparkling in his pretty green eyes.

“Something like that.” I’m not about to tell Devon that we only met on the plane and didn’t even kiss. Especially since it looks like I won’t be taking Devon up on any of those nonverbal signals. “I can catch up with him later, though.” Because now I have his number on my phone.

A soft chuckle escapes Devon, and he shakes his head. “No, I can see how this night is going to go, and while I’d love to catch up some more, we should probably wait for a time when you’re not distracted by some hot Asian doctor type.”


The next chuckle is louder than the first one. “Damn. I really thought I was going to get lucky tonight.” The smile he gives me is still friendly and sweet, though, which is a relief since I’ll be relying on him for local food tips while I’m here.

“No hard feelings?” I venture.

“Never.” His gaze flits to Bennett’s seat at the bar for a second. “He’s real cute. And you’re real into him. I should’ve taken a video of your face just now.”

My face flushes just a little at that comment. “Shit. Think he noticed?”

“Hope he does. I wish someone would look at me with pure sex in their eyes like that.”

“Have you seen you? Just flash that smile of yours at some poor unsuspecting guy and watch him try to climb you like a Christmas tree.”

Devon tilts his head in the direction of the bar, and for a moment I’m worried he’s going to try that trick with Bennett. But then he says, “Think that bartender likes Christmas trees?”

I laugh. “Only one way to find out.” I stand, pushing my chair back against the table. “I’m gonna go say hi to my guy. I’ll send another drink your way.”

“Hallelujah,” I hear him mutter as I walk toward Bennett. My guy. Shit, what a slip of the tongue.

As I walk toward the bar, I pull a fifty from my wallet, handing it to the waiter when I get there. “That guy over there needs to drown his sorrows in some alcohol. Think you can help me out with that?”

“Sure thing,” the bartender says, flashing me a wolfish grin. He twirls the stainless steel shaker he’s palming in his hands and steps out from behind the bar. He looks like he’s gonna handle the situation exactly how Devon hopes he will. I turn my attention, finally, to Bennett, who’s got a small smile playing across his lips. “Hey, stranger.”

“Hey. Seems like you’re always trying to get people drunk.”

“Not really. I just push people in the direction they need to go. I’m not trying to get you drunk right now.”

Bennett rests his chin on his palm, propped up against the table’s surface and blinks at me. “You don’t think I need some liquid courage?”

I consider it for a split-second, then lean in closer, my own elbow up against the bar surface. I close my eyes and inhale deep. “Nope, doesn’t smell like you had any liquid courage.”

“Oh, it took courage, all right,” he rasps. I open my eyes and see the heat flaring in his eyes. “Thanks for leaving me your number.”

I incline my head. “Thanks for using it.”

“Is it really okay that I interrupted your dinner? Your friend looked disappointed.”

I glance back to see Devon sitting with his legs spaced apart, practically displaying his crotch for the bartender, who has one hand on the back of Devon’s chair and is staring down predatorily at him. “I think he’ll survive somehow. But if you really need to make it up to me, I have a few suggestions.”

Bennett’s eyes give another minute flutter. I wonder if he realizes he has a tell. “Let’s say I’m willing to try. Making it up to you.” His words come out low and rough, like he’s contemplating something much, much dirtier.

I reach blindly into my pocket for my wallet, pulling out another fifty-dollar bill, which I slap onto the bar. “Are you staying here?”

He nods. “Twentieth floor. The honeymoon suite.”

I shouldn’t do it, but the laugh comes out anyway. “Wow. You really did have big plans.”

He shrugs, and it manages to look boyishly charming even for a man who must be nearly thirty.

“Your room or mine? I’m on the ninth floor. Shorter elevator ride, but a smaller bed.”

I can practically see the sharp intake of his breath. Maybe mentioning a bed is getting a bit ahead of myself, considering he wasn’t ready to even kiss me on the plane. I’m about to open my mouth and explain we don’t have to do anything more than he’s ready for when he stands and slide out of his seat.

“It’s not that much time between the ninth and twentieth floors.” He inhales again, drawing in a lungful of air and holding it for a count before releasing. “Let’s do the bigger bed.”









What am I doing? I ask myself as I lead Jake into the elevator. There’re a couple of people riding with us, so we both remain silent. Tension brews between us, feeling nearly tangible every time our eyes meet across the small space, and I’m reminded why we’re in this elevator together.

The ride seems to take forever because Jake is here with me, making it difficult to think, difficult to do anything but feel the heat coursing through me every time I realize that I’m actually doing this.

Maybe it’s too soon. Maybe I’m not ready for the bed. Maybe I’ll regret this in the morning.

Mixed in with the anticipation of getting close to this man who’s drawn me in like a moth to a flame the minute he asked me You ever wanted to kiss a guy? is a tiny bit of trepidation. How did I think I’d be ready for a bed when I haven't even kissed another guy before?

The other people get off on their stops, until we’re the only ones left. I’m about to open my mouth and say I’ve changed my mind when Jake catches my eyes again and holds my gaze, shooting me a reassuring smile. “We’ll take it one step at a time, all right? It can be just a kiss. We don’t ever have to use that bed.”

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