Home > Holiday Fling(5)

Holiday Fling(5)
Author: Crystal Lacy

I nod at him, afraid that if I say anything at all, it’ll be something borne of cowardice. And I don’t want to let doubt keep me from having this, whatever it is.

I will my hands not to shake when we get to my hotel room and I have to use the key card to get the door open. I can feel the heat of Jake’s body at my back, sending a shiver down my spine as we slip inside. That one shiver turns into two and three in quick succession when he places a hand on the small of my back. The touch is gentle, hardly any pressure at all through the thin fabric of my shirt.

“This okay? Can I touch you like this?”

When I nod, the pressure increases and his palm flattens against me, running up the length of my back.

“Fuck, you’re tense. It’s okay, Bennett. We're not going to do anything you don’t want to do.”

His tone is as gentle as his hand on me, and it touches something inside me. Out of all the people I could’ve been seated next to on that flight, it had to be this guy. So nice and decent and sexy. I take a steadying breath and spin around to face him, taking a step closer, my hand circling his arm. I pull him closer, my other hand going up to take hold of the front of his shirt.

“Want to do this,” I tell him, and put my mouth on his. He makes a growling sound against my mouth that seems to reverberate down to my toes. His mouth opens under mine, tongue lashing out to swipe at the seam of my lips, until our kiss is hot and wet and dirty. I’ve never had anyone kiss me the way Jake does, with just a touch of domination, forceful in a way a woman’s kiss has never been. I hear myself moaning against his mouth. I wrap my arms around him, hanging onto this magical kiss so it doesn’t end too soon.

“God, Bennett,” Jake pants when we finally break apart to catch our breaths. “You never did that before?”

Now that we’re not kissing I can see his face properly, and the lust burning in his eyes mirrors mine. He’s hard, and I can feel it pressing against my stomach, and I know if I press just a bit closer and angle my body just right…

“Son of a—fuck, Bennett.” Jake makes a hissing noise and tips his head back, his expression almost pained, like the arousal is too much for him to handle.

I marvel at my ability to elicit that reaction from him. It's a powerful feeling, even better than knowing I’ve won a court case or getting the exact settlement I asked for. “Still think we don't need to use the bed?” I ask.

He laughs, even as he groans and pushes against me again, hot and even harder than before. “I’m not doing anything you don't want me to do, but I’m hoping we’ll need a bed.”

I draw him in for another wet, open-mouthed kiss, because I can’t seem to stop. As our tongues play, my hands trail down and underneath his shirt, my fingers dipping into the grooves of muscle along his abdomen. So different from anybody I’ve explored before. A thrill of excitement ripples through me. “Yeah,” I say when our second kiss ends. I’m breathless and hot all over, unable to get out more than one syllable at a time. “Bed.”

Grabbing his wrist, I lead him toward the bedroom, not bothering to close the door behind us before making straight for the giant king-sized bed. But once we get there, my brain stutters. I don’t know what happens next.

Which is fine, because Jake does.

“Take off your clothes and sit on the edge. I wanna blow you.”

I didn’t think it was possible for me to be any harder after making out with Jake, but the thought of him on his knees in front of me does it. I do as he says, hands shaking as I strip off my shirt, then undo the fly on my khaki shorts and slide them down. I almost trip stepping out of them, but Jake is there with an arm on my shoulder to steady me, laughing softly as I kick the shorts away into a corner. He’s gotten rid of his shirt, too, and his lightly furred chest and stomach are on display, making my breath come short. We both look down at my cock, straining against the thin fabric of my boxer briefs.

“Underwear, too?” I ask.

“Nah,” Jake says, the rasp back in his voice. He pushes me down with his hands on my shoulders until I’m seated, then steps in between my legs. I swallow, eyeing the bulge that’s tenting his jeans, hovering right at face level right now. It’d be so easy to just lean in and nuzzle it. Kiss it. I almost groan at the loss when Jake gets on his knees, but then I look down and he’s there, full lips gone slightly pink from our kisses, eyes glazed with hunger. “It's nearly Christmas, and after the month I’ve had, I think Santa owes me this present. I’m going to enjoy unwrapping it.”

“Oh, god,” I say, eyes riveted to Jake’s face as he palms me through my underwear with one hand, lifting slightly so my hard length is displayed prominently. He lowers his head and traces his lips up the underside, from base all the way to the tip. It’s so light I can barely feel it through the fabric, but I can see it and imagine it on my bare skin, and that’s enough to make me nearly crazy with need.

“I can already tell you’ve got a nice one, Bennett,” he croons, the heat of his breath seeping through the fabric. “And you’re so hard for me.” His tongue comes out and swipes over the head, where the fabric is already dark with my precum. “So wet.”

I make a noise that can only be described as a whimper and lift my hips, pushing against his lips. He laughs again, the delight making his face even more beautiful than it usually is.

“I’m going to come in my underwear if you keep teasing,” I warn him.

“Better not let that happen.” He flashes me a wicked grin, fingers finally, finally hooking under the waistband of my underwear to draw it down. “I’ve been thinking about swallowing you whole since I first saw you.” His hand curls around my hard cock and strokes once up the length before sliding down again, forcing another bead of precum to the surface. “Look at that. Fuck, you look good enough to eat.”

“You can,” I say, my brain unable to offer anything more than that. “If you want.”

“Oh yeah?” he teases. “Well, don’t mind if I do.” Another wolfish smile, and then, true to his word, swallows me whole.









It occurs to me, down on my knees on the hotel room carpet, my fist curled around Bennett’s hard cock, that I’m the first guy who’s ever done this for him. Well, presumably. I should ask. When I’m not busy blowing him out of his fucking mind, that is.

Jesus, the sounds he makes. Low groans in the back of his throat giving way to higher-pitched gasps and moans as I continue to bob along his length, taking in the taste and scent of him. I’ve always loved sucking cock, but there’s something about just how much he’s appreciating it that gets me off like nothing has in a long while.

I pull off him with an audible pop when the noises get a bit too desperate. I don’t want this to end yet, and I don’t know if he’s one of those guys who can go again right after coming. It strikes me that we barely know each other. It’s certainly not the fastest I’ve ever gone with a guy, but somehow, it’s different from the bar hookups I indulged in when I was in college.

“Best fucking Christmas present ever, and it’s not even Christmas yet.” I loved the feeling of his cock rubbing along my tongue and the roof of my mouth just a moment ago, and I’m gonna let myself feel it again real soon, but first… “This the first time you’ve gotten off with a guy, Bennett?”

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