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Home_ Ky & Nick (Six Degrees #1)(20)
Author: Sandy Smith

I laughed nervously. I knew he would argue with me, so I continued. “Although to be fair, maybe your voice and that accent just make it sound that way. You’re probably boring as hell. I just get caught up listening to you. We should test that theory. Did you read Heart of Darkness at school? Most painful experience of my life. I should get you to read it to me and see if you can make even that sound interesting.”

He smiled at me. “You really are a bloody idiot sometimes”

And he leaned in slowly, giving me a chance to stop him if I wanted. But I really didn’t, so I leaned forward to meet him and kissed him lightly.

He peppered kisses along my jaw, until he could whisper beside my ear. “You are interesting, you are sweet, you are amazing, you are sexy.” He punctuated each sentence with a light kiss just below my ear, strangely connected to the damn tingling feeling in my stomach. “And you are the first person I have ever met that has made me feel so completely enthralled.”

My breath caught, my heart raced, my hands reached up to cup his face, and I kissed him. I kissed him until I couldn’t breathe. I kissed him until my lips were bruised. I kissed him until my head spun.

I pulled back only far enough for us both to gasp for air. “Please tell me we can go back to your place. Right now. Please, Nick.”

He stood up quickly. Very quickly. He hauled up to my feet and started to walk, all in one motion. “It’s a ten-minute walk from here. Let’s go.”

I laughed, discreetly trying to adjust myself with the hand he wasn’t holding. Not discreetly enough, based on the small smirk he didn’t bother trying to hide. That smirk that would’ve been far more impressive if he didn’t also quickly adjust himself when he stepped in front of me onto the steps.

A quick but uncomfortable seven minutes later, we walked into the foyer. I honestly couldn’t remember a thing about it, or the elevator, or his apartment. But I knew how cool his hands felt against my overheated skin when he pulled my t-shirt over my head as soon as his apartment door shut. How he ripped his tie off before I even had a chance to reach for it.

As I fumbled with the buttons of his shirt, he walked backwards down the hallway and pulled it out of his pants and started with the bottom buttons. We left a trail of shoes and socks in the hall. Once he backed up against the bed, he messed with my belt and then broke away to say. “I don’t have the patience for this. Get your clothes off.”

I didn’t even hesitate, ripping my shirt over my head, then pushing my jeans and underwear down in one go and kicking them off. As we grabbed hold of each other again, we tumbled to the bed in a mix of kisses and bites and fumbling hands.

While I moved up the bed, Nick began kissing his way down my chest, pausing at each nipple to suck and nip. The heat of his mouth moving slowly down my stomach, kissing and licking, was driving me insane. I reached for the headboard to stop myself from grabbing his hair. He paused, and I could feel his warm breath so damn close to my cock.

“Open your eyes, Ky. I want you to watch me. I have been looking forward to this for so long. Don’t close your eyes.”

One long lick from the base of my cock to the tip, and my dick jumped and bumped him on the chin. He chuckled as I struggled to stay still. His slow licks around the head, watching my cock slide slowly between those wet pink lips into the most exquisite warmth I had ever imagined, already had me balancing on the edge. He moaned with pleasure as he sucked and pulled back to my tip. I was completely enraptured, and the noises he was making sounded like he was enjoying this almost as much as I was. Though he took me deeper each time, I struggled not to push up into his mouth, to not grab his hair. My breathing picked up with his pace, and I knew I was too close.

“Stop, wait, stop,” I panted. He let go immediately, a look of concern on his face. “Too close, too fucking close. I don’t want to finish without you. Come up here.”

He climbed back up my chest, kissing and nipping as he went. “You weren’t going to finish without me. I was just as close as you were.”

I kissed him once on the lips and asked breathlessly, “You can come from giving a blowjob? You weren’t even touching yourself.”

He moaned and moved his lips to that magic spot just below my ear. “No, but I was getting really fucking close. Besides it’s never been like this before. It’s never been with you before.”

Sucking on my neck, he lined our cocks up and started rocking, not enough for us to get off but enough to keep me close to the edge.

“Lube,” I muttered. “Need lube.”

Nick leaned across, opening the top drawer of the bedside table, and came back with the lube bottle. Pouring a small amount onto his hand and too impatient to even warm it first, he reached for his own cock. He hissed, “Cold, fuck.” Then his fingers closed around the base of my cock, making me jump. His hand ran slowly up and down a couple of times before grabbing both our cocks and holy cow! The pressure of his hand, the heat of his cock.

I reached my hand between us and closed it around his. He was stroking us slowly at first, but it became too much. Obviously, he needed more as much as I did: his strokes quickening, his grasp almost on the edge of pain.

“I’m not going to last,” I murmured, our breathing increasing as our hands moved faster.

His breath hitched, and his whole body tensed. Then the warmth of his release struck me, just before my own orgasm hit me like a train. Squeezing my eyes shut, I continued to pump our cocks though our orgasms until I had absolutely nothing left and we both relaxed into a puddle of jelly.

Nick sagged against me, trying to hold some of his weight on his elbow, until I pulled him against me and held him as tightly as I dared with my free arm. It was minutes before our breathing was back close to normal enough for my brain to function, and I kissed him lazily and slowly across his cheek and temple. Nick shifted to move to the side, and we both chuckled.

“You’re a mess,” Nick told me.

I smiled. “I’m fine with this sort of mess.”

Nick drew patterns on my chest, avoiding our combined cum on my stomach. “Why did you shave?” I paused, and Nick jumped in to reassure me. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to say it was a bad thing. You had hair when we… ahh, the first time we slept together. And you’re not like a bear or anything, so I was curious.”

“Honestly, I usually shave if I’m going out to hook up or if I’m not going to have my shirt on. I don’t know why, just started doing it when I was younger. And that first time wasn’t exactly planned. I had gone to drinks with Ant—I was absolutely not planning on sex.”

His fingers paused for a second before continuing. “I like the hair. Don’t think that means I have any problem with shaved, because believe me, I really don’t. But I like the hair.”

I shifted to look at him, cringing at the feeling of cum drying on my stomach.

“I don’t think a cloth is going to do it. We need to shower,” Nick said through a drowsy smile. The smile was adorable and sweet. Different from his normal smile for other people, different to his beautiful smile that was only for me. This smile was sweet and… weightless. I couldn’t think of any other way to describe it. Weightless.

I didn’t disagree, but I was too damn comfortable to move. And to be honest, I didn’t want this moment to end. He looked warmly down at me. “Come on. You are a mess, and the quicker we get in the shower the quicker, we can get back into bed, enjoy round two, and then go to sleep.”

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