Home > A Truthful Kiss (Honeyton Alexis )(Signed with a Kiss Series Book 3)

A Truthful Kiss (Honeyton Alexis )(Signed with a Kiss Series Book 3)
Author: Jessica Sorensen







I’m leaning over him as he lies on the cracked tile floor. I push him down, ignoring his silent cries for help.

“I’m sorry,” I tell him as I hold his face against the floor, “but I have to do this.”

“Please,” he begs in desperation.

My chest tightens. I don’t want to do this. Wish I couldn’t, but …

“I’m sorry,” I whisper. “But either you have to shatter, or I do.”

Then I break him apart, bit by bit, peeling away his layers until I reach his heart.

Then I shatter it.

Shatter West’s heart.

And he doesn’t cry.

He doesn’t scream.

No, he’s quiet.

Almost like he died—

My eyelids snap open as my alarm blares. Blinking several times against the soft sunlight of the sunrise slipping through the blinds on my bedroom window, I roll over, pick up my phone, and turn the alarm off.

Normally, I’d go back to sleep, wake up a half an hour later, and be tardy for school. Today, I’m wide awake, thoughts of what happened over spring break plaguing my mind. Thoughts of my blackmailer plaguing my mind.

Really, after what happened yesterday, I’m surprised I even managed to fall asleep at all. The blackmailer had informed me of what they wanted me to do. They also showed me just how dangerous they could be.

They cut my battery cable and threatened to cut my brake cables next time.

They snuck into my house and stole my mom’s locket.

They snuck into West’s temporary house and watched me sleep.

They have videos of me graffitiing places across town. And they have videos of that day. That fucking day that nearly destroyed me almost the same way as I was going to destroy West in the dream I just had.

I’m well aware of why I had the dream. Because the blackmailer wants me to destroy West. Or, well, break his heart. But that doesn’t make any sense to me. How can I break his heart when he’s not in love with me? According to the blackmailer, though, he is.

Could he be?

I roll my eyes as the ludicrous thought briefly crosses my mind. Up until a few days ago, West and I have been frenemies. West is in no way, shape, or form in love with me. This is just the blackmailers way of getting into my head, something they’re succeeding at. And they’re doing this because they want revenge for me taking away their fun. At least, that’s what they said. That doesn’t help me pinpoint who they are, since I’m sure a lot of people want revenge.

“Dammit,” I breathe aloud. At the moment, I’m kind of regretting some of my life choices.

Alexis Baker, dwelling on her life choices? Man, this stuff must really be messing with my mind. I need to focus on something else, like dragging my ass out of bed and getting ready for school. Even though I have no desire to go. Honestly, part of me is really considering ditching. But Loki would freak out if I did. Plus, I might be giving the blackmailer more stuff to hold against me if I do.


Until I figure out who they are, they can control me. I hate being controlled. Both the old Alexis and the new one does.

I need to figure out who they are as quickly as possible.

Sitting up in the bed, I throw the blankets off and pick up my phone from off the nightstand. Then I dial West’s number to see if, by chance, Ellis has figured out who’s been texting me all the threatening text and videos.

“Hey,” he answers after three rings. He sounds a little bit better than he did yesterday. “I was just about to call you.”

I perk up, wondering if he was because he has information. “Really?”

“Yeah. I was heading out of the house to go meet my mom, and I … well, I just wanted to talk to you before I go.”

“Okay, what about?”

“Nothing really. I’m just not looking forward to seeing her. At all. And talking to you seems to cheer me up.”

“Really?” I ask with a hint of doubt in my tone.

“Yes, really.” I can hear the smile in his voice. “Although, I’m still feeling a bit down. Maybe I should come over, and you can give me another hug. Now that might cheer me up a fucking ton.”

I roll my eyes, even though he can’t see me. “I only did that because you seemed super sad.”

“I’m super sad now. In fact, I’m the saddest I’ve ever been.” But the hint of amusement in his tone suggests otherwise.

“You don’t sound sad at all,” I point out, standing up and stretching my arm above my head.

“Well, I am,” he assures me. “I’m so sad that I think the only thing that’ll cheer me up is a hug from you. No, I changed my mind. I think a kiss is the only thing that’ll work.”

Okay, he definitely sounds better than he did yesterday. Why, though? Did something happen that cheered him up? Did his mom inform him she was lying about him being adopted?

I glance at the photo I sketched of him yesterday. After I finished, I hung it on my wall as a reminder of why I need to get over my issues, at least some, and be there for West like he’s been there for me.

But that doesn’t mean kissing him.

Friends. We need to just be friends. Well, at least in real life. In pretend, fake dating land, I know I’m going to have to kiss him. But right now …

“I’m not going to kiss you.” As the words leave my lips, I can almost feel his lips brushing against mine.

“Okay.” He sounds about as doubtful as I feel.

“Whatever,” I say with a roll of my eyes. “If you just called to flirt, I’m going to hang up, because I need to get ready for school, or else I’m going to be late.”

He snickers into the phone. “Alexis Baker worried about being late for school. Now that’s a new one.”

“Dude, you’re so asking for it.”

“Aw, please don’t tease me like that.”

My heart flutters in my chest, but I tell it to shut the hell up. That we’re so not doing this. That we can’t even do it, considering what’s going on with this whole blackmailer situation.

Speaking of which, should I tell him what happened? The blackmailer said not to, but I don’t know … How would they even know?

“Okay, I’m hanging up,” I tell him then move to end the call.

“Lex, I’m just messing with you,” he hurriedly says. “I’ll stop. Just don’t hang up yet.”

“Why not?” I ask, wondering why he seems so determined to keep me on the phone.

“Because … I’m heading to talk to my mom and … I don’t know … I just need someone to talk to.” The humor is slowly seeping out from his tone.

My heart aches for him as I remember what he found out yesterday, about how he may have been adopted.

“Are you going to ask your mom about what you found out yesterday?” I tread cautiously.

“Yeah. That’s basically the only reason why I’m going. I want to find out if she was telling the truth.”

“And what if she was?”

“Then at least I can cut ties with her and my dad … Or the man who raised me, I guess.”

“West, I’m sorry.” I’m unsure of what else to say.

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