Home > Black Moon (Alpha Pack #3)(25)

Black Moon (Alpha Pack #3)(25)
Author: J.D.Tyler

    Mac was worried too, but she’d sided with her lover. Come what may.

    Of course, fate decreed that the first guy they should run into was Aric. The obnoxious redhead was coming toward them down a corridor when he spied their linked hands and stopped in his tracks.

    “What the fuck? No way.” His lip curled, showing a hint of lengthening fang. “This cannot be happening. Mac, girl, I’d hoped you had more sense than to get down with the Great and Powerful Oz here.”

    Kalen started forward, snarling. “Shut your stupid mouth, you mother—”

    Mac stepped between them, pushing Kalen back. “Stop! I can handle this.” Her lover fumed, glaring at Aric, but made no move to circumvent her. She frowned at the wolf. “What Kalen and I do is our business. Furthermore, I don’t think you have a lot of room to cast stones when it comes to being smart about a relationship.”

    His face flushed. “What happened with me and Rowan wasn’t the same thing at all!”

    “Maybe, but that doesn’t change the fact that you were a dumb jerk when you almost killed yourself trying to spare her from mating with you and yet she loves you anyway,” Mac pointed out reasonably. “Go figure.”

    Aric’s eyes widened. “Damn, that’s harsh.”

    “But true.” She sighed. “Besides, hasn’t there been enough animosity between you two? I don’t believe either of you even have a clue why you’re being such asswipes to each other.”

    The men eyed each other, both clearly reluctant to give any ground on the matter. But Kalen nodded first, resignation in his tone when he spoke.

    “You apologized to me when we had our scuffle yesterday, but I never extended the same courtesy. For what it’s worth, I’m sorry. I’m not used to being part of a team, but I’m usually a bigger person than to attack someone with so little provocation.”

    Aric ran a hand through his hair. For a few seconds he seemed to struggle with his reply; then finally his admission emerged with obvious reluctance. “Don’t, man. I know where your buttons are and I enjoyed the hell out of pushing them—at first. As stubborn an asshole as I am, even I can see when it’s time to cease and desist. Feuding is bad for the team. What do ya say we bury the hatchet for good and move on?”

    After a tense moment, Kalen slowly offered his hand. Aric hesitated, then took it.

    “I’m still gonna call you kitty and Goth-boy,” Aric said with a smirk. “Out of affection, of course.”

    “No problem, Red.”

    As they shook, gradual smiles crept across both their faces. Mac resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Men were such dumb-asses sometimes; it was a wonder the entire planet wasn’t dead by now.

    “Good luck to you two. In spite of my giving you a hard time, I mean that,” Aric said seriously. He looked to Kalen. “Your brothers are all in this fight with you. Remember that when things get rough.”

    “I will.” Kalen looked away.

    Mac could tell her Sorcerer was touched. So was she. Leaning toward the redhead, she gave him a peck on the cheek. “Thank you. I guess you’re not such a dumb jerk all the time.”

    “Gee, thanks.” Snorting, Aric bade them farewell and continued in the direction of his living quarters.

    When the red wolf was out of earshot, Kalen said, “Do you think he was sincere this time, or was he just trying to keep the peace with you?”

    “I believed him. You should too.”


    “Aric’s not an easy guy to get to know, or like, but he wouldn’t have made the offer if he didn’t mean it. I’ve known him for years, so trust me on this.”

    “All right. Then I’ll go along, unless he proves me wrong.” Stepping close, he stole a leisurely kiss, then released her with regret. “I hate to interrupt our afternoon, but I’ve got a couple of people to see.”


    “For one. And then Sariel, if you think he’s up to a visit from me.”

    “I’ll ask him. But as one of his doctors, I have to tell you that if your visit upsets him and sets back his recovery in any way, you’ll answer to me and Melina. It won’t be pretty.”

    He grinned. “I hate to tell you, baby, but you’re just not that scary. Doc Mallory on the other hand . . .” He gave an exaggerated shudder. “She probably flosses her teeth with her victims’ bones.”

    Mac snorted. “And on that note, I’ll see you later. Thanks for lunch—and dessert.”

    She turned and started for the infirmary. But not before she’d glimpsed the total satisfaction in his green eyes at her suggestive parting comment.

    Looked as though she’d snagged herself a Sorcerer. Now the question was how to keep him safe.

* * *

    Kalen’s steps slowed as he approached Nick’s office. His gut clenched in dread at the thought of what might await him on the other side.

    Did the boss believe Kalen was beyond redemption at this point? No, he told himself. If he did, Kalen would be dead already. The man wasn’t the type to delay justice. It would come swiftly and painlessly.

    With that bit of hope bolstering his spirits, he knocked. The commander issued a firm order for whoever was there to come in.

    Kalen poked his head around the corner. “Got a minute?”

    Nick looked up from some paperwork on his desk and sat back, stretching. “For you, I’ve got five. Close the door and have a seat, and put a shield over your thoughts.”

    Kalen followed the first order, wiping his palms nervously on his jeans. Concentrating, he turned his magic inward and searched for the wall he’d erected earlier between himself and Malik. He found it to be wavering some but in place—though how long he’d be successful was anyone’s guess. He met Nick’s gaze. “I’m ready.”

    The man studied him for a long moment, expression hard as stone. “I know where you went last night. What I don’t know is all of what happened while you were there, so why don’t you start at the beginning?”

    “How much do you know?”

    “I know you watched him kill a man—and that you were seduced into enjoying it,” he replied in a saddened voice. “Why, Kalen?”

    Kalen swallowed hard. “He gets his hooks in me when my defenses are down. Then he showed me what Billy had done to his family and fed my rage. I went to him in the first place because I felt drawn to go to him last night. Compelled.”

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