Home > Her Saviors (Devil's Regents MC #1)(34)

Her Saviors (Devil's Regents MC #1)(34)
Author: Sarah Bale

“I’ve thought about it, too.”

We kiss until I can’t take it anymore. With one hand, I guide myself to her opening. She lets out a throaty moan as I slide into her. When we’re connected, I look down, loving how well we fit together. Slowly, I make love to Liv, whispering sweet nothings into her ear. Her hands scrape down my back until we both need more.

When my pace increases, she becomes wild beneath me. Together, we seek our pleasure in each other.

“Bash,” she breathes out. “I’m close.”

“Then come for me, Liv.”

Her body tenses and orgasms so hard that I come, too. We ride wave after wave of bliss until we’re both spent.

I fall next to her on the bed, putting my hand on my chest. “I knew you were worth the wait.”

I mean it with all of my heart, too.






I snuggle closer to Bash. We’ve just had sex again and I feel… safe. Maybe even loved. It’s the way he looks at me while we’re having sex – like I’m the most important thing in the world to him. He moves and I look out the window. The rain has stopped for now and I know we need to head back to the club, but I don’t want to leave.

“What’s that sigh for?”

“I’m scared,” I admit. “Bash, I was serious when I said that I ruin everything good in my life. I don’t want to hurt you. Or Razor.”

“Do you have feelings for him?”

It’s hard to hide my true feelings, when we’re both lying here together, naked. Maybe that’s part of my problem. Maybe I should be honest. I mean, what’s the worst thing that can happen?

“I do, which is why I probably overreacted earlier today with him. He’s moving too fast for me and I got scared.”

“Did you tell him that?”

“Not really.”

He rubs my arms. “Liv, I want you to be happy. If that means you date both of us, then so be it.”

I snort. “He said the same thing.”

“Did he? Fuck. He must really like you.”

I think he does, which is crazy, since we barely know each other. But, I can’t deny the pull I feel toward him and Bash.

I sigh again. “Bash, I’m worried there’s something wrong with me. How can I have feelings for you and Razor at the same time?”

And King. And Saint. Ugh.

“Have you talked to King very much?”

My cheeks feel warm. “King? No. Why?”

“His mom used to be one of the club whores.”

“Oh. Wow.”

“She never wanted to settle down, and I asked her about it once. She said she wasn’t meant to love just one person. I believe her, too. She was with King’s dad, another club member, and his wife until King’s dad died. Now, she’s with the club member and his wife. It seems to work for them. They all seem happy and equally in love with each other.”

I think about it and ask, “But how do you feel about it?”

“Honestly?” He looks into my eyes. “I want you to be happy. That doesn’t mean I’m going to jump into bed with you and Razor, but I think we can make it work.”

I moisten my lips. “What if there are more?”


I nod once.

“Like I said, as long as you’re happy.”

“It sounds good in theory, but I just don’t know.”

“What’s the point of worrying about the what ifs? Are you happy right now, in this moment?”


“Then that’s all that matters. We can deal with everything else when we get there.”

I kiss his chest. “You make it sound so simple.”

“It is simple. I like you. I want to be with you. The end.”

That makes me grin. “I like you, too. I want to be with you, too. And, I’ll try to communicate better instead of just freaking out.”

“If you mean that, then we should go back to the club and talk to Razor.”

“Okay. Let’s go.”

I’m tired of being the girl who fucks up everything. It’s time to give this love thing a real go.



Razor’s waiting when we get back to the club. He puts down the bottle in his hand and stands.

“I saw the two of you take off right before the storm hit. Wanted to make sure you made it back.”

I glance at Bash and take a step forward. “Can we talk? The three of us?”

Razor searches my face before nodding. “Sure. Let’s go to my room.”

He leads the way, holding the door open for me. I go to the bed and sit. He stands and Bash sits in a chair.

“First, I want to apologize. I got scared earlier today and I reacted badly.”

He shakes his head. “Olivia, I’m the one who should apologize. Hell, if a chick told me a week into fucking that she didn’t want to use protection, I’d flip my shit, too.”

Bash makes a sound. “That’s what he said that freaked you out? Holy shit, Razor.”

Razor flips him off and says to me. “I don’t know what I was thinking.”

“Part of what scared me is that I actually considered it for a second.” I shake my head. “I’m saying this to both of you – I’ve been in one serious relationship, and I was sixteen, so I don’t think it counts. You’re both going to have to be patient with me.”

“Wait. Both?”

I nod. “I like you, Razor. I have fun with you and you make me laugh. But, I like Bash, too. If you’re still willing, I’d like to date both of you and see how things go.”

“Bash, you on board with this?”

“I am, brother. Are you?”

Razor looks at me before nodding. “Hell yeah I am.”

And just like that, the shittiest day of my life has turned around.






The club is quiet when I roll in around four in the morning. My back aches from being on edge, which isn’t surprising since no one knew what I was up to. King’s going to shit a brick when he finds out, but it was worth it.

Entering through a side door, I go right to my office. King’s at my desk, playing a game on the computer.

“Where have you been?”

He doesn’t show any signs of moving from my seat, so I sit across from my desk.

“Took a meeting tonight.”

This gets his attention.

“With who?”

“The Inferno Bastards.”

“Jesus fucking Christ. Are you serious?”


He lets out another string of curses. “And you didn’t think it necessary to let your fucking club officers know where you were going?”

“It was risky, I’ll admit it. But Crow wanted to meet alone. I had to show that I trusted him, so he’d be able to trust me.”

“What in the fuck would you have done if it had been a trap?”

I sigh. “Stop acting like my father.”

“Then stop acting like a fucking child.”

I point to my computer. “For your information, I sent an email to you, with all the information in it. It’s set to send in an hour. If it had been a trap, then you would have found out and saved my ass.”

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