Home > Whispers from the Past (Camden Point Romance, 1)(15)

Whispers from the Past (Camden Point Romance, 1)(15)
Author: Gail Chianese

“He knows, although your gram didn’t say when he learned the truth. That’s a question you’ll have to ask him or her.”

“I can’t imagine what he felt like when he found out, or rather I guess I can because his dad was his idol and meant the world to him—”

“Just like he did to you?”

“Only he wasn’t my granddad, but my cousin.”

Colin shifted, forcing Shay to focus on him. “Love doesn’t work like that, not the real stuff. What parents feel for kids or grandkids or. . .don’t laugh, soul mates. What they feel is unconditional, Shay. Blood and pieces of paper aren’t in control and it takes a lot more than siring an offspring to make you a parent.”

“We’re not talking about one of your big cats here.”

“No, but you see it in the animal world where a pup has been abandoned by its mom and placed with another litter. That new mom takes it in and loves it, cares for it just like one of her own. Adoptive parents love their kids no less than a birth parent and sometimes more.” His voice had gone from soft and soothing to passionate and perplexed and had Shay smiling.

Someday, he’d make a great dad.

“I’m not saying Mickey O’Malley didn’t love us. I know for a fact he did and I loved him tremendously. I always will. He was the best. Hard working, dedicated to his family, always had a story to tell and a tune to whistle.” She closed her eyes as a memory washed over her of Granddad lifting her onto his shoulders. They were at a parade, the zoo? Nothing of importance now, but what was, was the fact that he had always been there for her.

“Finding out doesn’t change how I feel about my grandparents, it doesn’t make me doubt their love for me, but I can’t help feeling let down. Mickey died twenty-five years ago and I get that I was too young to learn the truth then. However—”

Colin kissed her right in the middle of a sentence. She knew that tactic of his and sat back, giving him the eye.

“If she had told you ten years ago, would you feel any different, any less disappointed?”

“Don’t get logical on me, when I’m in the middle of an emotional meltdown.”

He laughed and kissed her again. “But you’re not melting down. Yeah, you’re ranting, a little, but behind the emotions you understand why she did what she did.”

Gah! How was it, after all these years, that he still knew her so well? She wanted to be mad at him for being right, just like she wanted to be mad at her gram for lying to her, but the truth was, she understood.

Gram had done what she always did: protect those she loved from getting hurt. If Shay were in her shoes, she’d do the same thing. With that admission the hurt and disappointment, well, most of it, faded away.

“You know I’m not sure I like you very much anymore,” Shay teased.

Colin pulled her up from her spot on the step and into his lap where he could nuzzle at her neck. “Sure, you do. In fact, you’re absolutely crazy about me.”

“Crazy? Yes. About you? The jury’s still out on that.” She smiled down into his laughing face.

He placed a kiss on her collarbone. “Then I’ll have to prove my case better.” Another one went farther up her neck, right below her ear. He looked up at her, the smile she loved—gone. He’d turned serious and deep in thought and fine lines had appeared between his brows.

“Shay, you know I’m in this for the long run. I don’t know if I can promise to keep my manstick put away as requested, but I will promise no secrets between us.”

“I’m okay with those terms.” She framed his face and kissed him.

Or rather it started that way, but then Colin took over and what was meant to be quick and fun turned into something soft, sensuous, and incredibly sexy. His tongue swept over her lips, easily coaxing her mouth to open and give him access to explore. His hands caressed her back, pulling her in closer.

Colin lifted his head and ran his fingers through her hair. “I never told you why I got into ghost hunting.”

Shay put her finger across his lips. “Is it a life-changing secret?”

He shook his head no.

“Is it going to change how I feel about you or look at you?”

He thought for a moment and then shook his head.

“Then maybe the story can wait until you’ve kept that first promise or broken it. Just take me to bed, Colin. I don’t need to wait until date number two or three or whatever.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m sure that if we stay out here on the steps, we’re going to get caught doing a whole lot more than kissing by one of my neighbors.”

“As the lady wishes, then.”

Colin stood up with her still in his arms and turned so she could open the front door before he carried her over the threshold. She had no idea if he even had a clue about the significance behind that move but it wasn’t lost on her. He kicked the door shut and looked around.

“Door on the left,” she murmured as she kissed his neck and then laughed as he bounced her up and down while trying to turn the doorknob. “Put me down and it will be easier.”

She slid out of his arms, only to be pinned against the hard wood with his body. Colin tunneled his hands into her hair, framing her face while he kissed her. He devoured her mouth, throat, and worked his way down her neckline. All the while his hands had been busy with the knot at the base of her neck that held her dress up. He inhaled sharply as the top straps dropped and her naked breasts were exposed to him.

“You’re perfect,” he whispered as he gazed at her half-naked form. His eyes shuttered closed as he leaned in and kissed her.

No, she wasn’t. She was too heavy on top and her hips were too wide. Her thighs touched, her jaw was too square to be considered beautiful, and every carb she ate went straight to her ass if she didn’t spend every morning running on the sand.

“I can hear you arguing with me in your head. Stop.” He lifted his face to look her directly in the eyes. “You’re perfect to me. Gorgeous. Sexy. Intelligent. Funny. Compassionate. And I want you. Isn’t that what matters?”

How did he do that? Get into her head. Know what she was thinking and what to say to make everything better.

“The feeling’s mutual, but are we going to stand here all night yammering?” She teased because every nerve inside of her was on fire and her heart beat a little too fast.

Colin trailed a finger down her neck, across the collarbone, along what would have been the edge of her dress before circling her sensitive nipple. His mouth followed the trail left by his fingers and she arched her back offering him every inch. He kissed and licked and gently bit, leaving her crying out for more when he lifted his mouth from her.

The door behind Shay swung open and Colin grabbed her hips to steer her into the room. He backed her up until her knees hit the side of the bed and he lightly held her against the edge, her balance off, waiting for her to fall. She slipped her hands around his waist and up his shirt as she pressed into the hardness of him.

They kissed, and explored, touched, and murmured sweet nothings. He rocked his hips into her and she wrapped a leg around his to hold him closer, nearly sending them both flying backwards. Still it wasn’t enough. She craved the feel of him.

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