Home > Whispers from the Past (Camden Point Romance, 1)(19)

Whispers from the Past (Camden Point Romance, 1)(19)
Author: Gail Chianese

Yet, eighteen hours and, a quick glance at her watch confirmed, twenty-two minutes later and she’d heard zip. Zilch. Nada. . .not a damn word.

She really wasn’t sure what to make of the radio silence, but she knew she’d lost him one time before because of sheer stupidity, pride, and not communicating and she wasn’t about to do so again. This time they’d talk, listen, and compromise. First though, she needed to fix her relationship with Gram.

Maybe then Finn would stop haunting her dreams.

Now that the man—ghost—whatever had made himself known in her life and the role he played, he took his responsibilities seriously. The voice was still a whisper, but the words flowed as if acknowledging his existence had opened the floodgates. He yammered about forgiving her grandmother, trusting in true love, and oh, her favorite—wasn’t she getting too old to be on her own? She got it. She really did and didn’t need nightly lectures. Hard to believe that for years, almost three-fourths of her life for that matter, she’d prayed her granddad would talk to her like he did with her grandmother.

She really should be careful what she wished for.

Excited shouts of “Mama” had Shay looking over her shoulder to see her boss and new friend, Tory, along with Brianna, Dana, and Ava approaching. Sara held both Mia’s and Brady’s hands as they jumped up and down and looked to Shay for approval to unleash the little krakens. Shay gave a nod and the two were off and running. They would have had two more to watch, but Brianna and Dana had left their little ones at home with the dads while the four women had convened for Sunday lunch and a business meeting.

During their ladies’ night out, each of the woman had shared their story with Shay, how they’d given up on finding love and having a family of their own, except Tory who already had a daughter when she met her now husband, Matt. For the others, it wasn’t until they came to work at the Osprey Inn and it wasn’t so much that they had found love as that love had found them, smacked them upside the head, and held on tight until they accepted the gift. Now each was deliriously happy.

It was like the resort was Cupid’s personal playground.

And she was his latest victim.

“Excuse me.” A pretty woman with long blond hair approached Shay, drawing her attention away from the scene she’d been watching. “Are you Shay O’Malley?”

“Yes.” Shay shot a swift glance at the children to confirm Sara had them under control and to try to place the woman before her. “How can I help you?”

“I’m Julia Sanders with The Camden Point Herald. If you have a moment, I’d like to talk with you.”

“Did Tory set up an interview with you about the Kids Camp? No one mentioned it to me and right now we still have several children in attendance. Could I meet you in an hour, after the parents have picked up their children?”

She hated brushing off a chance for resort promo, but the five kids they had left were engaged in a game of tag and had Sara spinning to keep track of them.

“Oh, this isn’t about the resort. This is about your grandmother, Siobhan O’Malley, and her ghost.”

The blood and every muscle in Shay’s body froze.

She must have heard wrong. “Sara, take the children up to the patio for their afternoon snack,” she called over her shoulder. “I’m sorry, as you can see, we have our hands full and I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Shay turned to go, but the woman, Julia, stepped in front of her. “It’s all over Camden Point courtesy of Lilly Basil. I can go to her for the story. However, I’d rather have it from you and I would think you’d rather the residents heard the truth instead of gossip.”

Shay crossed her arms and planted her feet firmly in the sand. It was hard to look tough in your bare feet with a ponytail, so she put on her teacher face. “Didn’t you ever learn you shouldn’t believe everything you hear?”

“That’s why I’m coming directly to you.”

“Shay, what’s going on?” Tory asked from behind her.

Turning around, Shay found all four ladies standing behind her with frowns on their faces.

“Just letting Ms. Sanders know that now is not a good time to interview me on a piece about new arrivals to Camden Point.”

“What was that about Lilly Basil? What kind of trouble is she stirring up now?” Brianna asked with a heavy sigh. “That woman doesn’t know how to mind her own business.”

“It’s nothing, something about my gram—”

“The best way to deal with people like her is to ignore her.” Dana shook her head and she took Mia from Ava’s arms.

Ava stepped up next to Shay and linked her arms. “Ms. Sanders, I don’t know what Lilly told you—”

“We have a real haunted house in Camden Point,” the reporter cut in, leaving four women with jaws dropped and Shay cursing under her breath.

Damn, damn, double damn.

She hadn’t been shot by Cupid’s arrow. She’d been struck by Murphy’s Law.

“What are you talking about?” Tory asked.

“I stopped by the bakery this morning and its all Lilly could talk about. Apparently, last night she met the ghost hunters. They’re investigating Shay’s grandmother’s house where she’s being haunted by the spirit of her long dead lover. He died over fifty years ago and he’s never left her side. Isn’t that so romantic?” The reporter spoke to the fearsome foursome, but her gaze never left Shay’s face.

“That is rather sweet,” Brianna murmured.

“Oh, but that’s not all. Shay and her grandmother talk to him all the time.”

Shay wished with everything she had inside of her for a giant wave to crash onto the beach and sweep her out to sea. It was her childhood nightmare starting all over again. First would be the stares, then the not-so-quiet whispers of what a freak she was, talking to the dead. She’d learned then to keep her lips zipped and to shove away the memory of her granddad, Mickey, coming to her after he passed. In time she’d actually convinced herself that it had been a dream.

Until Finn had shoved his way into her mind.

And just like back then, someone she trusted had betrayed her.

Before it had been her big brother, Liam, who had flapped his gums and told the world and this time… This time, it could only be Colin. He was the only one on the team who knew the full story.

He had broken his promise to her.

If only she hadn’t let him shove his way back into her heart.

Because, if Colin had broken this promise, she couldn’t really expect him to keep others, couldn’t expect him to put her first. That knowledge broke her heart. There was only one thing she could do.

“Tory, I’ll have my resignation on your desk within the hour.” She took a step away and a hand latched on to her arm.

“Don’t move.” Tory turned to the reporter. “Ms. Sanders, why don’t you leave your card with Dana and if Shay is interested she can set up a time to talk. Right now, however, is not a good time and I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

The reporter took one last look at Shay before digging her card out and handing it to Dana. As soon as she was out of sight, all four women surrounded Shay.

“Why would you need to quit?” Tory asked as little Brady played at her feet in the sand.

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