Home > Love & Deception (Beautifully Twisted #1)(6)

Love & Deception (Beautifully Twisted #1)(6)
Author: Colbie Kay

I feel my own cheeks heating. Am I embarrassed now? It’s a little late for that, Cody! I take a long pull off my beer, hoping it will help cool me down. What the hell is wrong with me?

"Uh, hey,” I choke out.

She laughs, a beautiful sound, almost as beautiful as she is. "Don't get shy on me now, honey."

Chuckling, I rub the back of my neck with nervousness. "Sorry about that. You know…the whole office thing." Why am I apologizing to her?

"It's okay. I shouldn't have watched, but I couldn't help it. It was kinda hot." Her head dips down, and a rosy pink covers her cheeks.

Gripping her chin with my finger and thumb, I lift her eyes to meet mine. "If I'm not allowed to get embarrassed, neither are you. What's your name, beautiful?"

"Sh...Sonya Collins. And yours?" I’m taken aback by her question. It's not that I'm a conceited asshole or think it’s all about me, but I figured she would know who I am. This is a party for the bull riders, after all.

Regaining my composure, I answer, "Cody Sterling?"

Her gaze travels from my Stetson all the way down to my boots. "Well, from the way you're dressed, I would say you're a cowboy. I know that you were just fucking that girl in an office you probably shouldn’t have been in, but by the looks of it, you weren't really into it when I first walked in.” Her lips lift into a smirk. “I know that this is the after-party for the bull riders. Are you a bull rider? Did you ride tonight?"

A laugh bursts from me. "You would be correct. And yeah, I rode. I made it into the short circuit for tomorrow night."

Her eyes widen, and that smirk becomes a gorgeous beaming smile. "Oh yeah! I remember hearing your name. Cody Sterling. Right.” She states with a nod. “I'm sorry, I don't keep up with all that stuff. I only came because my friend enjoys the rodeo. You did have one hell of a ride tonight and were the only rider I really paid attention to, although I'm not quite sure why. You look different without the helmet, but I couldn’t really see you that well from my seat.” I find myself enthralled with her rambling. I don’t want her to stop. What the fuck is wrong with me? She continues, “Congratulations! I think this calls for a couple of shots." Lifting her arm, she yells for the bartender.

“Thanks." I smile as she stands up on her stool and leans over the counter to try and get the bartender’s attention. With no success, she glances down and finds a bottle of tequila sitting on the cooler. She quickly grabs it and slams it down between us.

With a mischievous grin, Sonya says, “I’m just gonna have to buy the whole damn bottle, I guess.” She takes a swig before passing it to me.

I burst out laughing. “I’ll split the bill with you.” I take my own shot. She beams at me as we pass the tequila back and forth. It’s nice sitting here with this woman who really doesn't know who I am. I like it, and I’m enjoying merely being here with her. Normally, I wouldn’t engage in conversation or even care to, but she’s different. I asked what her name was, and I actually care about what she’s saying. Something settles within me as we take our tequila shots.

We stayed at the bar until they kicked us out. While we didn't do much talking, we laughed at all the drunks, danced, sat next to each other listening to the music, and had an all-around good time, at least I did. I hope it was for her, too.

I introduced her to Jake, and she introduced me to Pudge, the girl Jake danced with earlier. In the short time I've known this woman, she has made a hypocrite out of me. I gave her my number, she gave me hers, and now, I’ve asked her to meet me at the fairgrounds tomorrow afternoon.

I want to spend time with her, and I'm not thinking about getting into her pants. I just want to be around her. Not only is she beautiful on the outside, but she is on the inside as well. I've never met a woman who made me think about having more than a one-night stand with her, but I want it with Sonya. I have a feeling when Sunday rolls around I'm not going to want to leave. After saying goodnight, Sonya and Pudge went one way, while Jake and I went the other.

Now, I'm lying in my hotel room, staring at the ceiling and thoughts of her fill my mind. I laugh about how we met, but it didn't ruin the great night we had. "You thinkin' about that girl?" Jake asks from his bed. I guess somebody else can't sleep either.

I roll over to face my best friend. "Yeah. I can't help it, man. She's different."

"I get it. You had a good time tonight?" He sighs heavily and shifts to stare at the ceiling.

"Better than I've had in a long time." I question, "Did you?"

"Yeah, I did. Pudge is gonna come with Sonya tomorrow."

"That's good. Let's get some sleep. We need to be rested up for tomorrow night."

“Somethin tells me one weekend with these girls ain't gonna be enough. Night, Cody."

"I’m thinkin’ you’re right. Night, Jake." With that, I flip over to peer out the hotel window to look at the city’s lights. I wonder where Sonya is and what she’s doing. Is she thinking about me, too?

No doubt about it, one weekend with Sonya Collins will not be enough.



The sun shines brightly, waking me from my deep sleep. Lifting my arms above my head, I stretch with a gleaming smile. How could one night change me? I stick the tip of my thumb into my mouth and bite down to keep my excitement contained.

As I started my day yesterday, my life was the same as it always was. Nothing changed, nothing happened, nothing made me think today is going to be different, but today I have a new outlook. I had fun with Cody last night, even after I stumbled on him and that redhead in the bathroom. And honestly, I can’t hold what I saw against him, not with what I do for the club.

Climbing out of bed, I trek into my closet and grab my favorite white summer dress and brown cowgirl boots. I walk into my bathroom and turn the shower on as I replay last night in my mind.

Pudge and I sit on the metal bench seat in the stands watching rider after rider try to get those eight-seconds on the back of the bull. Each man attempts to hang on for dear life as the bull tries to buck them off. Almost, every time, it’s the same, they’re thrown from the raging bull. Only a few have made it to the sound of the buzzer, lasting all eight-seconds.

Rodeos are more of Pudge’s thing, ergo I’ve been paying more attention to my phone until she bumps my shoulder with hers, and the announcer’s voice echoes throughout the arena with the next name, “Cody Sterling riding Double Barrel.” The crowd grows louder this round than with any of the other riders. My interest is peaked, and I try to figure out what has the audience enthralled. Our seats are too far back for me to really see much, though. My head moves left and right, trying not to miss a thing as the announcer continues, "The fans love him, the women flock to him, and the bulls want to ruin him. Cody has taken this sport by storm, and tonight you will witness it yourselves. The bull he will be riding is a powerhouse that’s had sixty consecutive buck-offs. This. Is. Double Barrel!” The announcer elongates the bull’s name, his words hyping up everyone in the stands.

As I sit here, watching entranced, the chute opens, the bull and rider spring forward. Double Barrel turns this way and that, working to rid himself of the rider. My pulse thunders and my heart beats to the same rhythm of the bucking bull. Double Barrel attempts everything he can to throw the rider off, but it doesn’t work. The clock counts to eight-seconds, each one feeling like it is taking hours. And then the buzzer rings. Cody did what sixty others who rode Double Barrel tried to do before him, but he succeeded. He got his eight-seconds in!

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