Home > Rixon Raiders : The Collection(119)

Rixon Raiders : The Collection(119)
Author: L. A. Cotton

“This is a bad idea.” Mya glared at me.

“I know.” I clambered to my feet, swaying slighting as the cool air wafted around me. “But didn’t you suggest I should add crashing a party to my list?” My lip curved deviously.

“This is not what I had in mind. I won’t say I told you so when things go to shit because it’s not my style, but I will say this: I think you should call Hailee back and say you’ve changed your mind.”

“Noted.” I gave her a defiant nod.

Mya rolled her eyes. “Fine, come on. Let’s go cause some trouble.”

“Trouble?” My lips curved into a thin line. “Who said anything about trouble?”

But she was right. I was drunk. And Jason was an asshole.

This couldn’t possibly end well.



“Hails,” I called across the bar. It was crammed for a Thursday, but I figured someone had told everyone that Jason, Asher, and Cameron were here, and like bees to honey they couldn’t resist.

Very sexy, very lickable, very bad-for-your-heart honey.

“Are you drunk?” Hailee’s eyes narrowed, her forehead crinkling like old lady skin.

“Who, me? Never!” I flashed her a mischievous smirk.

“Do I even want to know?” She cut me out, going straight to Mya.

“She called me.” The traitor held up her hands. “I’m merely the wingwoman.”

“And the liquor thief,” I mouthed.

“Liquor thief?” Hailee looked really worried now. “Did something happen?”

“Happen? What could have possibly happened?”

She grabbed my arm and pulled me close. “Flick, talk to me. This isn’t like you.”

Lots of things weren’t like me nowadays.

I let out an exasperated breath. “I just need to cut loose. Blow off some steam. Have a little fun.” I waggled my brows suggestively.

“Are you sure you’re okay? Maybe we should—”

“Fee, baby,” a voice came from behind Hailee. “Get your cute ass over here.”

I went to move around her, but she cut me off. “Flick, talk to me.”

“I’m sorry, Hails,” pulling her into my arms, I hugged my best friend tight. “I’m so sorry.”

“Sorry?” She eased back. “For what?”

“The portraits of course.”

Mya shook her head discreetly, but I levelled her with a look that told her this was between me and my best friend.

“You’re sure you’re okay?” Hails asked.

“Just feeling the pressure of senior year is all. You know how the parentals can get.”

“Your mom—”

“Is the last thing I want to talk about. Let’s forget all about parents and jerk face football players and just enjoy ourselves.”

“You do know it’s a school night?”

I shrugged. “One night won’t hurt.”

“Flick—” But I was already gone; weaving my way through the tables to where Asher and Cameron sat.

“Something you want to tell us?” Asher asked me as I slid into the booth next to him, a goofy grin plastered on my face.

“We’re here to take Hailee’s mind off things, right?” I arched my brow. “I figured what better way than to let loose a little.” My gaze landed on Asher’s beer and it was his turn to arch a brow.

“Seriously?” he asked, but I was already snatching his bottle away and bringing it to my lips. “Well, okay then.”

“Flick,” Hailee and Mya finally caught up to us. “Is that really a good idea?”

“It’s on my list remember,” I said giving her my best puppy-dog eyes.

“No way, you don’t get to pull that crap with me, not tonight.”

“Ah, the elusive list.” Asher’s arm went around my shoulder and I leaned into him slightly. He wasn’t Jason, but he smelled good and the weight of his arm around me was nice.

Too nice.

“When do we get to find out what’s on the list?”

“Never.” I grinned at him.

“Bet I could persuade you to tell me.”

“Oh yeah, and how do you plan on doing that?” I was flirting... with Asher and it felt good. He’d moved closer but so had I.

“I’m pretty creative, I’m sure I can think of—”

Someone cleared their throat and when my head lifted over to where the sound had come from, I was met with an icy cold stare that didn’t just give me chills, it froze the blood running through my veins.

“What took you so long?” Asher asked, edging away from me but not removing his arm.

“Jerry wanted to shoot the shit.” Jason’s eyes didn’t leave mine for a second but then moved to where Asher’s hand rested on my shoulder. If looks could kill, I was pretty sure we’d both be dead.

“Mya, right?” he asked sliding in beside her. “You know who I am?”

“Everyone does.” She shrugged, sitting a little straighter. I mirrored her action, desperate to see what he said next. Jason leaned in, his mouth dangerously close to her ear, and whispered something. Her gaze widened and then narrowed.

“Thanks,” Mya said coolly,” But I couldn’t be less interested if I tried.” She shot me a reassuring look, but the damage was done. Jason had flirted with her... right in front of me. Acting like it was nothing.

Like I was nothing.

Just like you’re doing with Asher.

“I’ll be back,” I said to no one in particular as I hurried from the booth. The room began to spin, but I kept going until I was in the hall leading to the restrooms.

“Felicity, wait up,” Mya called.

“I’m fine.” I waved her off, staggering toward the girls’ bathroom.

“It’s okay,” she said, gently grabbing my arm. “He’s just trying to make you jealous. I would never—”

“I know.” I finally met her eyes.

“Look, from one broken girl to another; you can’t let him win. You deserve more. You deserve everything he won’t give you.”

“I know,” the repeated words came out a whisper.

“So act like it,” Mya said. “Throwing yourself at his best friend is only lowering yourself to his level. You’re better than that. You’re better than him and if he’s going to get another chance with you, make him earn it.”

“Earn it... right?” I half-smiled. “And how do I do that again?”

“Make him think you don’t need him.”

“By not flirting with Asher?”

“His friends are definitely off-limits but I didn’t say anything about other guys.” Mya grinned mischievously. “So what do you say? Shall we get back out there, find us a couple of cute non-football players, and make your guy crazy jealous?”

My guy.

As if Jason would ever allow himself to belong to anyone.

“I guess.”

“Not good enough,” her expression darkened, “If I can survive leaving my home and the guy I’ve loved since I can remember, I’m sure you can survive a night of harmless flirting in the name of making Jason Ford realize what he’s missing.”

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