Home > Rixon Raiders : The Collection(122)

Rixon Raiders : The Collection(122)
Author: L. A. Cotton

“So what was last night then?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, why did my pig-headed step-brother pretty much carry you out of Bell’s—in front of everyone might I add—if you’re just a game?”

“He did?”

I had hazy memories of being wrapped in his arms but I hadn’t considered what it meant. That he’d done it in front of other people. Our classmates. Hailee was staring at me like she expected an answer, so I said, “Because he’s trying to win student of the year? I don’t know.”

“God, you’re dense sometimes. He likes you. It’s written all over his face every time he looks at you.”

“Hails, I don’t know what you think you know, but Jason doesn’t like me.” At least, not in the way I wanted him to.

“Come to the Seniors Night thing tonight.”

“I can’t. It’s family and friends of the team only.”

“Well I’m a guest of honor and I’m family. You can be my plus one.”

“I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

“Look,” Hailee pulled me closer to the locker bank. “Jason is as stubborn as he is good at football. But he’s different with you. I can’t explain it, but ever since New York, he’s been different. Come tonight, be there for him. And maybe after, the two of you can talk.”

“You really think it’s a good idea? He made it seem like...” My voice trailed off before I revealed too much.

Everything was so confusing. He said one thing but was constantly doing another. And despite my head knowing it was better—easier—to walk away, my heart didn’t want that.

“Don’t you at least want to know where you stand?”

“I guess...”

“So come.”

“Fine, I’ll come.” I was going to the game anyway and even if Jason didn’t want me there, Hailee, Asher, and Cameron would make me feel welcome.

Butterflies tickled my insides. I didn’t want to get my hopes up again, not where Jason was concerned. But I had hazy memories of last night. Of him undressing me and tucking me in. Of his fingers tracing my face as if I was the most precious thing in the world. He could be so gentle and tactile and warm with me. A stark contrast to the cold icy version everyone else got to see.

“Don’t look so worried.” Hailee squeezed my hand, offering me a reassuring smile.

But this was Jason she was talking about.

Which meant I didn’t need to be worried.

I needed to be terrified.



I should have known the night was doomed when the Raiders lost. The entire game had been like pulling teeth. We scored a touchdown. They got one back. We sacked their QB, they took down ours even harder. Jason was off his game, so much so we’d all witnessed Coach Hasson chew him out on the sideline more than once. It was a shitshow and everyone felt the tension on the field.

By the time we arrived at the Hassons’, nervous energy coursed through my veins.

“Relax,” Hailee said. “It’s going to be fine.”

“Did you watch the same game I did?” I asked incredulously. “We practically got our asses handed to us.”

“It was one game and it isn’t like they needed the win or anything.”

“Hails, you have so much still to learn.”

She chuckled, cutting the engine. “I know I talked you into coming tonight for Jason; but confession time, I partly did it for me.”

“Hails, he’s seen the portrait. He knows how good you are.”

“I know but this is different.” Her voice cracked. “It’s like baring myself to everyone, and that terrifies me.”

I twisted around to her. “You are so talented, babe. You have nothing to be worried about. Mr. Jalin managed to fix the damaged portraits and everyone is going to love them. All of them. This is your time to shine, Hails.”

She gave me a slight nod, but I could see the fear in her eyes. Reaching over, I squeezed her hand. “You’ve got this.”

“We’ve got this.” Her smile grew.

“Ride or die.”

“Ride or die.” Hailee gave me a small nod, before we got out of the car and made our way around the side of the house. The team were already there, their expressions somber, the mood still tense.

“Ah, Miss Raine,” Coach Hasson made his way over. “Just the person I wanted to see.”

“Hi, Coach, tough game.”

“Hmm.” His lips pressed into a thin line. “We’re not going to dwell on that tonight. We’re here to celebrate our seniors and your talent. Mr. Jalin informed me of the incident.” The way he said it suggested he knew there was more to it than what he’d been told.

“Unfortunate to have happened the day before the presentation,” he added.

Hailee tensed but kept her expression neutral. “These things happen. I’m just relieved Mr. Jalin had the foresight to take photographs of them.”

“Indeed. Now if I could borrow you for a quick moment to run through the plan.”

“Hmm, sure.” Hailee looked to me and I nodded.

“Go, I’ll be fine.” Glancing around the Hassons’ yard, I spotted Asher and Cameron with their parents. The rest of the players were standing with their families.

But not Jason.

He was sat in a chair on the edge of the gathering, drinking a beer. Jenna Jarvis sat proudly on his lap, like the Queen Bitch she was. A potent mix of anger and jealousy skittered up my spine when her eyes lifted to mine and glittered with victory.

“Flick, what’s... Oh.” Hailee reappeared. “What the hell is he playing at? She isn’t even supposed to be here, it’s a closed event,” she mumbled beneath her breath.

“It’s fine,” I steeled myself, ignoring the ache in my chest. “Let’s go get our seats.”

“You’re sure?”

“I’m here now, aren’t I?” And it wasn’t like seeing Jenna all over Jason was new to me. I’d been there and done that enough times, I didn’t just own the t-shirt, I had that crap trademarked.

I trailed after Hailee, keeping my eyes ahead. If Jason noticed me, he didn’t let it be known. Asher on the other hand, beamed at me as we approached the long table. They had been arranged in a giant U shape with the lectern at the front surrounded by Hailee’s portraits behind in a sweeping arc, and rows behind for the rest of the guests.

“Fee, baby, this is a surprise,” Asher said quietly, his gaze moving past me, probably to Jason.

“Hailee invited me as her plus one.”

“Screw that, you can be my plus one. Come on.” He patted the seat beside him.

“Isn’t someone sitting there?”

“You.” He smiled and some of my nerves subsided.

“Hey, Felicity,” Cameron added once I was seated. “How are you?”

“I’m good. Sorry for gate-crashing.” I gave him a tight smile.

“Never. You’re Hailee’s best friend which makes you one of us. Besides I think Mrs. Hasson got carried away with all the food. The more the merrier.”

“Thanks.” Before I could stop myself, I’d lifted my gaze over to where Jason and Jenna sat. He looked indifferent, barely touching her, but she was wrapped around him, hands splayed on his chest, her body turned into him slightly, sending a clear signal to everyone—to me—that tonight, Jason belonged to her.

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