Home > Rixon Raiders : The Collection(147)

Rixon Raiders : The Collection(147)
Author: L. A. Cotton

We left his office in silence, but the second we were out of earshot, I grabbed Ash’s arm. “What the fuck was that in there?”

“That was me saving your ass, so don’t be a dick and mess things up. Stick to the plan.”

“The plan? You do realize you just took the fall for something that could end your football season?”

“I know and I’d do it again if it means you get to play.”

“But... why?” I was stunned.

“Because you’re one of my best friends and I know how much State means to you. Besides, Finnigan is just looking for an excuse to come down on you and this could’ve opened up a whole can of worms you don’t need.” He went to walk off, but I tightened my grip on his arm.

“Asher, come on, think about this, it’s crazy.”

“Actually, it’s pretty simple. I’m your friend and this is what friends do. You can thank me later.” With that he yanked his arm free and strolled off as if he hadn’t just saved my dream and let his go up in flames.



Later that day, I had another score to settle.

“Jason?” Jenna’s eyes widened as I crowded her back into the girls’ locker room. Girls gasped, some shrieking as they hugged clothes to their half-naked bodies.

“Everybody out, now,” I roared, knowing full well that no one would complain. One by one, Jenna’s friends and teammates scurried out of the locker room, leaving her at my mercy.

“J- Jason, you’re scaring me.”

“Good, you should be fucking scared.” I closed the distance between us until I could smell the cloying stench of her perfume.

“What is it, what’s wrong?” She tried to regain control of the situation. Batting her eyes, brushing her hair back to reveal an expanse of tan skin, the curve of her tits.

“Not going to work, Jenna,” I seethed. “You see, I had an interesting chat with Aimee Thatcher earlier. Ring any bells?” Her face blanched, her eyes filled with fear. “I mean, you must know her right, since you’ve been visiting her house, drip feeding Thatcher things about me. About my. Fucking. Life.”

“It isn’t... it wasn’t like that.”

“So you didn’t spread your legs and let him fuck you while whispering all my secrets in his ear?”

“It’s all your fault,” she shrieked, thrusting her hands into my chest and beating hard. “You dropped me like I was nothing. And for Felicity Giles, a fucking no one.”

“Watch it, Jenna. You might think you’re the Queen Bee around here, but I can soon strip you of that title.” I could destroy her without even breaking a sweat. But I wasn’t out for blood yet, I was out for answers.

“How’d you do it?”

All morning, I’d been pondering how Thatcher got the photos of me and Felicity. I’d assumed he had one of his guys following me, but it seemed a stretch. Even for Thatcher. It wasn’t until Grady mentioned he’d seen Jenna talking to some Eagles players Friday as the fight dispersed that my mind began piecing together a more likely scenario. A quick call to Aimee confirmed my suspicions. Thatcher’s guy was in fact, a girl. A girl who, against my better judgment, had an up close and personal relationship with me.

“Jason, I—”

“Answer the fucking question.”

“I followed you, okay? I’d been watching you, noticed you always texting someone. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out who, the way you two sat staring at one another across the cafeteria.” Jealousy dripped from her words. “I didn’t plan to follow you, but I saw Felicity sneaking out and before I knew it, I’d gotten in my car. It was just a lucky break.”

A low growl tumbled in my chest and the blood drained from her face again. “I didn’t... that’s not what I meant. I just meant it was a coincidence. Please, Jason, what are you going to do?”

I slammed my hand against the wall beside her and ground out, “Only what you deserve.”

Then I walked away without a backward glance.

No matter our history, Jenna made her bed when she came after Felicity.

She could fucking rot in it.



Chapter Thirty-Five






“How are we getting on in here?” George’s head appeared around the door just as I got Benji back in his cage.

“We’re good. I just finished grooming Benji and I was going to get started on Meagan and Frieda next.” They were two of the cutest puppies I’d ever laid eyes on; mini Schnauzers I’d have struggled to tell apart if it wasn’t for their contrasting collars.

“Actually, you have a visitor.” Something flashed over his face.

“Visitor?” I washed my hands and dried them on paper towel. “Here?”

“He’s waiting out front.”


I followed George out into the hall, my mind working overtime. As we reached the doors separating the front and back of the center, George paused. “I just want you to know you’ve already made an impression here. You’re great with the animals, eager to learn, and Serena loves you, which is always a bonus.” He gave me a tentative smile. “The position is yours for however long you want it.”

“What are you—” George pushed opened the door and I gasped. “Jason? But what are you...?”

“Hey,” he gave me a hesitant smile as he approached us. “Thanks, man,” he held out his hand to George, “I really appreciate it.”

“Umm, yeah, sure.” My new boss ran a brisk hand over his head, guilt flaming his cheeks.

“Wait a minute.” My gaze narrowed, sliding between the two of them. “Did he put you up to this?”

“He may have had a hand in it,” George admitted sheepishly.

“Let me guess,” I let out an incredulous sigh, “you’re a Raiders fan?”

His cheeks turned beet red.

“I don’t know what to say.” I’d thought maybe George had found me a position because he liked me; it had never occurred to me he’d done it because Jason had asked him to.

“Can I borrow her?”

“She’s all yours.” There was an undertone to George’s words that confirmed Mya’s suspicion. He did like me. But he knew I belonged to someone else.

I gave him a half-smile. “Thank you. Should I still come by tomorrow?”

“Of course, Felicity. Like I said, the position is yours for as long as you want it.”

With a small nod, I let Jason take my hand and lead me out of New Tail. “You have some explaining to do,” I said the second we were on the sidewalk.

“And I will.” He pulled me in front of him, so we were face to face. “But first...” Jason slid his hands into my hair, tilting my face. His lips brushed over mine, slow and tender at first but it quickly became something else. Jason licked the seam of my mouth, pushing his tongue inside, finding mine. He tasted like mint, taking my breath away, as he explored every inch of my mouth. Branding me.

Possessing me.

Imprinting himself on my very soul.

When we finally broke away, we were both flushed and breathless.

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