Home > Rixon Raiders : The Collection(150)

Rixon Raiders : The Collection(150)
Author: L. A. Cotton

“Fuck,” I groaned, bolts of pleasure shooting off in all directions inside me. “Do you have any idea how good you feel?”

“Show me,” it came out breathy.

I rocked forward again, my hand sliding up one of her legs, anchoring us closer, making it so much deeper. My other hand found her neck, my fingers splaying around her possessively as I pulled out before sinking into her heat again.

My lips claimed Felicity’s again, my tongue loving her mouth, the way my body loved her. “I love you,” I whispered against her swollen lips, “I love you so fucking much.”

“I love you too, Jason. I do.”

My pace quickened, needing more. Needing everything she had to give. Our skin became damp, our kisses clumsy, all while Felicity met me thrust for thrust.

My partner.

My equal.

The girl who taught me there was more to life than the game.

Who taught me how to love.

The girl I planned on keeping for as long as she would have me.



The next morning rolled around too quickly. I’d dropped Felicity off at home last night and then gone home and drunk one too many whiskies. I was so fucking happy things between us were finally good, but there was still a lot hanging in the balance. So when Coach called me and Asher into his office after a grueling practice, I knew the wait was finally over.

“Come in, ladies,” Coach motioned for us to take a seat. “Principal Finnigan has consulted with the school board, and in light of everything, they have decided to suspend you from the team, effective immediately.”

Asher let out a heavy sigh, leaning forward on his elbows. “And Jase?”

“Principal Finnigan pushed for a suspension but the board felt that since you were coming to the aid of your teammate that a more lenient punishment was adequate.” His mouth pulled into a grim line. “You’re out for next week’s game but if we make it through to the next round, you can play.”

I sank back in the chair, running a hand down the back of my neck. I could play. If we made it to the second round of the play-offs, which I had every faith we would, I could play. But it came at a price.

Asher’s season was over.

“Coach,” I said ready to defend my teammate, my brother.

One of the best friend’s a guy could ever have.

“It’s fair,” Ash interrupted me. “I won’t contest. Besides, maybe they’ll let me wear Vinnie the Viking. Go Raiders.” It came out drolly despite the defeat in his eyes.


“It’s cool, bro.” He shrugged. “I knew what I was doing when I went down there to meet Thatcher.”

Coach Hasson watched us, watched me. He knew. Deep down, I didn’t doubt he knew the truth, but he was letting it play out this way because sometimes good men had to make sacrifices, and without Asher’s sacrifice, the Raiders would be going into the play-offs without their star player.

“I’m sorry it came to this, real damn sorry,” he addressed Asher. “You’re a good kid, Bennet, and I don’t doubt you’re going to have a successful career with the Pittsburg Panthers. Principal Finnigan might get the final say on whether or not you play, but it’s my team and my field and I expect to see you sitting there on the bench supporting your teammates, you hear me?”

“I wouldn’t be anywhere else, Coach.”

“Good, now get out of here.”

The door clicked shut behind Asher, sucking the air from the room.

“You know, I couldn’t sleep last night. I lay there worrying I was about to lose not one but two of my best players going into the play-offs. It’s a Coach’s worst nightmare.”

“Coach, I—”

“You listen up and listen good, Jason,” he gritted out, disappointment rippling off him. “I don’t know all that happened with Thatcher and quite frankly, I don’t want to know. But you have got to learn to channel your anger, Son. You think I don’t know kids like you and Thatcher? Hell, I used to be you. I thought I was untouchable, a god on and off the field. But my old man refused to let me forget who I was and where I came from. He kept my feet firmly on the ground.

“I know you and Kent have issues, I know it hasn’t been easy growing up in his shadow, but for the love of God, do not throw away what could be the opportunity of a lifetime for the likes of the Thatcher’s of the world. You’re better than that. You take all the crap, all the anger and resentment, and channel it into football. Or if that fails, you find yourself a damn good woman to help keep you grounded.”

I chuckled at that. I’d gotten to know Mrs. Hasson quite well over the years and it wasn’t any secret she kept Coach in line.

“This Miss Giles. You think it could be serious?”

“I think so, Sir.”

“Good, you hold onto her and don’t let go, you hear me? When you have the world at your feet like you do, girls are a dime a dozen. They’ll all want a piece of the action, the glory, but it’s a rare thing to find a girl who will see beyond all that. A girl who will stick around long enough to realize there’s more to you than football.”

“Got it,” I said, trying to disguise how deeply his words affected me.

“There’s just one last thing before you leave. I thought you might like to know the school board are issuing a full investigation into Mr. Thatcher and Miss Jarvis. They won’t get away with this, Jason. But I’m begging you. Let the authorities handle it from here on out.”

“I think I can do that, Coach.”

“Glad to hear it. Okay, get out of here. We have a game to prepare for. Just because you’re out for the first game doesn’t mean I don’t expect one-hundred-and-ten percent at practice, okay?”

Nodding, I moved to the door, pausing. “Hey, Coach, you ever get into trouble back in the day?”

“Does a bear shit in the woods?” A rare smirk lifted the corner of his mouth. “Now go, before I change my mind.”

The locker room had cleared out by the time I was done. Only Asher remained, sitting on the bench near his locker cage. “Hey,” I said, dropping down beside him.

“Hey,” he mumbled, kicking his sneakers against the floor.

“Why, Ash?” I’d already asked him the question but that was before the sentence had been handed down.

“Because this was always how it was supposed to be; you get the girl and the glory.”

“Ash, come on…” I nudged his shoulder with mine.

“It’s all good.” Raking a hand through his hair, he finally lifted his eyes to me, but his smile was distant. “It’s your dream, man, so make it count.”

With a small nod, he got up and walked out of the locker room. Leaving me sitting there with nothing but my regrets.

They said heavy was the head that wore the crown. Well my crown was coiled in guilt and shame, and it weighed a fucking ton.



Chapter Thirty-Seven






My eyes flicked to the wall clock for the tenth time in less than ten minutes.

“Felicity, sweetheart, is something wrong with your food?”

“No, Mom, it’s great.” I forced a smile, pushing the noodles around my plate. “I… umm… it’s just, well, there’s something I want to talk to you about. Two things actually.” I’d hoped to sit down with her and Dad, but he got held up at the office again, and I figured it might be a blessing in disguise. If I broke the news to her first, then she could help break the news to my dad.

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