Home > Rixon Raiders : The Collection(155)

Rixon Raiders : The Collection(155)
Author: L. A. Cotton

“Excellent. We can set aside some time before the holidays to get these submitted if you’d like?”

“Sounds good to me.”

“I noticed you’ve picked two out of state schools and Temple University.”

I nodded, feeling my throat close. “I want to keep my options open.”

“Having options is good. Not that I suspect you’ll have any problems, with your transcripts looking as strong as they do.”

I tapped my knee rhythmically, forcing a smile. “Great, can I...?” I thumbed to the door.

“Actually, before you go, I just wanted to ask how things are... socially.”

“Socially?” My brows pinched.

“Yes. I’m aware you’ve made quite good friends with Hailee Raine and Felicity Giles.”

“That’s correct.”

“And they are currently dating Cameron Chase and Jason Ford.”

“Miss Hampstead, if you have something to say, just say it.”

She let out a small sigh, her expression softening. “I’m sure you’re more than aware of the recent issues between Jason, and Lewis Thatcher over at Rixon East High.”

“It’s hard not to be aware.” Football was to Rixon what oxygen was to the human race.

“I just want you to be careful, okay? You’re new here and you’re...” She swallowed hard.

“You can say it, I am fully aware that I’m the odd one out.”

“Rixon is a good town with a lot of good people, Mya. But small towns like this can also be difficult places for... outsiders.”

“You mean people of color?” My brow rose sardonically.

She sighed. “Rixon High likes to pride itself on being inclusive, Mya, but the reality is over ninety-six percent of our students are White American.”

“I’m in the four percent club, got it.”

“Mya, I know this isn’t an easy conversation to have, but I just wanted you to know that I’m here, if you need anything to make your time with us easier, or if a problem arises.”

“Sure thing, Miss Hampstead. I appreciate it.” But what I really wanted was to get the hell out of her office.

“Okay, well, I think that’s it for now. My door is always open.”

With a small nod I left her, only to bump into another face of concern.

“Hey, everything okay?” Felicity was waiting for me.

“Yeah, just the usual. Newsflash, did you know ninety-six percent of the student body at Rixon High are white?”

“She said that?”


“Wow, that’s… I don’t really have any words.”

“Welcome to my world,” I grumbled as we made our way toward class.

“So, me and Hailee were talking at the weekend and we think we should do something epic for New Year.” Felicity looped her arm through mine.

“How epic are we talking?” I gave her a sideways glance. “Because the last time you wanted to do something epic you got a very real, very permanent tattoo.”

Her cheeks flushed. “Not that epic. But Rixon on New Year’s Eve is hardly anything to shout home about. Usually, Asher has a big party and everyone gets so wasted they can’t even remember what year it is the next morning.”

“I thought you never went to his parties before this year?”

“We didn’t. But people talk.” She shrugged. “Anyway, I told you about the time we went to New York with the guys?”

“You mean the time you gave it up to Jason?”

“Ssh!” She hugged me closer. “That is not the point right now. Asher’s cousins are super rich and know all the best clubs. And this time, you can come with us.”

“Hmm, I’m not sure. That sounds kind of—”

“You have to come. Even if we don’t go clubbing, we can stay in the swanky penthouse again and have our own private party. It’s our last New Year’s before college. We’ve got to make it one to remember.”

“It sounds kind of expensive.”

“Oh hush, we’ll probably just throw in some cash for gas. Asher’s dad will handle the penthouse and the guys will buy all our drinks. The only thing you’ll really need is a killer outfit.”

“It’d just be the six of us?”

She shrugged again. “I guess, unless Vaughn and Riley join us again. But I’m not sure how I feel about her coming around Jason.”

I grabbed her hand, inspecting her nails. “Is that your claws I see coming out?”

“Uh, Mya, you didn’t see her. She was like a freakin’ model.”

“Hmm, have you looked in a mirror lately? You’re gorgeous, girl. Besides Jason loves you.” Even I couldn’t deny Rixon’s star quarterback loved my friend something fierce. He’d softened a lot since they’d finally got their act together.

A bolt of pain shot through my heart but I ignored it.

“Yeah, you’re right. You’re totally right.” She gave me a warm smile. “Oh look, class calls. See you at lunch?”

“Yep, if I survive two hours of biology.”

“Good luck with that.” She chuckled.

We parted ways and I headed into class. Felicity knew bits and pieces about my past, about Jermaine. But she didn’t know all the gritty, painful details.

No one did.

And I never wanted them to.



Before I joined Felicity and Hailee in the cafeteria for lunch, I headed to my locker to trade some books. Once I was done, I finally caved and checked my cell phone, instantly regretting it. Four messages. Three from Jermaine, and one from my girlfriend, Shona.


* * *


J: Call me, I need you.


* * *


J: Why you gotta be this way, Mya? I miss you. I love you. I need you... I’m nothing without you, baby girl.


* * *


J: For real, it’s going to be like that? Your mama won’t even tell me where you’re at.


* * *


Shona: It’s bad, girl. Call me xo


* * *


My stomach sank, my insides torn apart as my head and heart warred over what to do. Part of me, the part who would always be a young naïve girl in love, wanted to call Shona and see what was going down. But the other part, the part who knew making that call only led down a road to more hurt and heartache, quickly deleted all four text messages.

When I’d first left Fallowfield Heights, our small neighborhood in the heart of Badlands, Mom had wanted me to get a new number, but I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t cut myself off completely. Maybe one day, I would.

But today was not that day.

Pushing down the worry, I made my way to the cafeteria, aware of the odd stare as I wound my way through the tables to get to Felicity and Hailee. I let them roll off my back though. You soon got used to being one of the four percent—one of the only Latina girls in a predominantly white school. Even if the licks of curiosity, of wariness and disapproval were like a thousand tiny blades over my skin.

Rixon High didn’t only love a minority story though. It loved any kind of gossip it could get its hands on, and despite being the girlfriends of two of the most popular guys in school, my friends weren’t immune to their peers’ scrutiny. Sure, they didn’t have to deal with insults or rumors based on the color of their skin or where they came from, but they had to deal with their fair share of bullshit. And like me, they handled it with grace and the attention it deserved.

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