Home > Rixon Raiders : The Collection(161)

Rixon Raiders : The Collection(161)
Author: L. A. Cotton

“I see.”

My eyes narrowed. “What the hell does that mean?”

“I, hmm, nothing. It means nothing.” Her lips thinned and I didn’t like the cautious look in her eyes. “What did she say?”

“She kicked me out of her aunt’s house quicker than you can say, ‘Go Raider’s’.”

“That sounds like Mya.”

“So,” I flounced back against the locker bank. “I need to know what happened between them.”


“Because I need to know what I’m up against here.”

“You like her,” she deadpanned. “You really like her.”

“You sound surprised?” My brow quirked up.

“No, I mean Mya’s hot and you’re… well, you’re you.” Felicity’s eyes went wide, darting around us as if she was worried Jase might appear at any second. “But I didn’t think it was anything serious.”

Ignoring that, I said, “I’m flattered you think I’m hot, Fee, but that ship has sailed.” My smile fell, my heart falling right along with it.

Jesus, I was confused.

I liked Mya, there was no denying that.

But my heart couldn’t forget the first girl it had felt something for.

Something real.

“Asher…” Sadness washed over her.

“Hey, it’s all good, right?” I flashed her a reassuring grin, turning my easy charm back on. “We’re friends and you’re with Jason now. Everything worked out the way it was supposed to, but now I need you to help me.”

“With Mya.”

I nodded.

“I’m not sure she’s looking for anything right now. Things with her ex ended badly and…” Guilt glittered in Flick’s eyes. “I’ve already said too much.”

Actually, she hadn’t said enough.

“Listen, you can either help me or I can find out myself.”

“Why is this so important to you?” Felicity stared up at me as if I’d lost my damn mind.

And it occurred to me, maybe I had.

But I saw something in Mya, felt it every time I was around her. I couldn’t explain it, but I couldn’t just ignore it either. Especially not since my two best friends had gone and gotten themselves loved up.

“Do you actually like her, or is this just some game, because I’m not—”

“Come on, Flick, you know me better than that. I like her, okay? There’s something in her eyes…” I swallowed the words, realizing how fucking stupid I sounded. “She ever talk about me?”


“Shit, don’t answer that.” I’d obviously misread the situation. Way to go, jackass.

“Want my advice?” Felicity asked.


“Don’t force it. If it’s meant to be, things will find a way of working themselves out. And if it’s not meant to be, you can still be friends. Besides, it’s not like Mya will be here forever. She’ll have to go home eventually and then there’s college.”

My chest tightened at that. I hadn’t really given much thought to what happened down the line. Focusing only on what happened now.

Or what I wanted to happen.

“You can’t escape destiny,” I said with arrogant conviction, earning me a snicker from Flick.

“And you and Mya are destiny?”

“Written in the stars, baby. She’s running from her past. I’m...” Shit. I swallowed the words but there was no avoiding Felicity’s scrutinizing gaze.

“You’re what?”

“Nothing. Thanks for the help. I’ll catch you later?”

“Later?” Her face paled.

“Yeah, you guys are still coming over, right? I thought we were having a movie night?” And since I was the only one with the home movie theater, we usually crashed at mine.


“You have other plans.” My chest tightened.

“It’s just with this exhibition game and Jason walking around like a bear with a sore head, I wanted to do something to cheer him up.”

“Hey, you can be cheery at my house… aaaand you don’t mean that kind of cheering up. You mean cheer-sex.”

“Asher!” The skin along her neck flushed pink.

“Fine. Go cheer-sex your guy. I guess I’ll make do with Hailee and Cameron.”

“Hmm...” Guilt flashed in her eyes and I groaned.

“Let me guess. The cheer-sex stuff comes after a double date?”

“We just didn’t think you’d want to—”

“I get it. Nobody likes playing third wheel.” Or in this case, fifth. “Well, have fun.” I didn’t mean to sound as bitter as I did. But fuck, if it didn’t sting being dropped by your best friends for couples’ night.

“I’m sure it would be okay if you came with us.”

“And cramp your style? Nah, I’m good.” I forced a smile. “You guys go have fun. I’ll be fine.”

“You’re sure? I made reservations at that new restaurant on the edge of town. Jason’s dad recommended it.”

“Does Jason know that?”

“It can be our secret.”

“Sure.” I had enough of those, what was one more?

“We’ll all hang out tomorrow?”

“Yeah, of course.” It came out strained. “Have fun tonight.” I gave her a two-fingered salute and stalked down the hall, wondering when life got so fucking complicated.

On the face of it, everything had changed at the beginning of senior year, when Hailee and Cameron started eye-fucking each other across the cafeteria. But the truth was, things had felt off for me for a while. Before the girls turned our world upside down.

Senior year was supposed to be the best time of our lives. But sometimes it felt like a noose around my neck.

I shouldered the door and stepped out into the murky cold air, when I spotted a blur of spiral curls, ripped jeans, and military boots. “Oh, hell no,” I murmured as I cut across the lot. “Mya, wait up,” I yelled.

I hadn’t seen her all day, and I was pretty sure it was because she was avoiding me.

“You need a ride?” I asked, slowing down to her pace.

“I’m good but thanks for the offer.” She wrapped her arms around her waist, hugging her jacket tight to her body.

“Come on, it looks like another storm is about to hit and your aunt lives three miles out.”

“I don’t know...”

“I’ll be on my best behavior. Scout’s honor.”

“You expect me to believe you were a boy scout.”

“Okay, you got me, but I swear I have no ulterior motive this time.”

Her dark eyes searched mine, eventually softening around the edges. “I wouldn’t say no to a ride downtown.”

“You’re not heading home?”

Mya shrugged. “My aunt has her friends coming over and I don’t much feel like listening to them gossip. And Flick and Hailee are…” she trailed off.

“It’s cool, I just got the memo. Sucks to be us, huh?”

“Better than them trying to get us to triple date.”

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