Home > Rixon Raiders : The Collection(185)

Rixon Raiders : The Collection(185)
Author: L. A. Cotton

“Welcome, friends, to our annual Christmas Eve celebration,” Dad started. “I think I say this every year but the chance to spend quality time with those we love is something I don’t take for granted. So thank you for choosing to spend your evening with us. We hope you enjoy the good food, good drinks, and questionable conversation. Merry Christmas, everyone.”

“Merry Christmas.” The crowd’s cheer rattled in my chest and I felt like raising my glass in the air and declaring my own version of Merry Fucking Christmas. Because nothing about watching my friends and their families hang onto every word of my father’s speech felt merry.

“That seemed a little on the short side,” Jason whispered out of the side of his mouth. “I was expecting an ode to Asher; apple of my eye, fruit of my loins type of speech.”

“Fuck you.” I mouthed, cracking a small smile. Dad wasn’t wrong, the drinks were good, the lingering warmth of his whisky running through my veins giving me a slight buzz.

“Son,” a heavy hand landed on my shoulder. “Can I borrow you for a second?”

“Sure thing, Dad.” It’s not like I have a choice.

“I’ll return him to you in one piece,” he said to my friends.

It was a joke.

A fucking joke.

And yet, it felt like a gunshot to the chest.

“What’s up, Dad?” I cleared my throat, aware of the slight slur to my words.

“You know the Ginlys, don’t you?” He guided me over to a tall man with thinning gray hair. “Malcolm, you remember my son, Asher.”

The man extended his hand. “How could I forget? Congratulations on a great season, son.”

“Thanks.” I gritted out. Of course he fucking remembered me. I’d been in his daughter’s class since grade school. Not to mention the fact, I knew he was an avid Raiders fan.

So what the hell was my father playing at?

“Malcolm was telling me earlier that Kellie has just accepted a full athletic scholarship to Pittsburgh. Isn’t that great?”

“Yeah,” the blood drained from my face, as realization dawned on me. This was a set up. My father’s attempt at keeping my eye on his future and off distractions.

Distractions like Mya.

My heart withered in my chest. He was never going to accept me dating her. No matter how bright or intelligent or beautiful she was.

Mya didn’t fit into the plan.

His plan.

So this was my father’s lame-assed attempt at redirecting things.

“Ah, talk of the devil. Hey, sweetie.” Malcolm placed his arm around Kellie’s shoulder and pulled her into the conversation. She batted her eyes right at me, smiling coyly. “Hey, Asher.”

“Kellie.” I gave her a dismissive nod.

“Did you hear?” She tucked a lock of blonde hair behind her ear. “We’re going to be Panthers together, isn’t that great?”



My pulse spiked at the sound of Mya’s voice but it was nothing compared to the way my heart went into overdrive as I turned around and laid my eyes on her. No, that didn’t do justice to the way I drank her in. Fuck… she looked…I swallowed hard trying to gather my thoughts. But all I could see was the black silk gliding over her body like a waterfall, ending just above her knee, cinching at her waist and flowing over her hips. Her wild curls were tamed off her face with a big Diamanté hair clip and her shoes... holy crap, her shoes were six inches of pure sex.

“You came.” The corner of my mouth lifted as I raked a hand through my hair.

“I did.” Mya grinned back. “These heels are killing me though and I could really do with a drink.”

“Then let’s get you a drink.” I stepped toward her when my father’s cough yanked me back.

“Aren’t you going to introduce us, Son?”

“Of course.” I gave Mya a tight smile, hoping she could see the apology in my eyes for whatever shit was about to come out of his mouth. Stepping to the side of her, I gave my father my full attention, silently begging him not to be an ass.

“You must be Mia,” he said warmly. “Asher’s friend from school.”

“It’s My—” Mya’s hand slid against mine, and she squeezed gently.

“It’s Mya,” she said politely. “You have a lovely home, Sir.”

“Thank you. I’m sure it must be a lot for you to take in.”

She went rigid beside me and I wanted to lunge at my father and ask him what the fuck his problem was. But if I wanted Mya to stick around, I knew that was the wrong move.

“Well, if you’ll excuse us. Mr. Ginly, Kellie,” I said with as much gusto as I could muster. “Enjoy the rest of the party.”

Dad gave me a curt nod, his eyes filled with an unspoken warning. But nothing could dampen my mood now Mya was here.

She made me soar.

And the quicker I got her away from his toxicity the better.

Grabbing her hand, I guided her through the house to the kitchen, hardly surprised when I found my friends crowded around the huge breakfast island playing beer pong.

“Mya, you made it.” Flick was the first to spot us. She came over and took my girl’s free hand. “You look amazing. No wonder you’re late. Come on, I’ll get you a drink.”

I let her go, wandering over to the guys.

“Told you, you had nothing to worry about,” Jase said smugly. “She cleans up good.”

“I don’t know,” I mused. “She looks... different.” Sure, Mya had a sexy and seductive thing working for her tonight, but I couldn’t help but wonder if her extreme makeover was all for show.

“Are you fucking blind? She looks hot as sin.”

That was just it though. To me Mya always looked hot. It was her unapologetic, individual style that caught my eye in the first place. The way she carried herself, the way she wore her own skin. But tonight she looked like every other woman in the room, dressed to the max, wearing far too much makeup, and even faker smiles.

“For real? You’re sulking because she dressed up?”

“It’s not that. It’s just I can’t help but think she did all this to fit in.”

“She seems happy.” Cam flicked his head toward the girls who were drinking and talking. Mya seemed at ease, her smile warm and eyes alight with interest.

“Well this has been enlightening and all,” I declared. “But I need some time with my girl.”

Jase gave me a sly grin. My friend’s quiet laughter followed me as I approached the girls. Felicity saw me first, her eyes dancing with approval as I slid my arms around Mya and pulled her against my chest. “Hi,” I whispered against the shell of her ear, desperate to kiss her there.

Her breath caught as she turned slightly to see me. “Hi, yourself.” There was something in her eyes, a fierce possessiveness I’d never seen before.

“You okay?”

“I’m good. You?” she replied coolly.

Yeah, something was definitely off with her.

“Come on.” I grabbed her hand and led her out of the furthest kitchen door, the one leading to the second set of stairs. It was quieter back here; the area usually off limits for guests.

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