Home > Rixon Raiders : The Collection(182)

Rixon Raiders : The Collection(182)
Author: L. A. Cotton

“Asher.” One hand curled into my jacket. “We should probably...”

Don’t say it.

Don’t fucking say it.

“Slow down.”

A groan of frustration worked its way up my throat, but I smiled at her as I slowly eased up. “You’re going to drive me insane, Hernandez.”

Mya smiled. And it was so pure, so fucking honest, I felt myself fall even deeper into her.

“I’m sorry.”

“Never be sorry with me. Ever. You like something we’re doing, tell me. You don’t like something we’re doing, tell me. You need me to slow down, tell me. You need me to speed up...” my brow rose suggestively. “Definitely tell me.”

She batted my chest, gawking at me as if I’d lost my damn mind.

“It’s one of the things I love most about you, Mya. You’re not afraid to speak up. I don’t ever want to silence you. No matter how blue my balls become.”

“Oh God, stop.” She was laughing now. “You have a hand. Use it.”

I crowded her again, kissing a path from her lips to the shell of her ear. “Oh, I do,” I whispered. “And I always think of you.”

“Asher...” My name on her lips was like music to my ears.

“Come on, you, let’s go hang with the others.”

“For real?” The surprise on Mya’s face was so fucking adorable. As if part of her actually expected me to throw her over my shoulder and stalk off to my cave to have my way with her.

I mean, thinking it wasn’t the same thing as doing it. Right?

I dropped a kiss on her head before pulling her up and hooking my arm around her shoulder. “Me and you, Mya. On our terms, okay?”

“Okay.” She swallowed nervously.

I chuckled, leading her back inside to join our friends, feeling like the motherfucking King of the world.



Chapter Fifteen






The second we stepped into Felicity’s living room, silence fell over the four of them. Jason smirked, grumbling something that sounded like, ‘about fucking time’. Flick elbowed him in the ribs, making him grunt in pain. Asher chuckled, taking me by the hand and pulling me over to the empty loveseat. He sat down first, tugging me down beside him and wrapping his arm around me as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

“So,” Flick said, her eyes darting from me to Asher and back again, “does this mean you two are together now?” She fought a grin.

“We’re…” I looked at Asher, unsure I wanted to define or put a label on us when everything still felt so new.

“Taking it slow,” he answered for me. “But just so we’re clear, I don’t intend on looking at another girl, let alone touching one.” He wasn’t looking at me, but I felt the words all the way down to my soul. It was his not so discreet way of letting me know he was all in, and I couldn’t deny it did soften something inside me.

“That is so cute.” Flick was grinning now.

“Fucking nauseating if you ask me.” Jason groaned.

“Do I look like I care?” Asher pulled me closer, dropping a kiss on my head. “I finally got the girl. I think it gives me a free pass for tonight at least. Besides, I have to watch you clean Fee’s teeth on a regular basis.” He flipped Jason off.

“Just be thankful you don’t have to watch me clean her pus—”

“JASON!” Felicity shrieked, clapping her hand over his mouth. “That is disgusting.”

“Nah, babe, it’s fucking delicious,” he mumbled against her palm.

“Seriously though, man, we’re happy for you.” Cam gave us a small nod, shifting Hailee who was curled in his lap, her head resting on his chest. “At least now we can go out without you moaning like a little bitch,” he teased.

“Fuck you. I just so happen to be an awesome fifth wheel.”

“Hey.” I pinched his rib. “What are you trying to say?”

Asher’s eyes slid to mine, shining with lust and other things I wasn’t ready to acknowledge. “You know I want you, Hernandez. It’s you who’s got us moving at a snail’s pace.”

“Ash…” My cheeks burned as I felt everyone watching us, no doubt wondering what he was talking about.

“Say it again,” he breathed, eyes wide with awe.

“Say what?” My brows knitted.

“Ash. You called me Ash.”

“I did?” I hadn’t even noticed.

“Yeah, you did. You know what that means, Hernandez?”

“No, but I have a feeling you’re going to tell me.”

He leaned in, brushing his nose over mine, completely forgetting we had an audience. “It means you must really, really like me.”

“You’re okay I guess.” I smothered the laughter building.

“Say it, Mya. Admit you like me.”

“You really need to hear me say it?” He’d pulled me into his bubble and I couldn’t deny him even if I’d wanted to.

He gave me a small nod, his eyes pleading with me.

“I like you.” It was a whisper, meant only for his ears. But in true Asher Bennet fashion, he threw his head back and roared, “She likes me. Mya Hernandez likes me.”

Laughter exploded all around us, our friends infected with his excitement.

“You’re crazy,” I said, fisting his jacket, coaxing him to come back to me.

“Yeah, you’re right, I am. I’m crazy for you.” He attacked my mouth with his, kissing me clumsily. Greedily. Pushing his tongue into my mouth and tangling it with my own.

This didn’t feel like going slow. It felt like falling recklessly and hopelessly into each other, giving no thought to how hard we might crash.

“Asher,” his name was a breathless whisper as I tried to hold onto my last shred of defenses against him.

But it was futile.

Asher was my weakness.



“What’s got you so happy?” Aunt Ciara eyed me across the table the next morning.

“Nothing,” I said, averting my eyes.

“Don’t be thinking I’m some fool. You’ve got that young and in love look. Please tell me you didn’t fall for that athlete’s charm?”

“Asher, Auntie, his name is Asher.”

“I don’t need to be knowing his name. He’s bad news and I thought you were smarter than this, my girl.”

“Auntie, please.” Guilt coiled around my heart. I didn’t want to disappoint her. Not when she was one of the last people left in my life who cared.

My visit home had been a disaster in more ways than one. My mom had barely been around, tied up at The Diamond with work. She’d invited me to hang out there with her, but I couldn’t bring myself to be in that place. To see her draped over Keelan, waiting on his every need, or even worse up on stage dancing for him and his friends.

A painful shudder worked through me.

When I’d given her my new cell phone number, she’d hugged me tight and told me it was the right thing. That she was real relieved I was finally letting go of Jermaine and my life in Fallowfield Heights.

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