Home > Get It Right (Love at Knockdown #1)(17)

Get It Right (Love at Knockdown #1)(17)
Author: Skye Kilaen

“Let me help you,” she whispered against Finn’s lips.

All Finn could do was nod, breathless, feeling Vivi’s hands cupped over hers and all that weight and softness. She didn’t find words again until she’d stroked Vivi’s nipples through her shirt, mouthed them through the thin cotton, then stood to help Vivi push the little white tank top up and over her head.

“You’re so gorgeous,” Finn blurted, because it was true. Vivi’s breasts eased down even more without the shirt, beautiful tear shapes with large dark nipples. Her belly curved out above her waistband, rich and inviting. Her face and throat were flushed, framed by dark hair tumbling every which way, and her deep, intense eyes were everything Finn had ever wanted to see.

Vivi grinned. “When I saw you in the hallway at the clinic, looking like that, even in the split second before I knew it was you…”

Finn took Vivi’s hand and pulled her to the bed and down onto it, Vivi laughing all the way until she was on her back and coaxing Finn on top of her.

Then Finn’s entire world was Vivi’s smooth skin under her hands and Vivi’s sweetness in her mouth. She’d never felt anything better than the almost-ache of her own arousal and this beautiful, magical, passionate woman beneath her. Vivi was soft in ways Finn had barely dared to dream about, and her hands skimmed down Finn’s ribs like a beautiful shiver while Finn kissed her throat, behind her ear, her collarbone.

Vivi ran one of her fingertips lightly over her own nipple and just seeing it was so damn sexy Finn wondered if she might die. Happily. No regrets.

“Put your mouth here again?”

Fuck dying. Finn laid an open-mouth kiss on Vivi’s finger. She changed her angle for the next kiss, used her tongue, kept Vivi’s hand there when she tried to pull it back.

“Keep going,” Finn whispered, hoping it sounded sexy instead of bossy. From the breathless moan it provoked, she guessed Vivi appreciated it just fine.

She licked over Vivi’s nipple as Vivi played with it, nipping and sucking at her finger too until both were slick and wet. Vivi was grinding up against Finn’s stomach now, needy, making noises Finn would have swallowed up with kisses if her mouth hadn’t been otherwise occupied.

She got a finger hooked into Vivi’s waistband, tried to get her little shorts off, but they got stuck on those beautiful wide hips. Vivi wriggled, trying to help, and dissolved into giggles when their combined efforts utterly failed to coordinate. She stopped helping when Finn stripped off her own t-shirt, though, her mouth falling open as she watched. Finn wasn’t going to slow down now, but she sure didn’t mind the validation. The grey sports bra and blue boxer briefs went next, and finally Finn was naked with Vivienne Curiel and it was possibly the best decision she’d ever made.

She’d imagined making this last. But now she was here between Vivi’s legs, staring down at her lust-struck face and the luscious curves and swells of her body, and the only thing Finn wanted in the world was to make Vivi come.

“I don’t want to go too fast,” she confessed, reaching to stroke Vivi’s cheek.

Finn’s hand was intercepted and Vivi curved it around her hip. “We can go slow next time.”

Next time. They were going to have a next time. It was almost too much joy to hold.

When Finn went in for another kiss, Vivi caught Finn’s lip and dragged it between her teeth, a sharp shock of pleasure. Finn hadn’t known she’d like that sting. Vivi kissed her again, coaxed Finn’s hand towards her pussy, but Finn kept getting distracted by Vivi’s rolling hip and soft belly and inner thigh.

“Finn,” Vivi pleaded.

“What do you want me to do?” Specific direction. That’s what she needed.

“Fuck me? Two fingers? I’ve had so many dirty thoughts about your hands.”

Finn had to drop her forehead to Vivi’s shoulder for a second to breathe. “Yeah. That— Yeah.”

Her first time feeling Vivi’s pussy made Finn actually whimper, and she couldn’t even feel embarrassed, because fuck’s sake it was amazing. Satiny and slick and so, so hot. Her fingers wanted to map everything between Vivi’s legs, stroking, luxuriating. She teased along the sides of Vivi’s clit with her middle finger, pressed harder, started a slow circle. Vivi’s moan of pleasure almost blew a fuse in Finn’s brain.

It wasn’t what Vivi had asked for, though, and Finn could do more of that later. They had time. Finally, after all the longing, all the waiting, all of the trying to push these emotions away, they had time. She straddled Vivi’s thigh, her own cunt meeting skin, and slipped two fingers inside the woman she loved. She got her thumb in the right place to work Vivi’s clit and let the motion of her own hips rock her hand. Vivi pushed up, taking her in, wrapping one arm around Finn’s neck and the other around her back to pull them as close as they’d ever been.

“I missed you so much,” Vivi gasped. “I love you, I love you.”

Finn whispered the same things back, again and again, until Vivi arched up against her, tightening around her hand and shuddering with a loud cry. She caught Finn’s lips in another bruising kiss, encouraging Finn to ride her thigh until Finn buried her face in Vivi’s hair and dug her toes into the mattress as the pleasure exploded through her cunt and belly and heart.

After their heart rates had dropped, they both fought having to disentangle, even with all the stickiness and sweat. Finn’s lip throbbed, which she did not mind at all, but Vivi fussed after they’d cleaned up and brought her a piece of ice wrapped in a damp washcloth. Which was probably smart since she had an interview tomorrow.

“I dig your wild side,” Finn told her around the cloth. “Bite me whenever you want.”

Vivi just laughed and told her to lie down.

Finn did. For the first time since she’d walked into the holding cell the day of her arrest, she was in a real bed with nice sheets, and the only lock on the door worked from the inside. A few minutes later, Vivi’s fingers interlaced with hers. Finn squeezed them.

Vivi squeezed back. “Say it again?”

It took Finn a second to realize what she meant. “I’m in love with you, Vivienne Mary Curiel. I started falling in love with you the first time you put an ice pack on the back of my neck and I never, ever stopped.”

“Will you tell me every day?”

Finn nodded. “You might want to set a ceiling on the number of times. Safety first.”

Vivi rolled her eyes to the ceiling, but she was grinning, like this person is ridiculous and I adore her.

Finn could totally live with that.

Vivi seemed to have lucked out with quiet neighbors. Maybe they’d all get home at two in the morning and start using their table saws while tuning their motorcycle engines. For now, though, it was peaceful. Nobody rustling or thrashing in nearby bunk beds. Nobody crying at night hoping nobody else would hear.

It was the easiest Finn had fallen asleep in years.



Chapter Ten



Finn woke up to the sound of Vivi already up and doing something in the kitchen. She reached out and managed to pull her phone to her face. Well, that explained why Finn hadn’t woken up early enough to assist. It was 5:37 in the morning.

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