Home > Collision Course (Westin Force #3)(2)

Collision Course (Westin Force #3)(2)
Author: Julie Trettel

“As always,” I teased with a grin.

“You really are an asshole. I don’t even know why we’re friends.”

“You have a big enough head around here without me gushing over your work like a little schoolgirl. Just keeping your feet firmly planted on the ground.”

“So I should thank you then?”

“Of course. I think a seventy-five percent discount would be appropriate in this situation.”

“Ten but only if in cash.”

“Deal.” I pulled out my wallet and paid him on the spot. I always pretended I didn’t realize he gave the same offer to all his clients, well, at least the shifter ones.

“Big plans this weekend?”

“I have absolutely no idea what I’m going to do with this much time off.”

“Kyle and I are going fishing. Come with us.”

“Fishing? Is that supposed to be some sort of code word for something else? Something actually fun perhaps?”

“Fishing is fun. Besides you’re a bear. Aren’t bears supposed to be great fishermen?”

“Probably. Do you really think I give a shit? I hated fishing growing up. I’m terrible at it. You’re supposed to be calm and quiet. That is at complete odds with my ADD.”

“Your ADD huh?”

“It’s not my fault I have attention deficit disorder. ADD is a very real and serious problem.”

“I’ll let you throw an explosive in the water when we’re done.”

“Is Kyle gonna be cool with that?”

“Is Kyle gonna be cool with what?”

We both turned to see Kyle Westin, the magnanimous Alpha of Westin Pack, standing in the doorway.

“Didn’t hear you come in,” Cole said.

Kyle shrugged. “I’m stealthy like that.”

I snorted. “Sure, that’s it.”

“So, what am I going to be cool with?”

“Me crashing your fishing trip to throw dynamite into the water.”

“I didn’t say dynamite,” Cole protested.

“You said I could blow the water up when you were done.”

“Something smaller maybe?”

“Fine, I have some mini grenades I need to test out. It’ll likely only take out a fish or two.”

Kyle laughed. “Is that supposed to be better?”

“Depends. If you move fast enough you can snatch them up to take home for dinner.”


“Sure, why not? A dead fish is a dead fish. Once you filet it no one will ever know.”

He looked torn in his decision. “Yeah, come on, we’ll try it. I’m terrible at fishing. So boring.”

“So why are we doing it?”

Cole nearly choked trying not to laugh. “Kelsey wants fresh fish for dinner and Kyle opened his big mouth and said he could just catch it for her.”

“I wanted out of the house. I was planning to just hang out for a few hours and then swing by the market on my way home.”

“You really don’t think she’d notice the fish was frozen?” I was starting to wonder about his intelligence and ability to lead a pack of wolves.

“No, the fresh kind in the meat market.”

“Flash frozen,” I told him. “And probably not even a variety found around here. They rarely carry local fish.”

“How would you know that?” Cole asked.

“Because, my furry friend, as you so keenly pointed out, I am a bear and bears like fish. I don’t have to like fishing to enjoy eating it thanks to modern civilization.”

With our plan in place, we headed down to the river. It only took us two hours to concede and agree fishing really wasn’t for us.

“I can’t go home empty handed. I’ll never hear the end of it.”

“You’re Alpha of one of the largest wolf packs known throughout history and you’re scared of your female?”

“Have you met his mate?”

“Kelsey is not like normal females,” Kyle insisted. “Besides, I don’t want to disappoint her either. I’m an alpha, dammit. I should be able to provide for my family.”

I sighed. “Fine. Stand aside already.”

I didn’t bother using a pole. I wasn’t entirely joking with Cole about my ADD problems, but I was a bear shifter and I knew how to fish.

I waded into the water about knee deep, then squatted and waited. When a large trout swam by, I swooped my hands into the water and grabbed it before the thing even knew what hit him. I tossed it onto the ground and soon grabbed another, and then another.

“You shouldn’t be getting that wrist wet, dude,” Cole cautioned.

“Whatever. It’s fine. How many of these things do you need?” I asked. I was already bored with the catch.

“I thought you said you couldn’t fish?” Cole insisted.

“I said I didn’t like it and I suck at it compared to most bear shifters. Trust me on that. Now, Kyle how many do you want? And then I’m holding you to your promise and blowing something up before we head back.”

Kyle laughed. “Uh, two more? Kelsey’s never going to believe this.”

I snagged two more before walking back out of the water. Mumbling under my breath about what a bunch of pansies they both were, I picked up a fish, forced its mouth open, and carefully placed a hook off Kyle’s pole through its lip. I knew it wasn’t going to hurt the thing. I did one more on Cole’s pole.

“Hold them up already and look proud.”

I picked up my cell phone where I’d tossed it onto the ground before going into the water and snapped a few pics. I texted them to the both of them, and then positioned the remaining fish across a large rock and snapped a few more to send.

“There, now you have proof of your amazing fishing trip. Can I please blow something up?”

“That was awesome. Blow up whatever the hell you want,” Kyle said.

“Nope, as Pack Beta, I’m gonna override his overzealous gratitude here. We agreed small grenades only.”

“I’m aware. That’s all I brought.”


“No, not really. You should always be prepared for any situation possible.”

“Like what? We’re fishing in the middle of nowhere.”

“There could be bears,” I insisted.

“You’re going to blow up a bear? Really?” Cole challenged.

“In a heartbeat,” I insisted.

“Just set off one of your small bombs and let’s get out of here. Elizabeth was working today and should be home by now.”

“Yeah she was,” I teased.

“Shut up.”

“I’m not even going to ask,” Kyle said shaking his head.

I retrieved one of the new mini grenades I’d bought to test out, pulled the pin and threw it as far as I could down river.


The ground shook as water exploded into the air.

“Shit! Did you see that?” I yelled excitedly. “That was awesome. These little guys pack quite the punch.”

“Are we done then?” Kyle asked.

“You don’t want to see another one?” Truth was I knew they would be going back to their mates and I was going back to an empty room filled only with ghosts. I wasn’t ready to leave, and I really did love blowing things up.

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