Home > Dark Intentions (Wicked Intentions Book 1)(5)

Dark Intentions (Wicked Intentions Book 1)(5)
Author: J.A. Owenby

“Is he your kindred hillbilly folk?” Benji chimed in.

I rolled my eyes. “We’re not hillbillies. Well, I take that back. Some are, but he wasn’t, and neither was I.”

Avery harrumphed and reached for the pot of coffee and cups Holly had just set down in front of us. She filled it, topped it off with creamer, and scooted it toward me. Then she began to pour her own coffee but hesitated, her green eyes landing on me. “Whoever he is, he meant something to you. I can’t put my finger on it yet, but there were sparks between the two of you. I just don’t know if they were good or bad.”

“Bad, definitely bad.” I focused on my steaming cup and took a sip. “Layne …” My heartrate spiked at the mention of his name. I’d sworn I would never speak it again once I left Arkansas, yet there I was a few years later, discussing him. “Layne bullied me in school. I have no clue why, but he hated me. He and his girlfriend, Chloe, made my life hell.” There, I’d said it.

“Oh, hon.” Benji reached across the table and took my hand in his. “What happened?”

“A lot. Too much to go into, but said torture included, but was not limited to, pulling my sweatpants down in front of the entire school during lunch, filling a paper bag with dog shit and putting it in my locker, and tapping my pubic bone with a glass bottle when I walked by. The last one doesn’t sound like much, but somehow that son of a bitch knew right where to aim. It doubled me over every time.”

“Jesus,” Avery said. “This wasn’t some silly high school nonsense, Tensley. That’s brutal. Mean.”

“That wasn’t even the worst of it, but I can’t …” I held up my hands, waving any additional questions off.

Benji’s eyes grew serious. “Do I need to rough him up?”

There was no doubt in my mind that Benji would be a good match for Layne, but there wasn’t any need for anyone else to get hurt. “Thanks. I really appreciate it, but I’m sure the college campus is big enough to provide some separation.”

“Well, you and I have three of our five classes together, so if I see the smoody shit anywhere around, I’ll scream bloody murder. He won’t fuck with you again,” Avery insisted.

My chest warmed with affection for both Avery and Benji. For the first time in my life, I’d not only developed deep friendships, but I knew they would do anything in their power to protect me. What they didn’t understand was that I had needed someone like them a long time ago, but now it was too late. Only one person could protect me—me.

“I appreciate you both.”

We grew quiet, focusing on our coffee. Layne’s smoky-blue eyes flashed in my mind again, and my anxiety crept up another notch. I hoped like hell he left me alone, but just in case, I needed a backup plan. Like pepper spray, a kick to the groin, or a strike of my hand to the soft tip of his nose. Although the thought should have provided me a bit of peace, it didn’t. Every time Layne had cornered me at school, I’d frozen. His sneer and laughter flickered through my memory, and my leg began bouncing nervously beneath the table.

“Here ya go,” Holly said as she set down our pancakes, breaking through my internal horror.

“Thanks.” I grabbed my knife and fork. The smell of fresh pancakes tickled my nose, and I took a large whiff. I nearly groaned as I shoved a forkful into my mouth. “Never do I grow tired of fluffy buttermilk pancakes.”

“Right?” Benji dabbed the corners of his mouth with his napkin, then began to cut another bite. “Why do you think he’s here? I mean, seriously, Tensley, what’s the likelihood that he’d leave Arkansas and land in the same place as you? That shit only happens in movies.”

Dammit. I’d hoped they would let it go when our food arrived. I really didn’t want to talk about it anymore.

“He was an all-star track athlete back home. Maybe he got a scholarship. I can guarantee you, his girlfriend, Chloe—if she still has her vile claws in him—is also here. She’d never let him move across the country without her.” I squinted as the lights from a car entering the parking lot flashed through the window and into my eyes.

“As a teacher’s assistant, I have access to student records,” Avery offered. “I can get a little bit of information if you want it. At least you’ll know where his classes are so you can steer clear.”

I didn’t like the idea of Avery checking into Layne, but it sounded like the best option to stay out of his way. Although I’d left Arkansas and my past behind, it never hurt to have some knowledge in order to protect myself.

“Deal. Let me know what you find out.”

The bell on the door jingled, and I glanced in that direction. A lead ball plummeted to the pit of my stomach. “Son. Of. A. Bitch.” My fork dropped out of my hand, bounced off the table, and clattered to the wooden floor.

Layne’s intense stare fell on me for the second time that night as he walked straight toward our table.






If Layne hadn’t already spotted me, I would have slithered right under the table with no shame. I’d developed a survival instinct that often urged me to run when danger was near. Since that wasn’t an option for me at the moment, my body decided to turn on me instead. I sat on my hands in an attempt to control the tremble that fought to take me over.

Seconds before Layne reached me, one of his friends ran into the restaurant behind him. “Over here, man.”

Layne paused, then turned in the other direction, but his gaze lingered on me for a few more seconds.

When he finally looked away, I blew out the breath I wasn’t even aware I’d been holding. “Fuck.” I scooted across the booth and stood. “I’ll wait for you guys to finish in the car.” I reached out to Benji, my palm up. “Can I please have the keys?”

He waved at Holly. “We’ll get everything to go. You’re not going out there alone.”

“Fine. I’ll be in the bathroom.” Without another word, I scurried off like the little mouse I was. Tears blurred my vision as I slammed into a stall and dropped to my knees. My stomach churned, and I clutched the toilet seat, praying I wasn’t going to toss up my evening.

“Tensley? I’m here with you,” Avery said. “Do you need a damp paper towel?”

“Yeah.” With one huge heave, the contents of my night landed noisily in the commode.

“Oh, hon.” Avery entered the handicapped stall with me. “Here.” She placed the wet hand towel on the back of my neck and smoothed my hair out of my face. “I’m sorry he was such a huge asshole. Would you like me to kick him in the nuts the next time I see him?”

I gagged again while I gripped the toilet for dear life.

“It’s okay, hon. I’m right here.”

“I’m sure it’s the food mixed with the alcohol.”

“Nice try.” Avery wiped the perspiration off my forehead. “You’re a terrible liar. Plus, you’ve drank Benji and me under the table numerous times without even a hangover.”

Shit. Seeing Layne again had me so rattled, my lies weren’t working.

“He can’t hurt you anymore,” Avery assured me.

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