Home > Dark Intentions (Wicked Intentions Book 1)(61)

Dark Intentions (Wicked Intentions Book 1)(61)
Author: J.A. Owenby

“I tried, remember?” Avery squeezed his shoulder. “But we’re together tonight, so I’ll take it.”

Benji grabbed Avery’s hand and placed a kiss on the back of it. “I’m looking forward to it.”

We continued some small talk while we waited for Marilyn and Michael.

“Kids, oh my.” Marilyn’s heels clicked against the marble floor. “I need pictures.” She handed Michael her evening bag and directed us to the living room. “The light is better here.” She smoothed her long, dark-red dress. Her smile reached her eyes as she spoke. “I’m so proud of all of you, but no more of that. I can’t cry and mess up my makeup.”

We laughed while she took pictures.

Marilyn waved at Michael to join us. “Dad, get in there.”

Michael looked dashing in his tux. A broad grin eased across his handsome face as he hurried over. He stood behind us since he was the tallest, then he and Marilyn traded places. Avery snapped the last picture of Michael, Marilyn, Benji, and me. My heart fluttered inside my chest. Everyone was so happy, and so was I. I’d just had my first family photo taken.

“We’d better get going,” Michael said, opening the door for us. “The limo is warm and ready. It’s also fully loaded with champagne. After all, tonight is a celebration.”

Twenty minutes later, we all strolled into the room Michael and Marilyn had rented for the evening. Large windows allowed visual access to the golf course and water feature the club turned on during the warmer months. A dance floor was situated in the front, and a bar with two bartenders was located to the right. Soft classical music flowed through the speakers, and I suddenly longed for my drums.

A few more people arrived that I didn’t know. Although the party was to celebrate the adoption, Michael and Marilyn had invited most of their friends and some business acquaintances.

“Come on.” I took Layne’s hand and excused myself from the room, suddenly feeling stifled.

“Where are we going?” Layne asked, hustling to keep up with me.

“We’ll be right back.” I grabbed my wrap from the coat clerk and flung it around my shoulders. As I pushed the front door open, the cold air greeted me. My hold tightened on Layne’s fingers and I made a mad dash around the building. “I needed air.” I whirled around to face him and brought his mouth to mine, kissing him deeply.

He moaned as my hands slipped beneath his jacket and into the waistband of his tux pants. Before I had a chance to unzip them, someone shined a bright light in my face.

“You two need to make your way back to the party,” a deep male voice said.

“Dammit. I forgot about the extra security tonight.” I shivered, realizing that having a quickie in twenty-degree temps wasn’t the smartest idea I’d ever had.

Layne laughed. “I love you, babe. Try to relax, though. Let’s grab a drink or two.”

I nodded. The security guard obviously wasn’t kidding because he stood there, waiting for us to go back inside.

My boyfriend wrapped his arm around me, and we began to make our way back to the door. The flashlight moved to the ground, lighting our path for us.

“Thanks,” I said, finally catching a glimpse of who the man was. I halted abruptly. “Vaughn.”

“Good evening, Tensley. I’m happy to see you back on your feet and out in public again.” His expression remained serious, but I’d never seen any of the bodyguards smile, much less laugh.

I peered up at Layne. “Babe, can I have a minute with Vaughn?”

“I’ll make sure she gets in the building safely,” Vaughn assured him.

Layne gave me a quick peck on the lips and left us alone.

My teeth chattered, and Vaughn slipped off his Westbrook Security coat and wrapped it around me.

I huddled beneath the heavy coat, grateful for the warmth. “Thank you. I won’t keep you long—I know you’re working.”

“It’s a little cold for you to be out here tonight anyway.” He paused for a second then asked, “How can I help you?”

I rolled my eyes. “You sound so formal.” I laughed nervously. “I wanted to thank you for helping me and for helping Layne. Please tell Sutton thank you as well. I wouldn’t be alive if it weren’t for both of you. But most of all, thank you for being someone Layne could trust.”

His mismatched eyes held my gaze. “It’s my job.”

I shook my head. “No, you went beyond that. You kept a secret from the authorities in order to save me. I’ll never be able to repay you, but I did want to thank you personally. Will you give Sutton my message?”

“You can thank her yourself. She and Pierce will be here any minute. Michael invited them to your party.” The corner of his mouth twitched in an almost smile.

“Oh!” Apparently Michael and Marilyn had gone all out for the party. “I guess I’d better get inside, then.” I slipped off his coat, and before I could stop myself, I flung my arms around him in a hug.

He wrapped one arm around me briefly then released me. “Take care of yourself, Tensley.”

I didn’t miss the compassion in his expression.

Vaughn escorted me to the door, and his brown eye caught the light as I turned to look at him one last time. “See ya.” I gave him a little wave, then joined the crowd of people that had filed in while I’d been outside.

Layne exited the restroom. “How did it go?” Before I could answer, his gaze focused on my mouth. “Babe, your lips are blue. Come here.” He guided me back into the main room and filled a cup with some coffee. “Hold this. I’m not sure it will do your anxiety any good if you drink it, but at least it will warm you up a bit.”

He was right, but I took a sip anyway. The scalding liquid burned my throat and esophagus as it traveled into my stomach.

“It went well with Vaughn. I just thanked him for what he did for us. He said that Michael—I mean Dad—invited Pierce and Sutton, too, so we’ll get to meet her.”

Layne nodded, and I turned toward the doorway. Pierce Westbrook strolled into the room like he owned it. For all I knew, he did. Michael had mentioned he owned the highly successful security firm, and I assumed by the size of the rock on his wife’s hand, he had money. A lot of it.

Sutton Westbrook was one of the most beautiful women I’d ever seen. Her long blond hair flowed down her back, and her emerald-green dress accentuated her blue eyes. She carried herself with confidence as she stood by her husband’s side. Adoration was evident on her face as she glanced up at him. He gave her a sweet kiss, then began introductions around the room.

Layne squeezed my fingers gently. “Are you ready? We should start mingling. We can take a break any time you need one.”

“I would like to thank Pierce and meet Sutton.” We left the coffee station and made our way to Pierce. Franklin and a woman I assumed was his wife entered, looking gorgeous in her full-length gold colored dress that accentuated her big brown eyes and dark hair.

I approached the small group from the side. “Hi, Franklin.”

“Tensley, it’s so good to see you up and around.” Franklin patted my arm. “How are you feeling?”

“Much better.” A genuine smile spread across my face. “I wanted to meet your wife and thank you again for all of your help.”

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