Home > Midnight(32)

Author: Bryce Oakley

But, it was done. Mystery solved.

She held the phone to her chest, trying to ignore the insistent throbbing of heartache between her ribs, disappointment that Pia hadn't apologized for blaming her, that she hadn't taken back all of the cruel words she had said.

Well, it was done. And so was she.

She was done.



Chapter Fourteen





"Get in, loser, we're going to get the good coffee," Kelly said, beeping the tiny horn on the golf cart.

Pia laughed, climbing onto the seat beside her. It was a sweltering day, and the breeze of riding in the golf cart raised her spirits and calmed her nerves.

It was Sheila day.

July 10th.

The anniversary of Elle’s death.

And Kelly knew just how to distract her.

Kelly drove the golf cart as though they were in a high speed chase, careening around corners, nearly running over Mark — Pia waved, yelling her apologies, promising to bring him back a cafe au lait.

She knew what Kelly was doing. She was distracting her from the fact that they were filming Sheila's episode in two hours.

Pia had spoken to Zoey the day before and solved the mystery of who leaked the information about them, but it made her realize she had been an idiot to think it was ever Zoey. She thought of Zoey's near-panic attack at the pho restaurant, of Zoey storming out of the music venue in Nashville, of Zoey insisting they be secretive about the entire... whatever it was. Thing. Relationship.

They pulled up to the best coffee place on the lot.

"You want the usual?" Kelly asked, climbing out of the golf cart.

"Extra shot," Pia added, following behind her.

"Extra shot? You sure? Right before the interview? You want to be bouncing off the walls?" Kelly asked.

"Whatever, Mom," Pia teased.

They ordered their drinks — plus one for poor Mark — and jumped back on the golf cart.

"I need to tell you something," Kelly said, staring straight ahead and gripping the wheel.

"Okay," Pia said slowly, bracing herself for terrible news.

"I was wrong about what I said to you about Zoey," Kelly began. "It was out of line for me to suggest... well, to suggest that any of her actions were anything..."

Pia watched the normally calm-and-cool Kelly stumble over her words, nearly ashamed to admit that she was enjoying watching Kelly so uncomfortably try to fumble her way through the apology.

She had fired Archer the moment Zoey had told her that he was the one to leak the rumors and photos about them. She had blacklisted his name to everyone's flight crew that Mark could get in touch with. Archer wouldn't be working with any A-listers anytime soon.

"I understand why you did it," Pia said finally, saving Kelly from further explanation.

"You do?" Kelly asked, her brow creasing.

Pia nodded. "This show is connected to me. My name is on it. I am the face. But you're the hardest working person on staff. Probably even more than me, to be honest. And so if anything threatens to bring me down, it affects the show, which affects you. I get it. You thought you were protecting me," she said.

Kelly looked relieved.

"That doesn't mean it was right," Pia added.

Kelly nodded quickly. "I know," she said.

"I couldn't do this without you," Pia said, putting her hand on Kelly's shoulder. "And I'm grateful you're by my side through all of this. I'm not mad at you. I don't blame you for why things... for why it didn't..." She trailed off.

Kelly nodded again.

"Believe me, she and I fucked it all up on our own," Pia said with a sardonic laugh.

"Oh, well, yeah, I knew that," Kelly said with a grin as she stepped on the gas to get them back to the studio.

Pia's stomach swirled with nerves and anticipation as she walked back into her office. She passed Freya only briefly in the hallway — her best friend had promised to be in the audience for the show.

Mark buzzed in through the phone. "Mrs. West is here," he said.

"Thanks," Pia said. "Send her in."

The door opened and in stepped her former mother-in-law. She hadn't seen Sheila in... well, since all of Elle's affairs and estate were dealt with.

She and Sheila had never been big fans of one another, but their mutual interest of Elle's foundation — where Sheila was the President — and the memory of Elle kept them in each other's good graces.

The Sheila she had known had been all business — straight-laced, tailored jackets, no nonsense.

The Sheila that walked into her office, though... She was completely different.

She was wearing jeans and a sweatshirt with the Elle Marino foundation's logo on it. She had gained a little weight and looked healthy, alive, and glowing.

Pia moved around the edge of her desk, reaching to shake Sheila's hand. "I'm so happy you decided to come on the show," she said.

Sheila pulled her into a tight hug instead. "I know it's been awhile, but I think this is a fantastic idea. I just wasn't... ready until now." As they pulled out of the hug, Sheila held her hand.

"I wasn't ready either," Pia said,

"I'm so proud of what you've done. Elle would have loved this," Sheila said, her eyes glossy.

Pia, unable to speak, simply nodded. "Thank you," she croaked. "That means... everything."

Sheila looked around the office. "And it's a wonderful opportunity to talk about the foundation and raise awareness," Sheila said.

Pia nodded. Sheila and Elle had always been complete opposites. Elle was warm and affectionate and shy, and Sheila was... well, none of those things. In Pia's opinion, the Sheila she had known was ruthless and ambitious and cold.

The Sheila standing in front of her was much more like Elle. Her closest connection to ever getting her wife back.

Pia hugged her again, willing herself not to cry. It was cathartic, being around Sheila now.

"You remind me so much of her," Sheila said in a whisper, patting Pia on the shoulder.

"Really?" Pia said.

Kelly poked her head in the door. "Can we get you to hair and makeup, Mrs. West?"

"I'll see you on the stage, sweetie," Sheila said, squeezing her hand before walking out.



Pia sat in her chair on stage, trying to keep her feet from jiggling — one of her anxious ticks that pissed off viewers wrote about the most.

She sipped at the water she had in a coffee cup on the table in front of her.

You got this. You got this. You're Pia Marino. You interviewed Barack Obama. Talking about Elle is going to be a piece of cake compared to how nervous you were for that.

Kelly held up a hand signal to let her know they'd begin the segment in thirty seconds.

She set her water down and cleared her throat, moving her shoulders to relax her posture.

Kelly gave her the go-ahead signal.

"Our next guest is someone very near and dear to my heart. Something you may or may not know about me is that I've been married before. I was married to a wonderful woman—"

The crowd "aww"-ed as if on cue. Pia saw on the monitors that they had put a photo of Elle behind her. Pia looked over her shoulder at the larger image on the screen.

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