Home > NAKED OR DEAD(12)

Author: A. E. Murphy

He holds out his hand but I thrust my chest forward slightly, making my play.

“Get it yourself.”

He laughs once and wets his lips. “Oh, it’s like that, is it?”

I step closer to him and walk two fingers up his chest. “Either you get it, or I leave with it.”

Smirking, he holds my eyes as he lowers his hand into the V of my jacket. He could just unzip it a little more for better access but where’s the fun in that? He wets his lips and slides his fingers between the stiff material of my jacket and my shirt, grazing and brushing my heaving breasts with his hand as he searches for his wallet.

I turn, putting my back to him, the back of my helmet thumps against his shoulder as his hand dips further into my jacket. I hum happily, enjoying his touch which is rare for me because normally I hate the touch of anybody.

“Take your time,” I whisper just as his hand grasps it and slowly starts to drag it to freedom.

He stops at my breasts again but then one of the truckers starts kicking and screaming at the door.

“SHUT THE FUCK UP!” I yell back and he stops.

Nok moves away much to my disappointment.

“Time to go,” I say brushing past him, putting an exaggerated sway to my hips. “Have a good evening, boys.” I look at the cashier. “If I catch wind of the cops sniffing around, I’ll come back.”

He audibly gulps. “But what if they call them?”

I laugh because I know that those greasy fucks have got more to lose than a gun and couple of grand if the cops get involved. “Truckers aren’t snitches. Are you?”

“I didn’t see anything.”

“Attaboy,” I cheer and exit, the door beeps on my way out.

I go to my bike and get the fuck out of here before anybody can stop me to talk. That was so wild. I can hardly breathe.

So fucking wild and so fucking dangerous.


Twenty minutes later when I walk into my house still buzzing with adrenaline, my sister greets me. She recognizes the glint in my eye immediately.

“What happened? Something happened.”

I fluff out my hair and dump my helmet onto the windowsill. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

She taps her foot on the ground. “Is he the guy?”

I hesitate, still panting. “Jury’s still out on that one.”

She huffs and stomps upstairs as fast as her frail legs will carry her.

I wish she could have felt what I just felt. We both have completely different tastes in fun these days, but I suppose that’s to be expected.



I let my hair fall wild around my shoulders and face for school today. It looks like soft cotton candy on my head, a cloud of it framing my face. My eye makeup is darker today and I leave a few buttons of my shirt undone.

I feel alive for the first time in so long. I’m still reeling after the events last night. My body is still vibrating with excitement. I was so fucking horny last night I can’t even begin to explain it.

I make my way to first period, a skip in my step, my bag hanging from my arm. I even smile and wave at my peers. So much has happened and it’s not even the end of my first school week yet. This is good though; this is fast paced. I need fast paced. I need to get this done.

The sooner I get Nok where I want him the better.

Speaking of Nok, the second the bell rings I exit the classroom and almost bump into him in the hall. He’s waiting for me, leaning against the wall, a smirk on his lips. People stop, likely waiting for an altercation like the last time we met at the lockers.

His dark eyes scan my face and his thick diamond-heart lips smirk when I mirror his stance and hold his eyes. We stand, staring at each other, just breathing for the longest time.

“You coming, Lilith?” Loki asks and I’m surprised that he’s trying to rescue me.

“Track tonight?” Nok asks.

“No can do, bike’s clutch is fucked. I need to fix it.”

He stares at me again, still smirking but now he’s thinking too. He has such a naturally devious look about him. It would deter most but I find it intriguing. It’s as though he’s trying to figure me out, find my weaknesses and then use them against me.

“All right.”

His eyes drag down my body one last time, so slow I can feel them caressing my curves like hands. My womb shivers.

Pushing from the wall, he walks away, his hair a long tail down his back. I want to feel how soft it is. I bet it’s like satin threads.

“What was that all about?” Loki asks as we both watch Nok catch up with his friends.

“I made friendly with his brother.”

Loki forms an O with his mouth before asking, “You mean Nashoba?”

I nod. “He’s cool.”

“Oh yeah, from what I’ve seen of him he’s great. He does a lot of volunteering in Westoria, Astoria, and Knappa.”

This doesn’t surprise me. “What do you need, Loki?”

“I just wanted to check that you’re okay?”

Why’d he have to go and be nice to me? “I’m fucking peachy.” I shove off the locker with less grace and more aggression than Nok did, and check my watch as students sluggishly move to their next class. Loki follows, and I wonder if he has many friends. I’ve never really seen him with anyone but then I’ve never really paid attention.

He’s a good-looking guy and seems nice enough.

Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad having just one person I can relate to here.

I look at him while chewing on my lip just as he reaches out to tap me on the arm but thinks better of it.

“Do you want to get high?” he asks quietly, and my eyebrows hit my hairline.

My lips stretch into a wide smile. “Fuck yeah.”

He shares my excitement and we skip school to sit in my dad’s shit car down an old dirt road, a joint filling the car with delicious smoke. Then we nap until three and I drive him back to his house.

I almost feel bad for snapping his pencil.



As I’m working on my bike in my driveway, wearing waist-high shorts and a black lace bralette, hair in braids and sunglasses perched on my nose, a familiar truck pulls up on my side of the street.

“Hey, snowflake,” Joseph calls, dropping from the passenger side of the truck.

I look at him over my sunglasses and watch Nok round the front of the truck, showing off by sliding across the hood.

“Aren’t you cold?”

“How’d you know where I live?” I ask, frowning as Nok gets up close to my naked bike and starts prodding around.

“Small town, new kid, not hard.”

“Do you always talk in unfinished sentences?” I ask him but he doesn’t respond. “I’ll take that as a yes then.” Clearing my throat, I drop the bolt into the tray with the others and wipe my forehead on my arm. My hands are covered in brown grease. If you turn out the lights it looks like drying blood. It’s mesmerizing in a really twisted way.

I flex my fingers and sit back on my butt when Nok takes over tweaking my bike.

“You know how to fix bikes?”

“He doesn’t,” Joseph states and then laughs when Nok glares at him. “But I do. My pa runs the garage where you bought your part this morning.”

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