Home > Savage Rose (Rosehaven Academy #1)(12)

Savage Rose (Rosehaven Academy #1)(12)
Author: Leila James

I’m so overwhelmed by his words I think my heart is going to hammer right out of my chest. He’s so goddamn sexy, I swear I’m going to melt like one of these ice cream cones on a hot day. And I hate myself for feeling that way. But I do.

He leans toward me and beckons with his free hand for me to lean closer. His force is almost magnetic, and I can’t stop myself from leaning closer. His breath, cooled by the ice cream, tickles across my cheek as he whispers, “Scarlett? Are you imagining how I’d lick you? How I’d use my tongue on your pretty pink nipples and your wet, needy pussy?”

The moment those dirty words slither out from between his lips, my nipples harden. I inhale sharply as a jolt of pure lust races down my spine and pulses at my center. My legs squeeze together behind the counter, and I sure as hell hope he can’t see the effect he has on me. Thank goodness the apron Terry provided me is thick enough to hide the pointy peaks straining toward his mouth. Because yeah—I’m guessing I’d be a fan of his mouth on me.

“Shut up, Xander. I get it,” I say, my chest heaving out ragged breaths. “You’re messing with the new girl. It’s all kinds of hilarious.” My voice raises unintentionally. “News flash—I don’t give a fuck what you think of me. Or what you say or do to me or even things you warn me about. I’m not going anywhere.”

He cocks his head to the side, and I have no doubt he’s assessing me to find out just how much further he can push. “Ouch. Didn’t your daddy ever tell you not to cuss? It’s not ladylike.”

My eyes blaze at him. “I don’t know my dad.” I bite down hard on my lower lip, trying not to let him goad me any more than he already has. Our classmates behind him are starting to sense the tension over here, and I can feel it coming before he says it.

“Your mom, then.” He smirks at me, a tormenting look in his eyes. They slide over my face, watching for my reaction.

I try so hard not to give it to him, but my voice hitches, then comes out in a low rush of anger-driven words. “She’s dead. But thanks for bringing it up, asshole. Really sensitive of you, given you already knew that.”

From behind him, Micah snickers, “Ouch. Burn, man.”

“That was totally fucked up.” Yet Beau still laughs.

What is wrong with these guys?

Xander tosses a playful glance back in his friends’ direction before looking at me one last time. “Thanks for the ice cream, Red. Get ready. I’ll be back for more.”



Chapter 10



As I lie in bed the next morning wishing I didn’t have to get up and go to school, my phone vibrates on my nightstand. I grab at it and hold it in front of my face until my vision clears enough to read. I jab at the text notification for what appears to be a new group text.

Daphne: What the hell happened yesterday?



Ugh. Don’t remind me. I’d almost completely lost it right there in front of Xander in the middle of the ice cream shop. It took everything in me to fire back at him like I had. I’d waited until I got home to allow myself to cry about how insensitive he’d been. I still can’t believe he’d brought up my mom. He knew that would hurt me, and I swear, given the look on his face, he’d enjoyed doing it.

Me: What do you mean?

Max: It’s everywhere. Something about you ripping Xander a new one about your mom being dead.



Great. Just peachy.

Me: Yeah. I took a job at that ice cream shop in town, and he showed up with half the football team and cheerleaders.

Daphne: Oh, man.

Me: I’ll have to tell you the whole story at lunch.

Me: Let’s just say he deserved everything I said.

Max: We have no doubt he did, Cupcake.

Me: Gotta go. I’m not even out of bed.



In the shower I think about everything I’d said to him. I totally wasn’t in the wrong at all. I still feel like crap about it, even more so now that the whole school knows my business. This is exactly what I’d hoped to avoid, but here we are, day three and Xander fucking Grey has already pointed out my most tender spot to the whole academy. It sure feels that way, anyway.

Stupid guy and his stupid, talented tongue. I’d dreamed last night that he’d been licking ice cream off of me. Apparently, I have no control in my dreams. I just want him.

I hang my head, letting the water run over me. He hadn’t been wrong about that part. My body had totally reacted to his little show. I don’t know how to process the way he’d made me feel. It’d been so deliciously naughty, especially given the fact that he’s clearly just messing with me. Even thinking about it now makes my nipples pebble, and I know if I put my hand between my legs, I’d find myself slick with arousal. Fucking asshole. I hate that my body responds to him like this.

Ready for school a while later, I grab a muffin off the dining room table and hug my aunt and uncle goodbye. Time to face the firing squad. The only thing I’m really looking forward to today is the official start of cross-country practice. I heave my backpack onto my shoulders and grab the gym bag with my running clothes and shoes. Over my shoulder, I toss out, “Don’t forget, I have practice after school today.”

Aunt Liz nods, “We’ve got your whole practice schedule on our calendar in the kitchen. I can’t wait to hear how it goes today.”

Uncle David gives my aunt an adoring look before addressing me. “Okay, Scar, we’ll have dinner ready for you when you get home. Hamburgers on the grill sound okay?”

My heart swells. They really are trying to make me feel comfortable here. He knows I love it when he grills, and he’s done the most amazing job of fixing all my favorites since I’ve moved in. Aunt Liz lucked out when she chose David—he’s a fantastic cook. “Yeah, that sounds like a plan. I should be home no later than six.”

I take a deep breath as I consider how I’m going to make it through the day. Dammit, my aunt and uncle deserve not to have to deal with any of the crap that’s happening at school. It’s all staying under lock and key for as long as I can help it—hopefully forever. They don’t need to know. I won’t add it to their already full plate.



Chapter 11



“He’s totally fucking with you.” Max rolls his eyes to the ceiling.

I take a big bite out of my apple, looking around to see who might possibly overhear while I chew. Seeing no one I know near our table, I swallow and look between him and Daphne. “Honestly, I don’t get it. I’m the new girl, sure, but there are other students who are new, and he’s not bugging the shit out of them.”

Daphne shrugs. “She’s right. I was new last year, and I’m pretty sure I’m still nowhere on his radar, and we’ve even had classes together.”

“Lucky me, I guess.” I’d only told them about how he’d taunted me about my mom. I’m too embarrassed to tell them the filthy things he’d said to me about being jealous of how he was licking his ice cream or how he trapped me in the bathroom after school. Heat surges to my cheeks again thinking about all of it. Someone help me.

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