Home > Convince Me (A Tidal Novella, #1)(8)

Convince Me (A Tidal Novella, #1)(8)
Author: Chelsea McDonald

“Merry Christmas, sweetie.”

“God, I’ve missed your hugs,” I say it every time, but I like the way it makes my aunt smile.

I’ve only seen her and my uncle once since being home, which has been my fault. We’re a close-knit little family and I can honestly say that I missed everyone dearly when I was on the West Coast. I should really make more of an effort to see them as often as possible.

Maybe that’ll be one of my New Year’s resolutions. Along with eating less sugar and starting back up at the gym.

“You girls go on through; we’ll be there shortly.” My aunt pushes me towards Katie and we walk through to the living room. It’s just gone nine o’clock, which in the Hall family household translates to present time.

“You seeing Evan today?” I raise an eyebrow and smirk as a blush colors her cheeks.

“You talk to Lane yet?” she snips back as we flop down in chairs on opposite sides of the room.


The Christmas tree sits in the corner, adorned in all the red and gold baubles Mom could find. The lights twinkle magically. That’s got to be my favorite thing about Christmas. Everything gets dressed in twinkly lights.

The tree draws my attention in order to avoid her question. Thankfully, Christmas music plays throughout the house, filling the silence that hangs between us.

“You haven’t talked to him yet? I thought that’s where you went after you left mine,” she accuses before pinching in realization, “Thanks for calling me back, by the way.”

“Well, I just knew he’d be busy with the bar…” I offer vaguely trying to escape her scrutiny.

She starts making chicken noises like she’s still twelve, but nevertheless, it makes me laugh. I throw a pillow at her to get her to stop just as our parents flow into the room.

Katie’s right. I did chicken out yesterday.

Lane has been my friend for so long that it feels so awkward even thinking he might feel more for me than I do him. Everyone seems to think it’s true.

What happens if it is?

I’d hate to be put in that situation. It may just be something that our friendship could never recover from.


I’ll do it soon...









Hayden’s wrong. He’s got to be...

Maybe he was just jealous of my friendship with Lane, or anyone from the opposite sex. Would he have said the same thing if I’d been hanging out with Evan? I recognize that he had a possessive streak but to go as far as to try and drive a wedge between Lane and I, that is going too far.

But... it wasn’t just Hayden that said it, Katie did too. Which means I have to at least give it merit enough to ask the man in question about it.

I shudder out a deep breath as I steel myself for what I’m about to walk into.

As soon as I work up enough courage to step through the threshold of Lane’s bar, I’m swallowed by the crowd. It’s packed.

“Hey. Merry Christmas.” Lane wraps his arm around me in a side hug. At any other point in our lives, it would’ve been considered a normal, friendly gesture, but there’s been a shift in the wind. Instead of leaning into him like I normally would, I find myself tensing uncomfortably. “I was wondering when I’d see you.”

“Yeah. So, how was your Christmas?” I ask, feeling somewhat awkward as I sit in my usual place smack dab in the middle of the bar.

“Great. I’m actually really glad you came in.”


“I’ve been trying to find the right time to tell you…” Oh no. I watch apprehensively, ready at any second to make a mad dash out the front door. “Missy,”

A few seconds later, Lane’s older sister Missy appears in the doorway of the back room. A small child, a girl, clings to her while another follows her. They’re super cute. They’re dressed in matching outfits but that isn’t where the similarities end - they must be twins.

I didn’t know Missy had kids.


“I want the girls to meet someone.” The trio waddles around the bar to where we stand. “Veronica, I’d like you to meet my daughters. This is Millie and Avery.”

What did he just say? I’m frozen in shock. “Daughters?”

How is that possible? The girls must be about three or four. I haven’t been living out west for that long. Why didn’t he tell me?


“I know. I’ve been trying to find the right time to introduce you.”

“So.... this is what you wanted to tell me? Nothing else?”

“No.” His eyebrows pull together in confusion and I know that I’ve got it all wrong. Or more like Hayden and Katie had it all wrong. The relief that befalls me is almost offensive to Lane, but nevertheless, it feels like this massive pressure has been lifted from my shoulders.

“Is this not a big enough piece of news?”

I giggle as I begin to process that this is reality, Lane is a daddy. Nope, that doesn’t sound right at all. It may take a while for me to get used to it. First of all, I need to know how the hell this happened because as far as I was aware Lane is single and has been for a while now.

Oh God, who’s their mother? Where is she?

The only woman I remember seeing Lane with over the last few years was Olivia but they broke up amicably. Honestly, I couldn’t imagine it being her.

My mind begins to buzz as I pull Lane over to an empty table. “You have a lot of explaining to do.”

“Well, I f-” The ring of my cell phone stuffed in my pocket interrupts what he’s saying and I throw him an apologetic look as I dig to retrieve it.

I go to silence it when I see it’s a strange area code. “I’m so sorry, Lane. I’ll make it quick.”

“Hello?” I press the phone to my ear and use my finger to plug the other.

“I’m calling for Veronica Hall.”

“This is she,”

“I represent the GR Marketing Agency. This is in regards to the Executive Marketing Assistant position you applied for. Is now a good time to speak?”


GR Marketing is one of the top companies in Chicago.

An old colleague of mine emailed me about the opening and I jumped at the chance. I applied for the job, not expecting to hear anything back, all the while secretly hoping.

While I was willing to accept any job offer - who am I to be picky about who signs my checks - I had really hoped that I’d find something in Marketing. I would’ve even been happy with a stretch to advertising.

I could literally squeal with glee just like a pig in shit, right here, right now without a care.

“Yes, this is a fine time. Thank you so much for your call.” After holding a finger up to Lane and mouthing an I’m sorry, I hastily make my way towards the door.

The noise doesn’t make for a good first impression, the outside while cold is at least - for the most part, quieter. After all, this is an opportunity of a lifetime...









I’m probably too late with this, but I need to try. I thought some time apart might let her cool down and then be more open and forgiving when I came to apologize. But the more I left it, the more I doubted myself for not just running after her in the first place.

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