Home > Fugitive (Houston Defiance MC #3)(57)

Fugitive (Houston Defiance MC #3)(57)
Author: K.E. Osborn

Bub leans in, kissing Sadie’s cheek. “Go on… off to bed now, darling. No arguing with your father.”

Sadie pouts her bottom lip out but nods her head. “Okay, I guess I can do that.” She reaches up grabbing Kevlar’s hand, then waves to her grandparents. “Good night, everyone,” Sadie yells loudly.

The entire club turns to Sadie with a smile. “Night,” they all call back.

Kevlar’s smiling at his brothers as we make our way for the stairs. Even though Sadie is six going on sixteen with her attitude, she can still get a room full of bikers and their families to fall at her feet. She’s going to be a heartbreaker when she’s older, that’s for sure.

“Daddy!” Sadie asks as we make our way up the stairs and to the bedroom.

“Yeah, baby girl?”

“I like having everyone here. It’s fun.”

Lucas snuggles into me further, his breathing heavy like he’s already asleep as we walk inside the bedroom, closing the door behind us.

“So, you like being back at the club?” I ask.

Sadie rushes for Moo. She picks him up and jumps into bed seeing she’s already in her pajamas. “It’s my favorite place.”

Kevlar puffs out his chest with pride, shrugging out of his cut and placing it neatly inside his closet. “So, you wanna stay?”

Sadie sits up on her knees, bouncing on the mattress excitedly. “Forever and ever!”

Laughing, I move Lucas over to the bed, lying him down in the middle. He’s sound asleep, curling into a ball. I pull the covers over him, Sadie finally calming herself down enough to slide under the duvet beside her brother. She pulls Moo up under her chin as Kevlar and I get ready for bed, then slide in either side of the kids.

Sadie’s still awake, fighting her fluttering eyelids. I turn on my side facing Kevlar.

I love this.

Our happy little family.

“It’s crazy down there right now,” I whisper.

“Lockdown is normally like this. Families everywhere. General chaos.”

“Does this happen a lot?”

“More than we care for.”

I exhale, running my fingers through Lucas’ hair softly as he sleeps. I check on Sadie, her mouth is wide open, a slight snore as she breathes heavily with her slumber.

“I get it now… I was angry at Ethan for holding the kids hostage. But now, I get it. I mean they’re still safer here with us, but I understand when shit like this happens why Ethan would be terrified for them.”

Kevlar tilts his head like he’s deep in thought. “I never saw it that way. All I saw was my brother’s vendetta against me because I left the force. I never thought of the emotion behind Ethan’s actions. I told Ethan I forgave him, but maybe I can truly let go of some of the anger and resentment I hold toward my little brother, knowing he was only trying to protect the kids.”

Smiling, I reach over, grabbing his hand, threading my fingers with his. “Just like you’re doing now.”

He nods, and I exhale. “Are you okay after our chat with Fox and Bub?”

Kevlar’s eyes meet mine. “Sometimes I fall back into a trap, of wondering… what would Emma think? But then I see you with the kids. You hold my hand, and my chest squeezes. I get torn, but then you pull me right back in.”

A slow smile crosses my lips. “I think that’s only natural to feel that way, Kevlar. You lost someone. Someone you loved. Someone you cared deeply for. That doesn’t go away. You didn’t have a choice in moving on, you just have to, and it’s hard. Fuck, it’s hard! But, I’m so glad I’m the one to be here to help you every time you’re struggling.”

His eyes glisten. He’s not going to cry. He’s simply feeling the emotion of the moment. “I want to kiss you so bad right now.”

I laugh, pursing my lips in a gesture of a kiss. He does the same as I wrap my arm over my family and cuddle into them tightly.

There might be a full house tonight, but right here, the people in this room are making my heart as full as it can be. I never thought I would ever get to a place like this.

I just hope lockdown doesn’t take it all away.





The Next Morning


I hardly slept last night. Having my family all under one roof, while easy to handle them and watch out for them in one respect, it’s also far more concerning. If something happens at the club, they’re all here, and anything could happen to any or all of them. So, I spent most of the night waiting for an imminent attack which never came.

I figure the Baron and Damir are gathering forces. The idea that both men have ample allies on their side, with the Triglav clan, and who knows who the fuck the Baron could get on his side, is a fucking concern. Honestly, the more time that goes by, the worse this is going to be, and the bigger the threat, I believe.

Right now, I’m walking into church. Zero’s obviously concerned just like me. He has shit on the line just like I do. So does Wraith. The three of us are tied up in this Baron and Damir bullshit, and we need to have it dealt with. Taking my seat next to Fox, to be honest, everyone looks tense.

Zero slams the gavel on the table with a sour expression on his face. “I don’t know about you fuckers, but I didn’t sleep much last night.” Everyone nods in agreement as Zero continues, “Way I see it, we need to discuss our options. What intel we have. Kevlar, we need to bring Ethan in on this.”

My eyes widen, along with everyone else in the room. I clear my throat sitting forward. “You really think that’s a good idea? Bringing a cop into church?”

Zero grunts under his breath. “No. I don’t think it’s a good idea. I fucking hate it. It goes against everything this club stands for… but, honestly, what else do we have right now? Ethan has inside knowledge. He chose to be here instead of letting the cops guard him. It means he trusts us. Now, we need to fucking trust him.” He puffs out a long breath. “Fuck, that was hard to say.”

I hesitate.

After what Ethan told me last night, the last thing I want to do is make shit harder for him, but I can’t turn my back on my club either.

Proverbial rock and a hard place.

“Bring Ethan in. But, pres, go easy on him. He’s in a tight spot.”

Zero grumbles under his breath. “Kevlar, do you want to help the club get out of this? Do you want your fucking kids safe?”

“You know I do!”

“Then we need to talk to your brother. I’m fully aware of the shit this puts him in. We will deal with it if and when the time comes, but don’t go telling me what I can and can’t do when it comes to the safety of this club and my family. Slick, go grab Ethan.”

I slump back in my chair as Fox glances at me and dips his head in support. Fox always has my back. I understand Zero’s looking out for his family, but I’m just trying to do the same for mine.

A tense silence fills the room as the chapel door opens, and Slick walks back inside, followed by Ethan. He stands tall, he needs to be strong right now.

A cop in a room full of bikers—I just hope he can handle this shit.

Fox slides his chair out, standing, making room for Ethan.

“Take a seat,” Fox offers.

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