Home > Fugitive (Houston Defiance MC #3)(6)

Fugitive (Houston Defiance MC #3)(6)
Author: K.E. Osborn

Thinking about what to say, I tense. “We’re going wherever the road takes us.”

“Hmm… in my experience, when someone is on a road trip without a destination, it’s because they’re running.” He narrows his eyes on me.

“Oh? Really?” My voice comes out higher than I was hoping for.

“What are you running from, Jovie?” Kevlar leans forward, assessing me.

Swallowing, I clench my eyes shut trying to stop the onslaught, but the wave washes over me before I can stop it.


“I’m just taking out the trash, Tillie,” I called out, hands packed full of trash as I headed for the back door of The Lone Wolf—the seediest piano bar in all of San Antonio. The moon was high in the sky, but it was barely a visible crescent, so the light in the sky was at a bare minimum. The darkness had descended into the early morning as the air turned to steam with the heat of my breath.

It was a theme night at the bar—all things Irish. So, the tight little bar-wench getup I was sporting was doing me no favors in the freezing weather. My teeth were chattering as I walked down the back deck to the side alley where the dumpster was located. With my hands completely full, I rounded the corner into the alley, and that was when I heard the unmistakable click of a bullet locking into the chamber. My head snapped up, and that’s when I saw them.

The outlines I’d feared would come back into my life at some point.

But I had no clue it would be now.

I was only twenty-seven.

I’d assumed it would be around my thirtieth birthday, so I wasn’t prepared for this.

The trash dropped to the ground, the bags breaking open, and garbage flew out all around my feet. My palms coated in sweat while I started backing away.

The three men all turned toward me.

“Jovie, we just wanna talk.”

Swallowing a lump, I shook my head slowly. “Then why are you all holding guns with silencers?”

My two brothers had grown since I had last seen them. River was seventeen and Lennox was nineteen then. Now they were huge, sinister-looking men with guns aimed directly at me—their baby sister—their youngest sibling.

“Because we know how… volatile you can be.” My father stepped between them. For the twelve years it had been since I’d seen my brothers, I hadn’t seen my father either. The shadows of the alley made it harder to see his face, but I could tell that time hadn’t been kind to him.

My insides quivered in anxiety, the hairs on my arms stood to attention at the mere sight of him.

I knew how dangerous the man was.

It’s why my mother left him, taking me with her.

“Then maybe you should have stayed away.”

My father cackled the way he did. Even after all this time, that asshole persona hadn’t changed. The very sound sent a chill right through me.

“I know what you’ve been up to, Jovie. We’ve been watching you… all your life.”

I let out a scoff. “Stalker much… I haven’t even had one thought about you.”

My brothers both grinned maniacally as my father took another step forward.

I took one back.

“The thing is, Jovie, I think you have. I think you knew the time was coming where you’d have to come and take your rightful place by our sides.”

I let out a small laugh. “Me? Join you in the syndicate. You’re out of your fucking mind!”

River and Lennox raised their guns higher as my father took another step forward, letting out a deep, crazed chuckle. “That’s highly probable, Jovie, but it doesn’t change the fact that you’re Hannon royalty. You belong on the throne with us.”

I gritted my teeth, my heart pounding in my chest. “Never.”

My father dramatically started walking forward toward me. But I stood my ground even though every instinct inside me was to turn, run, and never fucking stop.

Father stepped right up in front of me, his gun aimed at my head. “You will join the syndicate, Jovie. You will take your place. Or I start coming after the people you care about until you do. I have no qualms in hurting every… single… one of them.”

My chest squeezed tight as tears pricked my eyes. The problem is I knew he would, but I couldn’t go with him. There was no way I was joining the fucking syndicate. So, I only had one choice.

Sniffling, I stared him right in his beady gray eyes. “I. Hate. You.”

He chuckled. “And that’s how I know you’re my daughter, and that attitude is why you belong in the syndicate. That anger inside of you is only a driving force, Jovie.”

I let out a huff, adrenaline coursed through my veins. “Or is it enough for me to do this?” I brought my hand up, slamming it into his throat. The gun in his hand dropped to the ground as I thrust my foot into his shin bending his leg backward, causing him to fall back into the arms of my brothers.

My heart leaped into my throat as I turned and started running the fastest I’d ever run in my life. Their pounding footsteps followed me every step of the way as I took off for my car. Luckily, I had my keys in the little pocket of my skirt. I heard the muted thump again, and something flew past me slamming into a tree as I ran past it, splintering the wood into tiny fractured pieces.

Fuck, they’re shooting at me!

“Jovie, stop!” Lennox yelled out, but I slid up to the driver’s side of my car, panting frantically for breaths as a bullet smashed my window. I let out a scream as I ducked for cover, reaching in unlocking my door and jumping in. The glass on my seat immediately cut my legs, but I didn’t care as I fumbled with my keys as they ran closer. Another bullet flew into the rear window, smashing it to smithereens as I started to cry.

“We’ll find you! No matter where you go… We. Will. Find. You. Jovie!” My key went into the ignition. I didn’t even hesitate to take off at full speed, leaving those murderous assholes behind as I flicked up rocks in my dust.

I couldn’t breathe, it was like the world was closing in on me, and nothing made sense anymore.

My father came for me, and now he wasn’t going to stop until I was a part of the syndicate.

I wasn’t safe.

I’d never be safe again.

My life was over.

Savanah’s life wasn’t safe. It was only a matter of time before they found me and either ended me for good or forced me onto a throne I had no part in wanting.

There was only one choice.

Grab Savanah and become a fugitive from my fucked-up family.


“Jovie?” Kevlar’s concerned expression focuses in on me. “I lost you for a moment.”

Clearing my throat, I exhale. “Sorry…”

He sits back in his chair, deep in thought, the wrinkles on his forehead squishing together in concern. “I had many years working as a cop. Seeing people who were in trouble, who had seen shit, been in shit… so, I will ask once… are you okay?”

My eyes widen as I plaster on the fake-ass smile I am accustomed to sporting. “Fine! Couldn’t be better!”

“Okay… just know that sometimes running only makes things ten times worse. Taking help when offered isn’t a bad thing.”

“And you’re offering me help?”

He smirks. “So… you admit you need some?”

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