Home > Fugitive (Houston Defiance MC #3)(63)

Fugitive (Houston Defiance MC #3)(63)
Author: K.E. Osborn

“Let me wrap my head around this for a second.”

“Wraith, he tried to kill you and me, and he won’t hesitate to do it again,” Prinie urges.

“I won’t… but I don’t deserve to live, either. I’m sorry, princess, for coming after you the way we did,” Damir laments.

I grip tighter onto Jovie, my eyes shifting to River.

This all sounds a little too familiar.

I’m unsure if I can trust River either.

And I can’t fathom how this is all going to play out.





“The closet.” Jovie steps forward out of the blue, gaining everyone’s attention.

All eyes shift to her, and I cling to her tighter. Wraith narrows his eyes on her as Cherry smiles wide. “Yes, we can lock Damir in the closet. It has its own bathroom. We can remove anything of value and put in a makeshift cot for him to sleep on until we can figure out what the hell we’re going to do with him,” Cherry replies.

Zero and Wraith look at each other. “Okay. The closet does have a lock on the outside so we can keep him in. In the meantime, though, it means the club girls will be without their dressing room.”

“We’ll manage,” Nessie offers as she walks out without Bonnie or Lexi by her side. My eyes widen, but she dips her head to me, letting me know they’re still upstairs with my kids. I let out a relieved exhale, pulling Jovie back to me, more for my comfort than anything else.

“I’m not sure what you plan to do with me, Wraith, but I hope we can learn more about each other. Thank you for sparing me… I won’t forget it,” Damir offers.

Wraith scrunches up his face like he’s angry at himself. “Take him away.” Wraith waves his gun through the air. Frost and Phantom rush over, grabbing Damir and dragging him inside the clubhouse and out of sight.

“You sure about this?” Prinie asks Wraith.

“No, but I have to try. He’s family.”

“Speaking of family…” Zero adds, “Where the fuck is Koda?”

Chains steps forward, wiping his brow. “Inside with Chills. Pres, he’s hit. She’s patching him up now. Kid tried to be a hero and got a bullet for his troubles.”

“Fuck,” Zero grumbles. “I gotta go check on my brother, but before I do… River,” he calls out.

We all turn toward River, shocked that Zero knows who he is. River walks over to Zero, then they pull each other in for a man back-slapping hug. “Thank you. For everything you did for us.”

My eyes widen as Jovie’s face lights up.

“Everyone, this is River. He’s Jovie’s brother. Even though she thought he was on the Slaver’s side, he actually contacted me and told me he’s been working with the cops.”

Ethan steps forward. “Yes, that’s right, River’s been coming to me for nearly a year. So, when he told me this was going down, it’s how I knew I had to be here.”

My jaw opens wide while Zero continues, “River here, gave Ethan the location of your children in the abandoned warehouse. It was the Slavers who took them, Kevlar, not the Baron.” I turn to face River, my heart galloping in my chest. I had already figured out it was Jovie’s father, but I had no clue River had turned him in. “He also told us there’s a crooked cop working with the Baron and Damir. That they were all coming to the clubhouse. River warned me days in advance, so I could call for back-up. It was pure luck our brothers arrived just in time.”

River grimaces. “I’m sorry, Zero. I had no clue my father was moving up the attack. When Dad gave the order, I had no time to warn you. Though I knew you were putting precautions in place, I was hoping it would be enough and that you had acted quickly. It was just lucky that Chicago and NOLA arrived early. I’m so fucking angry I didn’t realize what the asshole was up to. I guess he had a feeling there was a mole, so he moved the attack forward without telling anyone. We walked into the office, and he gave the damn order. Next thing I knew, we were in the cars and on our way here. I had Lennox by my side the entire time. There was no way for me even to send a text message.”

Jovie suddenly races forward, taking River into the biggest of hugs.

If I wasn’t sure about the guy before, I am now. Not only was he working with Zero but also with Ethan to carry this whole thing out.


I’m angry as hell he took my chance to seek my revenge on Jovie’s father for my kids, but as long as he’s dead, I guess I have to take the wins where I can.

“Thank you so much, River. I had no idea you were doing all this to help me. To help us,” Jovie murmurs.

“Our deal stands, River. No matter what happened here today, your deal is locked in place,” Ethan commands.

“What deal?” I ask.

“All prior crimes against him while committed by the Slavers will be wiped for working as an informant. River is aware of who the dirty cop is in the department, the one who alleged Frenzy was turning on the club when he was alive, but it’s simply not true. Frenzy was giving the cop info on the Baron. The Baron was twisting the scenario to make you doubt your brothers. To make you doubt each other.”

Zero steps forward, relief flooding his features. “So, my father wasn’t a rat?”

Ethan shakes his head. “No, Zero, Frenzy wouldn’t ever tell us shit about the club. But he sure as hell told us a whole lot about the Baron. It made it easier to lock the Baron up when that smear campaign hit, knowing there was so much truth behind Frenzy’s allegations.”

Zero’s muscles relax with the ease of tension as Cherry cuddles into him. “You can always count on the Baron to twist shit and make us the bad guys!” Cherry then kicks Baron’s dead body in the side of the ribs for good measure. She hates him just as much as the next guy.

“So, now the Baron’s dead… Damir’s in holding, the Slavers are… dealt with, and kind of on our side now. What’s left to do?” Prinie asks.

Everyone smirks while we take in the huge fucking mess that is our clubhouse.

“Party!” everyone calls out.

Zero spins, grabbing Cherry in his arms. “Actually, there’s something else I need to do first.”

Everyone turns back to face him as he locks eyes with Cherry.

“When shit like this happens, it shows me how fucking important it is to live every damn day to the fullest. I’ve been holding off on this because of my past, but you know what? Fuck that. I’m not letting that bullshit interfere with what I have with you, Cherry Bomb. You’re my woman. I want everyone here to know it officially.”

He drops down to one knee.

Cherry’s hand slaps her mouth, her eyes glistening with unshed tears as Zero grips hold of her hand.

“I don’t have a ring. I’m completely underprepared. But, baby, I’m gonna get you whatever fucking ring you want because you deserve only the best. I love you, Rayne, more than anything in this world, and I want you to marry me?”

She gasps as she lets out a small sob. “I’ve done the whole marriage thing… it didn’t work out so well for me last time.”

Everyone widens their eyes as Zero swallows hard. “It didn’t work out so well for me either last time, remember?”

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