Home > O-Men : Liege's Legion - Merc(81)

O-Men : Liege's Legion - Merc(81)
Author: Elaine Levine

“Sam’s helping you with that?”

“Yeah.” She bit her lip, then broke into a grin. “And Guerre too.”

“Oh? What? Kiera! How could I have missed that?”

“Honey, you missed everything.”

“So what’s he like?”

“I don’t know. We haven’t—he hasn’t—we haven’t gone out.”

“Kiera Belmont. You grab on with both hands to whatever it is you want and wrestle it down until you’ve got it where you want it.”

A serious expression came over her, dulling her happy features. “I just don’t know if I want to, you know, get involved with what they’ve got going on.”

Ash faced forward. “I get that. What are they into, anyway?”

Kiera shrugged. “Something to do with security. Or ecotourism. Or live-action role-playing games. I don’t really know.”

“Does Summer?”

“Maybe. But she’s been sworn to secrecy.”

“Uh-uh. No.” Ash shook her head. “She was ours first. We’ll get her to spill.”

Kiera chuckled. “Or maybe we’re better off not knowing.”

“Maybe, but not if it’s getting in the way of you and Guerre. That man looks so lonely.”

“How would you know?”

“Just from the few times I’ve seen him. His kind eyes cover dark secrets.”

“I’ve thought that too.”

“You worried that being Sam’s daughter gives Guerre issues connecting with you?”

Kiera didn’t answer right away. “I don’t know. Maybe. There hasn’t been the right time for us to give things a try.”

“Make the time, Kiera. You deserve to be swept off your feet.”

“I’m a little scared. Loving and losing is horrible.”

“Nothing says that will happen again.”

Ash was glad they’d had this quiet time together. She’d missed her friends. Why had she pushed them aside? That wasn’t like her. She supposed it had to do with the extra work she’d taken on at the office. She realized she was disappointed in herself. It wasn’t like her to put life before her friends.

A short while later, they pulled up at Sam’s huge adobe fort. The thing was such a monstrosity, sticking out like an old-time fortress, which Ash supposed it was.

Ash hadn’t been there since the spring. Summer’s garden had come alive. She’d architected it like a desert oasis. Things were green and blooming in big pockets of color.

“Wow. This is amazing,” Ash said as she got out of the car.

“Yeah. Summer really knows what she’s doing,” Kiera said. “Wait until you see the courtyard.”

“Ashlyn!” Summer shouted as she ran out the big blue doors to greet them. She gave them both a hug, then caught Ash’s hands and gave her one hell of an intense look.

“Okaay… What’s that about, Summer?”

“I’ve just been worried about you.”

“I know. I’ve been a rotten friend. Kiera read me in on that on our way over here.”

“I did not.”

“Did you know that Kiera has a crush on someone?”

Summer’s eyes widened. “Who?”

Ash shook her head. “Well, that’s not my news to tell.”

“Ash!” Summer said. “That’s horrible. Spill, Kiera.”

“When the time’s right, I will,” Kiera replied

“But it isn’t right that Ash knows and I don’t. I am superb at keeping secrets.”

Kiera and Ash exchanged a look, then Ash laughed and nudged Kiera.

“Guerre,” Kiera said.

“Yes! I knew it! You guys have such chemistry.”

“You think?”

“Oh yeah. So much that I have to leave the room when you two are together.” Summer laughed, then turned serious. “That would really make me happy, Kiera.”

“We’ll see how it goes. I don’t want to rush things.”

Summer folded her lips together, bit them, then closed an imaginary zipper and mumbled, “Not a word from me. Not even to Sam.”

“Who knows everything anyway,” Kiera said.

“Why is that?” Ash asked.

“Just one of those things.” Summer linked her arms with Kiera and Ash’s and turned them toward her garden. “What do you think?”

“Amazing. This should be in a magazine,” Ash said. “Can we take a walk through here before we go in?”




Merc stood at the bank of windows in the long living room, watching the girls meander through the extensive garden below. Guerre came over. Neither man spoke. Acier joined them, feeling somber like the two of them.

When the girls finished their tour and were heading back, Merc said, “Think I’ll ditch you all and hang out upstairs.”

“She’s Liege’s woman’s best friend. You’re going to see her for the rest of Summer’s life, Merc. Best get used to being around her this way.”

Merc nodded. Right. Just how the fuck did a mate do that?

“I can numb your emotions, if you like,” Guerre offered.

Acier huffed a short laugh. “The holy grail of every addict.”

The thought of being around Ash and not experiencing the exquisite feeling of her energy was unacceptable. Maybe Merc couldn’t have her, but that didn’t mean that he couldn’t appreciate all that she was. He shook his head, declining the offer as the girls came into the fort.

Guerre and Acier went out to greet them. Liege came into the living room, blocking his exit. The big guy stared into his eyes a long moment, then set a hand on Merc’s shoulder. “You aren’t alone in this.”

Merc shoved his hands in his pockets. “Thanks, mate.” He followed his team out to the big courtyard. Water in the big fountain splashed noisily. Flowers filled dozens of big, colorful pots and climbed trellises, breaking up the relentless earth tones of the fort walls. Bastion and Selena had set the long teak table with place settings and candles.

It was all so jarringly beautiful that it clashed with his heart.

The girls were happily greeting everyone, and then, to his horror, everyone made space as Ash turned her attention to him.

He had to remember that this was their first meeting, since he’d erased their time together from her mind. She reached her hand out to him. He took it in his, fighting the shiver that caused him.

He’d loved her before. He loved her now. He would always, always love her.

“Hi, Merc,” she said, a little smile on her lips, the kind women make when they like a man.

Her pheromones fired off his. “Ashlyn.”

“I just go by Ash.”

“Right.” Ash, like the burned-out shell of his heart.

They stood a moment staring into each other’s eyes, a moment he would have gladly let stretch the entire evening, but Bastion burst into the courtyard with appetizers and drinks.

Selena and Summer drew everyone over to the table. Bastion came and stood with him. “Way to be cool, mon ami. I could feel the zingers between the two of you all the way in the kitchen.”

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