Home > A Layperry's Tradition (For A Chance At Us Book 1)(6)

A Layperry's Tradition (For A Chance At Us Book 1)(6)
Author: Toby Wise

A tiny piece of my chest unclenches with the knowledge that Timalah isn’t leaving this house, that I’ll be able to watch over him. Relief and nerves intermix within my chest.

I give both Ghenie and Gendry hugs as I walk them out. I know there’s no hard feelings between us. We all just want the best for Timalah, even if my intentions are a little less than pure.

“I’ll be right across the way if you need anything,” Christian says. “Even if you just need someone here so you can get some sleep.”

“I’ll let you know. Thank you.”

Christian stares at me, looking like he wants to say something. Then he gives the tiniest shake of his head. “Good night, Miles.”

“Night, Christian.”

That’s how I find myself standing beside Timalah’s bed, a washcloth and bowl of water at my side. He’s still peacefully asleep which is why I feel okay giving myself permission to look my fill. My palm cups his cheek, his skin slightly heated against my own as his body fights off any lingering venom. Dipping the cloth into the cool water, I use it to gently wipe the sweat from Timalah’s brow. His face wrinkles a moment before going slack once more.

My movements are steady and careful as I wash his chest, wiping away the dried blood. Then I apply a bit more herbs to the wound before bandaging it up for the night. My hands clench as I hold myself back from touching his chest. I’ve seen him in nothing but his leather pants before but now it feels different, more intimate now that he’s in my home, relying on me.

I pull up a chair to his side, not wanting him to wake up all alone. My stomach flutters with nerves as I take his hand, cradling it between both of mine. His are larger than mine and I’m reminded of that first time we met, when I couldn’t stop thinking about the ‘rainbow aliens’. I gently run the pad of my finger against his palm, feeling how rough and calloused they are. Just another thing that makes us so wildly different. His hands are the hands of a warrior, while mine are the soft hands of a healer.

“I’m glad you’re okay,” I whisper, not caring that he can’t hear me. Somehow that makes the words come easier. “I’m so glad I didn’t lose you today.” My hands tighten as I’m overcome with emotions. “I’ll be right by your side, Timalah. I’ll take care of you.”

I bring his hand to my mouth, kissing his knuckles. The adrenaline of this morning is wearing off and despite the bright sun shining into the room, exhaustion pulls at me. I lean my head against my arm on Timalah’s bed. My eyes blink slowly. I’ll just rest my eyes a moment.



Chapter Four






I smile up at Miles, my chest fluttering at the beautiful sight he makes. My Dorshkah looks so achingly soft in my lap, his hands resting on my shoulders. The light comes in through the window behind him, making his usual golden hair even more golden, like something supernatural. His brown eyes are so bright, his smile carefree. He leans down and kisses my lips. For only a moment I’m surprised before I’m kissing him right back, the press of our lips against each other so soft it makes my heart clench. My hands slide up his spine, his skin hot under my touch. I’ve wanted this for so long and now I finally have him. It feels like a dream come true.

“Timalah,” he whispers in my ear, the sound making me shiver.

I kiss along the underside of his chin, his breathy noises making my cock hard. My mouth moves across his throat. His fingers dig into my shoulders, holding on tight as I lick across his skin and the taste lights a fire in my belly.

“Timalah,” he says again, this time his voice is more determined, a bit louder. I wonder what it’ll take to make him lose his cool, to make him cry out because he just can’t help himself.


I blink my eyes open, a pained groan leaving my lips the moment I try to move. Everything is out of focus, too bright. I lick my lips as I try to figure out where I am.

“Hey, don’t try to move,” Miles says gently, his hands touching my chest and pushing me back against the bed. I don’t fight him, trusting him to know what’s going on, knowing instinctively Miles knows what’s best.

I swallow thickly, grimacing at how dry my mouth is. I finally focus on the sight in front of me, finding Miles’ worried face. My hand reaches up, cupping his cheek and he leans into it. He looks so tired and my chest clenches, wanting to kiss that worry away, wanting to be the one to take care of him instead of the other way around.

“What’s wrong, Dorshkah?”

That smile I love so much forms on his lips. “You’re worried about me? Do you have any idea how worried I’ve been about you?”

I try to shrug but pain lances through my shoulder, through my chest, and down my arm. I hiss through clenched teeth. That’s when memories hit me full force. I should be dead. The denstree struck me through my shoulder.

My breathing grows labored and I clench my eyes so tightly I see dots. My hands become fists and my heart pumps almost painfully inside my chest. My shoulder throbs, reminding me that there should be venom sliding through my veins and I look down, trying to find the wound.

“Timalah, calm down,” Miles says, his voice coming into focus. My swimming vision fades as I look up at his face. “Breathe. You’re okay.”

I nod my head, breathing just the same as he does until my heart is back under control. I look around at my surroundings, surprised to find myself in Miles’ apothecary. My right hand comes up to my shoulder, touching the bandages there. I try not to wince as the simple touch makes me ache.

“Are you sure this isn’t the afterlife?”

Miles’ face breaks out into a wide smile. “Why? You really think of me as an angel?”

I tilt my head. “I don’t know what an angel is. But if it’s someone beautiful who puts up with me and brings me back from the brink of death, then yes, you are an angel.”

Miles shakes his head at me, his eyes looking brighter than before. He leans over to pick something up from the side table, bringing a straw to my lips. I drink greedily, my eyes never leaving his as the water hits my tongue. It’s cool and refreshing, like the first cool rain after a dry spell. My heart races in my chest, but this time for a very different reason. Miles is here, taking care of me just as someone takes care of their matron. Does he have any idea? That he’s treating me like the one whom he loves? Could he love me?

I swallow every last drop of the cool water he offers me. With my belly now full and my throat no longer dry, my eyelids grow heavy once more.

Miles stands, towering over me for once. His face is so soft as he takes me in. His hand comes up, gently caressing my cheek and I can’t help but wonder if I’m already dreaming. Miles has never touched me like this before, never crossed that thin line into something more affectionate than a friend.

“Sleep now,” he says gently. “I’ll be right here to watch over you. For once, let me be the one to take care of you.”

My eyes close without my permission. “Okay, Dorshkah.” My hand comes up, gripping his wrist, forever grateful that his implant doesn’t quite understand every single one of our words, allowing me to openly call him an endearment without him knowing. Without opening my eyes I turn my head and kiss the middle of his palm. It’s a silent thank you for everything he’s doing and everything he’s done for me. “I’ll be right here,” I say through a wide yawn, smiling when Miles snorts.

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