Home > A Layperry's Tradition (For A Chance At Us Book 1)(8)

A Layperry's Tradition (For A Chance At Us Book 1)(8)
Author: Toby Wise

Miles opens his mouth to say something before snapping it shut again. He shakes his head, like he’s shaking the thoughts going through his head away. He looks at me, putting a smile back on his face. “Such a serious conversation. Tonight was supposed to be laid back and fun.”

“I’m having fun,” I tell him seriously. “Any time spent with you is good time spent.”

Miles’ cheeks heat once more and I do a small inner dance of victory. His finger continues tracing random patterns against my tail. He finally looks back up, his brown eyes taking on a determined look to them. “I know I’ve said this already, but I’m really glad you’re okay, Timalah.”

I reach out and touch his shoulder, ignoring the sparks that run through my arm at being able to touch him. “Thank you for saving me. I was sure that was my day to join our ancestors.”

“Not on my watch,” he tells me with a little smile. “It made me realize something.”

“And what’s that, Dorshkah?”

Miles bites his bottom lip. “I didn’t want you to die.”

I snort. “For that I am eternally grateful.”

Miles flicks my tail, making us both chuckle. He looks at me, his demeanor growing serious. Because we are touching I could so easily reach into his brain and pull out the surface thoughts, to finally figure out what’s going on inside his head. But I don’t. I want him to say it out loud for me. I want it to be on Miles’ terms.

Miles swallows thickly, the sound of his throat clicking loud in my ears. “I just,” his hand tightens around my tail, making my heart flip. “Almost losing you put some things into perspective for me.”

“You don’t have to say anything.”

“But I want to,” he says right away. “I want you to know how I feel.”

“And how do you feel? I hope I already know but I need you to tell me. I won’t do anything without your lead, Miles.”

Miles’ eyes widen at my words, like he’s only just realizing that there’s a chance I share his feelings. Such a silly human. How could I not feel the same way?

“I realized I didn’t want you to die without you knowing how much I care about you. Ever since that night we first met,” he says carefully. He licks his lips, composing himself. “I don’t even know if you could feel the same for me. We’re so different. But I don’t care.”

He’s working himself up, his cheeks turning a bright red. I hate seeing him so stressed out. I place my finger on his lip, making him pause. His eyes bore into mine, silently begging me to say something. “I do feel the same,” I whisper. “May I kiss you?”

Miles nods his head. When I pull my finger away he doesn’t just wait for me to kiss him. No, not my Miles. My Miles leaps out of his chair and into my lap, bracing his hands against my shoulders, making me hiss as he touches my shoulder wound.

“Shit, sorry,” he murmurs. “I’ve already ruined this before we’ve even started.”

“There’s no way you could ruin this,” I tell him seriously, my hand coming up to cup his cheek. “Now kiss me. Please.”

And finally he does. His lips against mine are sweet with wine, supple and soft. I worry my fangs will get in the way as I open my lips for his probing tongue. Instead, I feel that same tongue lick across my fang, a moan vibrating between us. The wine might have left me feeling light but somehow, this kiss makes me feel like I’m coming off the ground and floating away. My stomach swoops with unadulterated giddiness and something inside my chest is slotting into place. His taste, his scent, the feel of him against me, it all feels so right.

With Miles in my lap, I can’t stop myself from growing hard in my pants. As we kiss, Miles’ ass rubs against my erection, teasing it to full hardness. My hand moves from his cheek, running through his silky golden hair. My Dorshkah, my delicious golden nugget. My chest feels near bursting and I wish I could capture this moment and live in it forever where all of our hopes and dreams and affections can’t be touched by the outside world.

“Timalah,” he breathes my name against my lips like a prayer, like a final benediction, like there’s no going back. And fuck, I hope that’s how he feels because I’m positive that’s everything I could ever hope to want.

I lean up and kiss him again, savoring the taste of his mouth and the way his tongue is so soft against my own. I pull back enough to kiss his jaw, trying to memorize the little noises he’s making, wondering if this is all I’ll ever get. If it is, I promise to cherish it forever.

“Are you tired?” Miles asks breathlessly, his hand cupping my cheek and pulling my face away from his throat. “I know you’re still recovering.”

“Never too tired for you.”

Miles nods his head, a grin crossing his face. “I was hoping you’d say that. Timalah, will you take me to bed?”



Chapter Five






My heart beats wildly against my ribs as I stare down into Timalah’s icy blue eyes, waiting for his reaction. I feel flayed open and exposed, having put everything on the table. And to my delighted surprise, Timalah has said he feels the same.

Instead of answering, an animalistic growl rumbles from Timalah’s chest as he stands up. I let out a yelp of surprise as I wrap my legs around his middle, his hands grip me under my thighs and ass to hold me up. I’ve never had someone lift me like this in my life. I’m a 6 foot man being carried around like I weigh nothing and that somehow makes me even hornier, my cock rock hard in my pants.

“You have no idea how much I’ve wanted this,” he tells me, his face buried against my throat as he walks through my home towards my bedroom. “Wanted you for so long, Miles. Was holding myself back.”

“Why would you do that?” I demand breathlessly.

“Didn’t want to scare you. Humans are particular about their partners. Thought maybe I was too different for you.”

“No, no, no,” I say, shaking my head, taking his chin in my hands and tilting his head up. “You’re perfect for me.” And then we’re kissing again.

I don’t even realize we’re in my bedroom until Timalah is setting me down. He pulls his shirt over his head and I have to take a moment just to look, to take all of him in now that I have permission to look. His blue skin is so beautiful. His chest is toned and his abs are sculpted and defined leading down to a perfect v cut. God, he’s so incredibly hot and I can’t wait to finally get my hands on him.

“Are you getting undressed or would you rather just watch me?” Timalah teases, spurring me to action. I pull off my own clothes, tossing them onto the floor, uncaring where they land.

When I’m completely naked, I crawl up the bed until my head is against my pillow. My eyes greedily take in the sight of Timalah naked, lingering a moment on his erect cock. It’s long and thick with little round bumps lining each side of it. Beneath though, there are no balls. Part of me really wants to inspect Timalah and find all the ways he’s different than me. My EMT brain wants to learn more about his biology. I know Layperry have semen and are capable of impregnating but I also know they all have wombs which are able to carry their young. I’m fascinated by Timalah and his body, but for right now, the bigger part of me just wants his skin against my own. I do my best to focus on the here and now.

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