Home > Diving in Deep (Bay State University #2)(16)

Diving in Deep (Bay State University #2)(16)
Author: Katie Holland

Karma: So, use them to get off. Bye Bodie.


I just shook my head. I knew that was a picture of Karma. Her tits were burned into my memory, but I still saved the picture to my phone. She was up to something. I didn’t believe for a second that she accidentally sent that to me.

I took another look at the picture and allowed my mind to drift back to the night of the party. Just thinking about Karma naked caused my dick to twitch. Since there was no reason at the moment to not think about it, I let myself remember the feel of her body, both inside and out.

It didn’t take long for me to get hard. I took my dick out and closed my eyes. Remembering the sounds Karma made and the sight of her touching herself I stroked my dick until I came. I laughed at myself when I was finished. I felt like I was back in junior high or something. I cleaned myself up and watched TV for the next hour or so.




Sunday morning, I got up and went to More Than Just Beans. Tiffany smiled when I walked in. She was helping someone, but I noticed she put the remaining muffins from the glass on the counter behind her, so no one else could buy them. I was serious last week when I said I wanted all of them. They really were the best muffins I’d ever had.

When it was my turn to order Tiffany handed me the box of muffins.

“Thanks,” I said.

“Are you just humoring me buying all of those or do you really like them?” she asked.

“I really like them,” I told her. “I actually didn’t even share the last bunch with anyone. I kept them in my room and ate them in two days.”

That made her laugh.

“What kind of coffee do you want today?” she said, still smiling.

I took a minute to look at the specials. “How about the cinnamon latte?”

“Sure. That’ll be $24.85.”

I pulled my card out of my wallet and added a $15 tip to the bill. Let her argue about that.

“I’ll bring it out to you in a minute,” she said.

I found a table and took one of the muffins out of the box. They were lemon blueberry today and were just as good as last week. A few minutes later, Tiffany brought my coffee and sat at the table with me.

“This kicks ass,” I said, taking another bite of the muffin. “Have you ever thought about doing this professionally?”

“Like, open a bakery?”


“No. It’s just a hobby. I think if I did it every day, I’d stop enjoying it.”

“Well, you can make these for me anytime,” I said, with a wink.

We talked for a few minutes until another customer came in. I took my muffins and went back to the dorm. I was surprised to see Major there.

“What are you doing here?” I asked. “I thought you’d be with Kayleigh all day.

“She had a paper to work on and says I’m a distraction,” he said grinning. “What’s in the box?”

“Nothing,” I said, not wanting to share.

“Bullshit. That looks like a bakery box.”

“So, it’s not for you,” I told him seriously.

Major took that as a challenge and got off the couch and ran at me. I took off for the other side of the room, but he was faster than me. He tackled me, but I managed to keep the box from getting destroyed.

“Okay fucker,” I said. “Get off me and I’ll share.”

Major was laughing, but he got off me.

“Only one,” I told him, as he opened the box.

“This is fucking good,” Major said, with his mouth full.

“I know. Why do you think I didn’t want to share with your sorry ass?”

“Where did you get these?”

“I’m not telling you or you’ll go and buy them all before I can.”

“Dude, come on,” Major said.

“Nope, not gonna happen.”

“I’ll find out and you’ll be sorry,” he said.

“Good luck with that, bro,” I said laughing, and went to my room.



Chapter 11


Sunday morning, Anthony cooked me breakfast again and we ended up spending the whole day together at his house. Sometimes we had clothes on, but most of the time we didn’t. He dropped me off at the dorm around 8pm.

“You’re alive,” Kayleigh said, with a laugh when I walked in.

I had to smile at that. “Yep. Alive and happy.”

“Wow,” Kayleigh said. “You’re practically glowing. I take it you had a very good night.”

“It was better than good and today was even better,” I said.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this into a guy before.”

“Anthony is different,” I told her.

“Different how?”

“I don’t know exactly. Maybe, it’s that he’s a little older, or he’s more of a gentleman than I’m used to, but whatever it is, I like it. I’m going to shower,” I told Kayleigh.

She nodded and went back to her schoolwork.

I continued to think about her question while I showered. Why was he different? I thought about the time we’d spent together so far, and I finally figured it out. He treated me as more than just a way to get off. He listened to what I had to say and was interested. I’d only known him a week and he already cooked for me, took me to a fancy party and I’d met his mother. He treated me like I was important.

That made me smile. Outside of my parents, Kayleigh and her grandma, I’d never been important to anyone. I hoped this wasn’t out of character for Anthony, like a honeymoon phase or something. I guess I was just going to have to go with the flow for now and get to know him better.

I heard my text notification sound go off when I got to my room.


Bodie: Do you have time to work on our Spanish stuff tomorrow?

Me: Sure. I’m free after 2.

Bodie: Meet me at the coffee place closest to your dorm.

Me: Bossy much?

Bodie: Can you please meet me at the coffee place that is close to your dorm?

Me: Better and yes, I can.

Bodie: Thanks. See you in the morning.


I smiled at our text exchange. Something about Bodie brought out the side of me that loved to poke at people. And since he always took the bait it was even more fun.

I had about an hour and a half before I wanted to go to bed, so I took out my books and looked over what I needed to do for the next week.




Monday morning’s practice went well. Coach Everett was still pleased with our performance Saturday, so she went easy on us. Classes flew by and before I knew it, I was sitting in the coffee place waiting for Bodie. I saw him in my two classes today, but he was glued to his phone, so I didn’t bother him. I was in the process of texting Anthony when Bodie sat down at the table with me.

“Hey,” he said. “Do you want some coffee or something?”

“I wouldn’t mind a water if you’re getting something. And could you grab me a croissant if they have any?”


“Thanks,” I said, and started to get out my wallet.

“It’s on me today,” he said with a wink, and left to go to the counter.

I finished my text to Anthony and waited for Bodie. My phone dinged and the text I’d gotten back made me smile.

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