Home > Diving in Deep (Bay State University #2)(12)

Diving in Deep (Bay State University #2)(12)
Author: Katie Holland

“Can you sit for a minute?” I asked her.

“Sure, at least until another customer comes in.” She sat across from me. “Why did you give me a thirteen-dollar tip?”

“Because I could,” I told her.

“I don’t understand.”

“Money isn’t an issue for me, so I always tip very well.”

“So, it’s not because you feel sorry for me?” she asked.

“Why would I feel sorry for you?”

“Because I couldn’t afford a real college and have to work a part time job,” she said.

“I think it’s admirable that you go to school full time and also work. I couldn’t do it,” I admitted. “By the way, the coffee is excellent and so is this muffin. It’s by far the best I've ever had. What kind is it?”

“Salted Caramel Chocolate Chip. And, thanks, I made them,” she said with a smile.

“You made the muffins? Like got up early and made them?”

She laughed at me. “Yes, to both.”

“What time were you here?”

“5am. We open at six, so I get here to start baking. You’re lucky. I only make those on Sunday’s and only one batch so when they’re gone, they’re gone.”

I looked at the case and saw there were four muffins left. “I’ll take the rest,” I told Tiffany.


“Yes really. Now go box them up before some other asshole comes along and takes my muffins.”

She giggled but got up from the table and put the rest of the muffins in a box.

“Here you go,” she said, handing me the box.

“Thanks,” I said. “Here.” I handed her another twenty.

“What you paid earlier more than covers the cost of these,” she said.

I set the money down but didn’t put it back in my wallet.

“So why are you really here?” she asked. “And don’t say for the coffee.”

“I came to see if you’d give me your number. I really enjoyed talking to you last night and I could use a friend that doesn’t judge me.”

“Your friends judge you?”

“I guess judge is the wrong word. I’ve known them forever and they always think they need to fix something if they think I have a problem. Don’t get me wrong, I love those assholes to death, but sometimes they can be a bit much.”

“So, you want to be friends, Bodie?”

“Yeah, I guess I do. You’re different than anyone I know.” I laughed at myself. “That sounds like a cheesy pickup line. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it that way.”

Tiffany was laughing too. “Don’t worry. I get it. No expectations can be nice.”

“Yeah, that’s it exactly,” I said. “So, will you give me your number Tiffany? Please.”

“Since you asked so nicely, sure.”

I grinned. “Thank you.” I took out my phone and we exchanged numbers.

The door chimed and she had to go back to work.

“See you around,” I told her, as I picked up my box of muffins. I left the twenty on the table and walked out the door.




Major was already waiting for me when I walked into the pizza place.

“Hey,” I said, joining him at the table.

“Hey. I already ordered,” he said.


“So, are you going to tell me what the hell has been wrong with you lately?” he asked.

“That didn’t take long.”

“Cut the shit Bodie. Is something wrong with your family or something?”

“I slept with Karma,” I blurted out. “But she doesn’t remember and then she gave me a blowjob last night at the club.”

In other circumstances I would laugh at the look on Major’s face, but I hadn’t meant to let all of that out at once and I didn’t find this funny at all.

“Okay, what?” he finally asked.

“Remember when we celebrated the end of the semester at that frat party?” He nodded. “I took Karma home and we had sex. I had no idea she was so drunk. She doesn’t remember the sex but does remember us waking up naked the next morning and laughed it off. I would have never brought her home if I knew she was drunk. Those girls never drink, and she acted just like she normally does.”

Major looked at me like he didn’t know what to say. I couldn’t blame him.

“Then last night, she asked me to come with her at the club. Before I knew what was happening my dick was in her mouth.”

I waited for him to say something. The pizza came and he took a bite, still silent. I’d lost my appetite. I wasn’t sure why this was bothering me so much, but it was. I thought telling Major might lift a little of the pressure on my chest but right now it just felt worse.

“Please say something,” I finally said.

He put down his pizza, looked at me and burst out laughing.

“It’s not funny, asshole,” I said.

“It’s so fucking funny. You of all people are freaking out about having sex with someone. Karma doesn’t seem bothered by the blow job at all.”

“She’s not. But there’s one more thing,” I hesitated and finally spit out. “It was the best sex I’ve ever had.”

That shut him up.


“Yeah really, and she remembers none of it.”

“Well fuck,” Major said.


“So, what are you going to do about it?” he asked.

“Nothing. It’s not like either one of us wants to date. I guess I just try and forget about it.”

“Good luck with that, bro.”

Major gave me a skeptical look. And to be honest, I was giving myself the same one.



Chapter 9


The following week I was extremely busy. We had a competition on Saturday, so that meant putting everything I had into each practice. Coach Everett was already pissed at me and I didn’t want to make it worse.

I texted Anthony whenever I had the chance, and he took me out to dinner on Wednesday. So far it was fun, but we’d really only been on one date.

It was Friday night and normally I’d be at a party or on a date, but with the swim meet tomorrow Kayleigh and I were resting in our dorm.

“Are you texting Anthony again?” Kayleigh asked me.

“Yeah,” I said with a smile.

“You seem to really like him,” she said.

“I do. He’s funny, charming and interesting.”

“And don’t forget rich,” she said laughing.

“I haven’t, but that doesn’t really matter if you like the person, does it?”

“Nope,” she smiled.

When we first met Major and Bodie, we had no idea they came from money. They were just two regular guys, okay two hot guys, that ended up being fun to hang out with. I knew Anthony’s parents had money, but I had no clue if he had any of his own. I wasn’t in it for the money and if that became a problem I’d be gone. I didn’t do drama of any kind.

My phone dinged with a text and I smiled at what I read.

“Anthony said he’s going to be at the meet tomorrow,” I told Kayleigh.

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