Home > Diving in Deep (Bay State University #2)(62)

Diving in Deep (Bay State University #2)(62)
Author: Katie Holland

I unfolded the paper and saw that it was messages from my friends and family. I teared up instantly. I had a feeling it was Bodie who managed to get this to me, and I was forever grateful. I read the notes. The first one was from Kayleigh.



I’m so sorry this has happened to you. Don’t forget that you’re not in this alone. You have a huge support team and we’re doing everything we can for you (especially Bodie). I talked to Coach Everett and you’re not off the team. She doesn’t believe for a second that you’d do something like this, so don’t worry about that. I know this has to be so hard for you, but if anyone can handle it, it’s you. You are one of the strongest people I know, and we’ll get through this together. I love you like a sister.



The tears were freely flowing down my face now. I loved that girl. Glancing down at the next message I started to cry a little bit more. I recognized my mom’s writing instantly.


Our Dearest Daughter,

I want to start by saying how much your dad and I love you and how proud we are of you. I know you are 100% innocent, and we’ll stop at nothing to prove that. Your friend Bodie is quite the young man. I’ve never seen a more determined person, except you. He’s been busy trying to find evidence that clears you and I believe if anyone can find it, it will be him. Please know that your dad and I will be here for you, no matter what happens, and we’ll do whatever is necessary to help you. You will not have to face this on your own. We love you honey and will see you Monday.


Mom and Dad


I had to put the letter down because my eyes were too blurry to read it. I took a few minutes to collect myself and wiped my eyes. Once I was able to see again, I picked up the precious paper. The next note was from Major.



I don’t really know what to tell you that will help, except maybe this. Bodie is a man on a mission. He’s not going to stop until he sets you free. I’ve never seen him like this before. He cares about you, a lot, so keep that in mind please when this is all over. And don’t worry about Kayleigh, I’ll take care of her until you get back. Take care and be safe.



The end of his note made me smile. At least he knew that Kayleigh was always going to be my girl, even with him in the picture. The last message was from Bodie. I took a deep breath and started reading.



I’m feeling so many emotions right now, but I’m sure it’s nothing compared to how you feel. You have no idea how sorry I am that you’re having to go through this and if I could trade places with you, I’d do it in a heartbeat. I need you to know that all of West Security has your back. We will do everything in our power to get you cleared of this. I know with absolute certainty that you didn’t do anything they’re accusing you of. You may be stubborn and full of pride, but you’re not a criminal. You’ve worked hard to get where you are and there’s no way you’d ruin that for money. I know this about you and I’m going to make sure the entire world knows it too. You mean a lot to me Karma, you have for a while. You’re more than just a friend to me and I will do whatever it takes to make sure you are free to live the rest of your life how you want to. I’m making a promise to you that I will save you from this, all you have to do is trust me.

Love, Bodie


Putting the letter down, I started to cry all over again. Bodie’s words got to me in a way that I didn’t think was possible. They touched me deeply. I read the last line again, all you have to do is trust me, and I did trust him. I’d told him what happened to me when I was a kid and never once did it occur to me to tell Anthony. I guess that should have been a clue that I wasn’t meant to be with him. I knew Bodie wouldn’t give up on me and I couldn’t say the same about Anthony. Fuck, what an idiot I’d been. I’d been wowed by Anthony’s charm and swagger and look where it had gotten me.

I folded up the paper and tucked it into my bra, then I sat back and thought about all the things Bodie had done for me. No one else besides my parents and Kayleigh had ever been so thoughtful. From staying with me when I had the nightmare to getting me all that ice cream when I was mad at him, he never gave up or made me feel like I wasn’t worth being around. And all I’d done was give the poor guy a hard time. I asked him to tell me to an orgasm while I was at my boyfriend’s place, God, I was such a dick.

This was my chance to change. Bodie was making me want to be a better person. I laughed to myself. If I had told him that when we first met both of us would have thought that was crazy, but Bodie had changed over the last few months. I felt like he was growing up, which sounded stupid since we were both in college, but I didn’t know how else to word it.

As for me, I was the same as I’d been in high school. Mostly selfish and thoughtless. I cared more about my feelings than anyone else’s. I liked to have a good time and that’s what mattered. It was time for a change.

I’d always heard that writing things down can help, and since I had nothing but time for the next two days, I decided to try it. For the rest of the day, I wrote letters. I started by writing one to my younger self. It was an interesting exercise but one that helped me a little. Then I wrote one to my parents and one to Bodie. I didn’t know if I’d ever give them the letters, but it was something I needed to do for me.

That night I was able to sleep a little, but I was exhausted Sunday morning when they brought breakfast. I thought about the letters I wrote yesterday, and my mind was a little lighter. I’d written down things that were sometimes hard to admit but were the absolute truth.

Today, I was going to focus on something entirely different. I was going to try to figure out who set me up. I had to admit it was either Antonio or Anthony. Just thinking about Anthony doing it made me sick.

I looked at the list I’d made about everything the detectives had told me. The two things that I kept going back to where the clothes and necklace. How would Antonio convince Anthony to buy me a shitload of clothes and a ten-thousand-dollar necklace when it was clear he didn’t want me in the picture? Wouldn’t Anthony want to know why his dad would do that? So that led me to two conclusions, this was all on Anthony, or they were in on it together. But what would Antonio have to gain by stealing money from his own company and then reporting it to the police? That didn’t make any sense.

I started going back over my whole relationship with Anthony. Everything had been perfect. The only exception was when I found out his father had been having me investigated. I remember overhearing their conversation and thinking how angry Anthony sounded when he said, “I have plans for her dad, don’t fuck this up for me.” At the time, I thought he meant for our future, now I was positive that’s not what he was talking about.

The more I thought about it, the more everything was pointing to Anthony using me to steal the money for himself. But why? He was set to take over his father’s company and he already had a shitload of money. I didn’t get it. I needed to talk to Bodie about this.




I had just left dad’s office and I was pissed off. Bill called and told us that nothing was going to happen with Karma until she could see a judge on Monday. She was going to have to spend the weekend in jail. I wanted to punch something, or better yet, someone. Dad told me to get out of the office and take a breather. He said he would have Cathy email me the data when it was ready.

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