Home > Diving in Deep (Bay State University #2)(60)

Diving in Deep (Bay State University #2)(60)
Author: Katie Holland

Then it was Detective Lance’s turn. He asked me question after question, but again, I didn’t answer any one of them. The truth was, I couldn’t. I had no idea what he was talking about. Money transfers and offshore accounts were something I saw in movies, not real life. He was about to ask me another question when someone outside the room started yelling.

“I’ve been waiting over an hour. I have a right to see my client.” The door opened and a man I’d never seen before walked in. “Can I please have the room? I’d like to talk to my client.”

I watched as Detective Lance smiled at him and left the room.

“Karma,” the man said to me, “I’m Bill Wallace. Richard West sent me.”

I nodded in understanding and could have kissed Bodie right then.

Bill leaned in close and whispered. “They’re recording everything in here. What have you told them?”

“Nothing. Bodie said not to say anything, so I didn’t.”

“Very good, Karma. I know how tough that can be.”

“The West’s seemed very sure that you’re innocent, and as your lawyer I have to ask, did you do what they’re accusing you of?”

“No, I actually have no idea about anything they’ve said, other than I know about the company.”

“Good. I’m going to do my best to get you out of here, but with these particular charges it might be difficult. If they try and talk to you again without me, just tell them you want your lawyer and don’t say another word. You’ve been brave about this so far, but it’s going to get worse before it gets better. Just hang in there. I’ll talk to you as soon as I can.” He got up and left the interrogation room.

Detective Martinez came in. “Now that you’ve lawyered up, I guess you’re not going to talk, not like you said anything before. It’s time to officially book you. Come with me.”

The next few minutes were the most humiliating of my life. I was fingerprinted, mug shots were taken, and then forced to change into those awful orange clothes. I was taken to the back of the building and put in a cell. At least, I was the only one in it. I saw other women in the same situation as me. I wanted to cry, but I knew that wouldn’t help so I got mad instead.

I sat on the bed and thought about what just happened. How could this be my life right now? I was supposed to be in class, not sitting in a jail cell. I had a competition tomorrow, what was going to happen to my scholarship? Would I be kicked out of the University? Oh my God, my parents, what were they going to think of me? I’m sure they knew by now. Bodie would have told Kayleigh and she would have called them. Everything was so fucked up.

Moving all the way back on the bed, I put my feet up and curled my arms around my legs. How could I be such a threat that Antonio Pagano would go to such lengths to do something like this? I thought about what the detectives had said in the interrogation room. They had proof that I transferred millions of dollars and used it to buy things like the clothes, necklaces, and the trip to St. Lucia. They said there were several offshore accounts with my name on them. I didn’t understand how any of that was possible.

I let my head fall back against the wall and closed my eyes. I felt so helpless, but at least I had people on the outside who were willing to help me. Thank God Bodie had been there, or no one would know what had happened to me.

I didn’t see anyone until they brought meals to us. I couldn’t even think about eating, but I did take the bottle of water.

A few hours later, a guard came and opened my cell. I was handcuffed and taken to a different room. Bill Wallace was waiting for me. I was told to take a seat and the guard left the room.

“Karma,” Bill said. “There’s nothing we can do today. They’ve scheduled you to see a judge Monday morning. That judge will tell you everything you’ve been charged with and will determine your bail.”

“Monday! But that’s three days away.”

“I’m sorry, Karma, but the courts aren’t open on the weekends.”

I slumped in my chair when he said that. I was going to have to stay in that awful cell for at least three days. Then I realized he said something about bail, too. “Mr. Wallace, I don’t have money for bail, and I’m not sure my parents do either.”

“I have a feeling that West Security will be taking care of that for you. Bodie is very passionate about doing everything he can to help you.”

“What about my parents? Do they know?”

“Yes, and I understand they’re on their way here.”

It was amazing how hearing that little bit of information gave me some hope.

“Do you have questions for me?” Bill asked.

“How can I get in touch with you?”

“Just tell the guard you need to talk to me, and they’ll take you to a phone. Here’s my card.”

He handed me a business card and I held it tightly in my hand. “Will I be able to see or talk to anyone?”

“Not in here. This is basically just a holding facility. After you see the judge one of two things will happen. Either he sets bail and it’s paid, which means you’d be able to leave the courthouse, or he doesn’t set bail and you go to county jail.”

I shivered at that thought. I’d watched enough TV to know that I didn’t want to go there.

“So, is there anything I can do to help?” I asked.

“All I need from you is to be on your best behavior and don’t talk to anyone. The less you say the better.”

“Can I get some paper and something to write with?”

“I’m sure I can make that happen. Karma, we will get through this. You have all of West Security’s resources at your disposal, and they have a very big arsenal. But don’t count out Bodie. I’ve known him his whole life and I’ve never seen him this determined about anything. If anyone can get you out of this, it’s him.”

Bill left and I was taken back to my cell. Sometime later a guard brought me a pad of paper and a pen. I took it and went back to the bed. I had no idea what I was going to write but I felt better having something tangible in my hands.

Once again, I found myself thinking about what the detectives said. I started writing down everything I could remember they told me. I’d always been an independent person and waiting for someone to save me really wasn’t my style. I was going to figure this out. There had to be some clue that would help me, I just had to find it.




Karma’s parents would arrive tonight, and I’d be there to pick them up, but first I needed to go to the office. They had access to things there that I couldn’t do on my laptop. Dad wasn’t surprised to see me and told me to go ahead and do whatever I needed to do.

You always heard “follow the money” when it came to solving a crime, so that’s what I was going to do. I hacked into the police database and pulled up the money transfers. There were well over a thousand of them over the last two months. I took all that information and saved it on a flash drive, then I went to one of the many people that worked for us.

“Cathy, I need you to do me a huge favor,” I said, to one of the women in the office. “I need all the data on this to be manageable. I need to be able to sort it and generate reports.”

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