Home > Diving in Deep (Bay State University #2)(68)

Diving in Deep (Bay State University #2)(68)
Author: Katie Holland

Two guards escorted me to the same small room with the metal chairs. I waited. My leg was bouncing up and down, but the sound of the chains was irritating me, so I stopped. I think the guards were thankful that I did.

Eventually, the door opened, and I was called in. I tried to take everything in as I was walked to the table where my lawyer was. I saw mom and dad, Bodie and his parents, Major and Kayleigh and even Coach Everett was there with some of my teammates. The support was so overwhelming I almost cried.

I looked across to the other side of the room and I saw both Detective Martinez and Detective Lance. Then I saw Anthony and his father. Anthony had a look of pure hatred on his face, and it was directed at me. How could I have been so stupid that I hadn’t seen who he really was?

“All rise,” the bailiff said, then the judge entered the courtroom.

My heart was beating so fast I was sure everyone could hear it.

“Miss Webster, please remain standing. Everyone else please take a seat.” Then he looked right at me. “As you know, you are charged with fraud and grand theft in the amount of $5.2 million regarding money stolen from Pagano Imports. New evidence was brought to my attention on Monday and it’s my understanding that the SFPD, specifically Detectives Lance and Martinez, thoroughly investigated it. The new evidence proves beyond reasonable doubt that you are innocent of the crimes you have been charged with. As a result, all charges against you Miss Webster have been dismissed and this will be cleared from your record.”

The courtroom erupted in cheers. I heard the judge banging his gavel and telling the room to settle down. After a minute or two it was quiet again. I was still processing what the judge said. I was free, but the judge wasn’t done.

“There has also been enough evidence presented to me to charge someone else with the crimes Miss Webster was accused of. Detectives, proceed.”

That’s when all hell broke loose. Anthony started to run for the door but Bodie was faster than him and tackled him to the ground. Anthony was trying to fight him off but Bodie managed to pin him to the floor. Detective Martinez was suddenly there with handcuffs and put them on Anthony.

Two uniformed police officers emerged from the crowd, and it took both of them to pick Anthony up off the floor. Before they took him out of the courtroom Antonio Pagano stepped up in front of him.

“You are no son of mine,” Antonio said, and slapped Anthony across the face. “How could you do this to me?”

Even from where I was, I could feel the rage coming off Anthony. “You had me working as a fucking secretary when I should have been learning to take over the company. I could see the laughter on everyone’s faces as I answered calls and made goddamned spreadsheets. It was humiliating so I wanted to get back at you where I knew it would hurt you most, your money.”

An audible intake of breath was heard throughout the whole room. Anthony had basically just confessed in front of a judge, the police and a room full of witnesses. If that wasn’t satisfaction, I didn’t know what was.

The officers took him out of the room and my handcuffs and chains were removed. Mom and dad were the first ones to make it to me. They hugged me so hard I couldn’t breathe, but I didn’t mind one bit. Eventually they let me go and Kayleigh was next. I was congratulated by Coach Everett and my teammates. The room was slowly clearing after the chaos of the last few minutes.

Before Bodie had a chance to talk to me, Antonio Pagano approached me. Bodie stepped in front of me.

“What do you want?” Bodie asked him.

“I’d just like to talk to Miss Webster for a moment.”

Bodie looked at me and I nodded. I was curious what he was going to say. Bodie stepped aside and let Antonio closer.

“I need to apologize to you,” he said. “For having you investigated and most of all for my son using you to get back at me. I had no idea he was capable of something like that. I would like to compensate you, financially, for your pain and suffering.”

“I don’t want your money Mr. Pagano,” I told him. “I just want to forget this ever happened.”

“I understand. But if you ever change your mind, here’s my card.”

He tried handing me a business card, but I didn’t take it. “I won’t change my mind. I want nothing to do with you, your family or your company.”

“As you wish,” he said, and left the courtroom.

“Can we leave now?” I asked.

“Yes,” Bill said. “It was a pleasure being your lawyer, Karma. Let’s just hope we don’t ever have to do it again though.”

“I agree.”

I still hadn’t gotten a chance to talk to Bodie, but I really wanted to get out of here. Kayleigh had brought me a change of clothes, so I went to the closest restroom and changed. When I was done, I looked in the mirror over the sink. It was the first time in days I’d gotten a look at my reflection. I looked like shit. My face was thinner, and my hair was greasy. I was surprised anyone wanted to be close to me at all. Thankfully Kayleigh had included a hair tie in my clothes, so I put it up in a messy bun. I left the restroom and handed the orange uniform to the guard who was waiting for it.

“No offense, but I hope to never see you again,” I said to her.

She actually smiled at me. “I have a feeling our paths won’t cross again. Good luck,” she said and walked away.

“Let’s get the fuck out of here,” I said, as I turned to everyone who was waiting for me. Bodie laughed but my mom frowned at me. “Sorry mom.”

She smiled and put her arm around me. “I’ll forgive you this time. Now let’s go.”

We left the building and got into a large black SUV.

“New ride?” I asked Bodie.

“No, it belongs to West Security. I gave your dad the keys to mine to use while they’re here.”

I’d clearly missed a lot in the last few days, but I knew someone would fill me in. We ended up at the hotel that mom and dad were staying at. The room was huge, and I knew that Bodie was paying for it because there was no way in hell my mom would ever get a room this fancy.

“I really want to sit down and talk to you, but I desperately need a shower.”

“Of course, honey,” mom said. “Take as long as you need.”

She showed me to the master bathroom. “Use anything you need. I’ll leave some clothes on the bed in case you want to change again.”

“Thanks mom. I love you and I’m so glad you and dad are here right now.”

“You can thank Bodie for that. He’s taken care of everything for us.” And with those words she left the room.

I put the shower as hot as I could stand it and stepped under the water. It was the best shower I’d ever had. I washed my hair twice, shaved my legs then stood under the water until I was turning pruny.

I eventually got out and dried off. Walking into the bedroom I saw brand new clothes with the tags still on them. As I was getting dressed, I noticed a lot of noise coming from the main part of the hotel room. I opened the bedroom door and saw the room was full of people. There was a banner that said “Congratulations!” and balloons everywhere.

“Surprise,” Bodie said quietly, as I closed the bedroom door.

“You did all this?”

“Yeah. I thought you could use some fun.”

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