Home > Tag You're Mine(13)

Tag You're Mine(13)
Author: Catherine Charles

Her hair is thrown up in a messy bun with a few loose tendrils framing her face. She’s wearing her glasses, and there is baking flour on her cheeks and nose. Her cheeks are still beet red; I can only assume what the conversation going on has been about. Her modesty is one of the many qualities that attracts me. She’s quiet and reserved in front of others, but when it’s just the two of us, there’s an entirely different side to her. One only I am privy to.

Her black sweater has flour dust on the lower half, and Gram’s red and white cherry apron covers a pair of distressed jeans.

I don’t even try to hide my feelings towards her anymore. “God, you’re perfect,” I say to her as I walk in and kiss her on the cheek.

She giggles and dips her head towards the ground. “I’m far from it. Come on in. You can help.”

As soon as we step foot into the kitchen, our mothers look at us and then back to each other, devious smiles play upon their lips. I know those smiles. Something’s up, I’m just not sure which one started it.

“What?” Presley and I say in unison.

“Oh, don’t mind us.”

“Mom? What did you do?” Presley asks, some hesitation in her voice.

“We were wondering how long it’s gonna take.”

“Take for what exactly?”

“For you two to give Tina and me grandbabies.”

Presley throws her apron on the floor with a shout, but honestly, I’d be lying if I said the same thought hadn’t crossed my mind.

“For fuck’s sake! Will you give it a rest already?”

Damn, she’s cute when she’s mad.

“Robert, I don’t think we’re needed here anymore.” She turns to look at me, fury raging behind her eyes, “Wanna go for a ride?”

“Presley, it’s like thirty degrees outside.”

“So?” she glares at her mother, “I can’t be in the same house as her right now.” She storms out of the kitchen, and as I follow behind, our mothers continue the conversation and laughter as I reach the door. I still manage to hear bits of it as I linger at the door for just a split second longer.

“Yes, she’s still a virgin. Fifty bucks say those two are at it before prom.” Really, Tina?

“Seventy-five says it’s after prom but before graduation.” Mom?

“Are you two honestly betting on your children?” Finally, someone with some decency. “I want in on this.” Jesus Christ, Gramps?

“Diane, I love your son, but if he breaks her heart, I’ll break his kneecaps.”

“You’re on.”

“You’re both gonna lose, might as well pay the old man now.” Gram too? Is nothing sacred in this house?



Chapter Ten


I’m beyond furious. Anger clouds my vocabulary to the point I can't think clearly. My mother has zero boundaries. What happens between Robert and me is that, between Robert and me. It’s bad enough that Gramps walked in on that conversation, but then for her to start it back up again with Diane. There is nothing about me that screams open book.

The cold air has little effect on me as my temper rages. I can't think straight. Standing in the middle of the driveway, I throw my head back and let out a piercing scream, snowflakes landing on my cheeks as I throw my head back, allowing my voice to fill the vast void of the countryside before taking off to nowhere in particular. Who the hell does she think she is letting everyone in on my business?

“Presley!” I hear Robert running after me. “Hey, slow down for a minute, would you?”

Robert pulls back on my arm, slowing me down from a full-on power walk to a standstill. As I catch my breath, realizing I didn’t grab a jacket before storming out of the house, I shiver against the cold northern wind as a storm system begins to make its way through our area.

“Fuck, it’s cold out here.”

“I thought you said you wanted to go for a ride?” He smirks while pulling me into him, my arms sliding under his jacket as he pulls the open flaps around me, barely covering my back. “Pres, all that in there,” he gestures to the house with his head, “it’s fine. Our mothers are batshit crazy and there’s nothing we can do to stop them. It’s just who they are. They were looking to see which one of us would crack first, and you princess, cracked like thin ice.”

I let go a deep-seated sigh, resting my head on his chest.

“I’m here, and I’ve got you, okay?”

How is it he always knows the right things to say, talking me back from the ledge I seem to tiptoe too close to.

“Here is where I’m supposed to be Presley, and nothing those two in there can say is gonna change my mind. I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere.”

I look up at him as he cradles my face in his hands. His touch is feather-light compared to the grasp he had on me moments before. As he grazes my lips, I no longer hold back my tears.

“You’re wrong, Robert. You are leaving. I’m leaving. When senior year is over then what? We chalk this whole thing up to a beautiful memory, go on with our own lives and settle for the next best thing? I can't do that! I can’t do this! This was wrong. This is wrong. I should have never gotten involved with you.” I pull away from him and quicken my pace towards the barn, snow crunching beneath my feet.

“You don’t mean that, Presley. I know you don’t,” he calls after me.

“You’re wrong, Robert! I do!”

I hear him start to follow after me, and I quickly turn back around, standing there, watching him make his way closer to me.

“I’m going to South Carolina, and you’re going to Ole Miss. How are we supposed to make it work, Robert? You’ll have girls like Heather, throwing themselves at you, and I’ll become the jealous girlfriend. I don’t want that! I don’t want to become someone who is always questioning you, where you are, who you’re with. You’ll hate me!”

“So don’t.”

“I know myself, Robert! I love you too much to share you!”

No. No. No. My eyes widen in horror. My hands instantly fly to cover my mouth at my confession but it’s too late, the damage is done.

I told Robert I loved him. I have to get out of here. I have to run. I told myself I wanted a low-key senior year. Get in, finish, and get out. Nowhere in my plans was finding my best friend again and falling for him.

I take off in a sprint towards the barn and start getting one of the horses saddled up. I don’t care which one it is; I need to get out of here fast.

“Presley,” Robert chases after me. “Presley. Stop.” He begins reaching out for me, but I move to dodge his grasp. “Presley, don’t run away from this. Don’t run away from me.”

As I round the horse, putting some distance between us, I throw my foot in the stirrup and spur the horse forward, finishing my mount as he takes off through the open door. Between the snow and the tears stinging my eyes, I can't see anything. It doesn’t matter; nothing matters anymore.

“Mom!” I hear Robert calling out as I near the edge of the woods. “Mom! Tina!” I can faintly hear him calling for help as I spur the horse on faster, and then I’m out of earshot.

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