Home > Sweet Surrender (Silver Cove #6)(34)

Sweet Surrender (Silver Cove #6)(34)
Author: Jill Sanders

Ben had a list of items that needed to be replaced in the suite. “About three thousand dollars’ worth of damage,” he calculated. “It could have been worse. The jilted groom could have destroyed his room too.”

“That’s what insurance is for.” Ben sighed. “It’s Bella I’m more worried about. She’s jumping at shadows.”

“Yeah,” he agreed, remembering last night’s conversation with her. “Keep me in the loop, will you?”

Ben chuckled. “I may not have liked it at first, but you are family now.” He sighed. “Sorry about the loose jaw.”

Calvin smiled. “It’s not loose. Remember? You punch like a—” Ben hung up the phone, causing Calvin to laugh.



Chapter Nineteen



It was nice, sitting around a large table with people you loved. The room was filled with laughter and the chatter of kids.

Her nieces had glued themselves to Calvin the moment he’d walked in her brother’s front door. That was until Sarah grabbed them up and placed them both in their highchairs to eat.

She’d enjoyed cooking the salmon dinner with Sarah. It reminded her of all the times she’d cooked with Sarah when she’d lived there.

Emma was nothing like she’d imagined she would be. She’d met plenty of actresses in Hollywood while she’d been out there. Even though Emma was an up-and-coming name and face on the screen, she fit in Silver Cove easily. She was more down to earth than any other actress Bella had met.

JT and Emma were perfect new parents to the little boy and girl. It was so funny how after an hour with them, she couldn’t imagine them not having the kids or being together.

After dinner, they all moved into the living room where the kids played as the adults sat around and talked.

She knew she needed to tell her brother that she was planning on moving back to Silver Cove. She hadn’t even talked to her agent yet to see when in her schedule she had time to move.

Not that she had to ask permission to move, but Maggie did fill her schedule.

One thing was clear to her—she felt safer surrounded by family and friends, even though she was pretty sure Michael had sent some goons out here to intimidate her.

Maggie had assured her that since she’d been in Maine, Michael hadn’t left California once.

It would have been a lot easier if Michael had come himself. Then they could have pinned the break-in on him and officially charged him. After all, Michael was even more famous than she was. The few times she’d been with him, he hadn’t even been able to walk in a door without someone calling out his name or asking for a signature.

“You’re quiet.” Ben broke into her thoughts.

She glanced around and realized that Sarah and Lilly had disappeared with the kids.

“Sorry.” She shook her head. “Deep in thought.” She shrugged.

“About the break-in?” her brother asked.

She sighed and glanced at Calvin, who nodded his encouragement to her.

“Yes,” she started as Calvin took her hand in his. Somehow the light contact gave her more strength and courage to tell her brother her plans. But before she could open her mouth to speak again, Ben jumped in.

“We think you should move back home,” her brother said.

She swallowed before talking. “I was planning on it.”

“I don’t care what… wait…” Her brother’s eyebrows drew up. “You were?”

“Yes.” She smiled. “I’d talked it over with Calvin and…”

“She’s going to be moving in with me,” Calvin said, his eyes searching hers as if waiting for her to deny it. Instead, she nodded.

Ben chuckled. “You don’t know what you’re in for there.” Ben reached over and slapped Calvin on the shoulder. “She never does dishes.”

Bella opened her mouth to argue but then laughed. “It’s true.” She shrugged.

Calvin squeezed her hand. “It won’t be a requirement.”

“Then it’s settled.” Ben clapped his hands and leaned back. “When do we go get your stuff?”

A few hours later, she was lying in Calvin’s arms in his bed as he stroked a hand down her bare back.

“Somehow I didn’t think that telling my brother would be that easy.” She felt her entire body relax.

She felt Calvin’s chest rumble with his laughter. “Why not?”

She shrugged, but since she was half-asleep, she barely moved. “I suppose I thought that he’d think I was giving up on my career.”

He stilled and then glanced down at her. “Do you think you’re giving up?”

She thought about it for a moment before answering. “No matter what, I am not going to let Michael ruin my singing career. I can live anywhere and record. I don’t have to be in LA.”

He relaxed and she heard him sigh. “He won’t ruin you,” he said softly. “You’re too strong to let anyone take you down like that.”

“But?” She leaned up and looked down at him when she heard the reservation in his tone.

He reached up and brushed a strand of her hair away from her face.

“It doesn’t mean that I don’t worry about you. If you had been staying in your rooms that night…”

She closed her eyes at the dark thoughts she’d had about what could have happened if she hadn’t been staying with Calvin that night.

“I know.” She shivered and his hands tightened around her. “But I can’t keep living in fear.” She raised her chin slightly. “I’ve got a few commitments for my album release next week. Maggie has scheduled an interview in two days at the resort.”

“Yeah, I saw it on the schedule today.” He shifted, bringing her back down to his chest. “Are you sure you’re up for it?”

“Will you be there?” she asked, closing her eyes.

“Yes,” he responded quickly.

“Then, I’m ready.” She yawned and snuggled further into his chest.

Shortly before Calvin left for work the following day, Sarah and the girls showed up with more baked goods.

“If this keeps up, I’ll have to roll back into LA,” she joked as she held Luna in her lap. The girls had warmed up to her after last night. Seeing her with Calvin had solidified to them that she was okay to be with.

That and she’d helped cart them around the stores while Sarah had done the shopping.

“What’s all this?” Calvin said as he came over to her and kissed the top of Luna’s head and then repeated the motion with her head.

“Breakfasss.” Aurora giggled as he reached over and tickled her and then gave her sloppy kisses. “Cal, spin?” Aurora reached for him with fingers covered in frosting.

“No,” Sarah jumped in. “Calvin is all dressed up and ready for work.” She quickly wiped her daughter’s fingers before she could damage anything else within a five-foot radius.

“Sorry, bug, how about later?” Calvin frowned down at Aurora.

The little girl frowned but then was easily distracted when Sarah handed her a cup of milk.

“Here.” Sarah shifted a box of donuts towards Calvin. “Have some.”

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