Home > The One Reason(45)

The One Reason(45)
Author: Odile Rose

I go to answer, but I can hear my mother’s voice behind me.

“Elvis! We saw the brawl from the ride. Are you all right?” she asks, her face awash with p anic.

I turn to see her, Allison, and Logan, staring at me, looking completely baffled. Beside them, my father, who has my mother’s hand hidden in both of his, gives me a proud nod.

“Dad will explain,” I tell them, and then I take Scarlette by the hand, pulling her away from the c rowd.

She doesn’t hesitate to follow, but as we walk, she keeps anxiously glancing my way, saying nothing. She must have a lot of questions. After a few minutes walking together in silence, the noises of the carnival fade into the distance and we stop.

Scarlette looks at me in despair. “What happened, Elvis?” she asks.

I reach out and hold both her hands. “Scarlette, those were the guys who attacked you the night of the graduation p arty.”

She squints in disbelief. “Oh my God! That gives me the chills, Elvis,” she says, rubbing her arms up and down with her small hands. “How did you know who they were?”

“Because I was the guy who fought them on the dance floor that night,” I a dmit.

“What? That was you?” she asks, shaking her head. “How can you be so sure they were the ones who di d it?”

I wrap my arms around her, holding tightly. “Your description of him was on point. Trust me, Scarl ette!”

She squeezes herself closer to me. “I do trust you, E lvis,”.

“We’ll need to file a police report,” I explain, and she nods

—”yes, it’s time.”

We hold each other for some time, registering everything that’s happened. After a while, she looks up at me with wide eyes.

“Epic?” she asks in a sarcastic tone, tilting her head to the side. I sigh and chuckle slig htly.

“Epic!” I agree, shrugging my shoulders and pulling her back into my arms.




It’s a busy morning at UBC. Professors and students wander the buildings, saying their goodbyes, and sharing their accomplishments. In the classrooms, the sun shines through the windows, filling the rooms with light. You can feel the excitement vibrating throughout the building. It’s time to graduate from univer sity.

After finding Ruben and his friends, Scarlette received the phone call that confirmed it all. His DNA matched her medical records from that night, and the police found that it matched a few other unsolved assault cases as well. Ruben has been charged and is awaiting trial—the other charges against him means that he’s been denied bail.

Receiving that call was the best news of Scarlette’s life. It finally brought her some closure, and I couldn’t be more thrilled for her and the other victims. Ruben can no longer hurt anybody else; justice has been se rved.

I’m standing across from Scarlette, in the same classroom we shared this term, remembering the first day I saw her. I can’t wait to start my life with her, but right now I can’t wait to ride in Snow White, with the girl I love by my side, as we head off to explore Whistler together before we have to make it back

for the big graduation event my family will be hosting tomorrow night. I definitely can’t be late for that one or Allison will kil l me.

I think back to the day when Alli’s excitement rose about throwing an early graduation party: Please, Elvis! she had begged. Just let me plan the celebration. I want to do this! You and Scarlette deserve a graduation p arty.

Allison had looked at me pleadingly with her big brown eyes and her infamous cheesy smile, which no one can say no to. And of course, I’d accepted her proposition. I have a feeling she started planning even before I agreed to it. I shake my head with a chuckle at the memory, while I patiently wait for Scarlette to give her last hugs to some of our classmates. I stand by the doorway, leaning against the wall with one hand in my pocket, and my other free for her to hold when she’s ready to leave. She finally turns my way and walks over, and my lips instantly form a smile. Just as I predicted, she comes close to me and slides her soft hand into mine.

“Let’s go,” she says, grin ning.

We walk out of the building together with our fingers locked in a tight hold. In the distance, I see Zack standing in the parking lot, saying goodbye to some friends. I don’t boil inside at the sight of him, the way I did before. He looks our way, and Scarlette notices him, smiles, and w aves.

“I’m going to go talk to Zack,” she tells me. “I want to congratulate him on graduating with honours.” She pauses and looks up at me. “I also want you to accept him.”

I know where Scarlette’s heart is, and it’s with me. I feel confident about us. Even though I know Zack likes her more than she knows, I also know he cares about Scarlette which makes him a good friend to her.

Her eyes are still on me, waiting for my response. Zack begins to walk away, and her stare intensi fies.

“Anything for you,” I say. “Give me a mi nute.”

I let go of her hand and jog over to catch up to him. “Hey, Zack!

Wait up,” I s hout.

He stops and turns my way, looking confused and maybe even a little scared. I keep my composure, smiling to let him know I only want to talk.

“I know now why you were trying to protect Scarlette. It’s what good friends do for each o ther.”

He breathes a sigh of relief. “Yeah. I didn’t want anyone to hurt her. And knowing your history with girls, I didn’t want Scarlette to fall for you and get hurt.”

At least he was honest. I look him dead in the eyes. “She’s the only girl I want,” I assure him.

He nods. “I can see you really care about her.”

“I do.”

“I heard about what you did to that guy at the carnival. I’m glad he got what he dese rves.”

“He deserves more than what he got.”

“Well, we can both agree on that,” he says.

“Is everything all right here?” Scarlette asks, appearing at my side.

“Everything is great,” I say, looking at Zack.

“Everything is great, Scarlette,” he repeats, smiling at her.

“Good! That means you’ll be there tomorrow?” she asks, giving us both a look that says, you better agree wit h me .

I look back at Zack and nod. “See you there, man.”

He responds with a smirk, and Scarlette’s joy is written all over her face. We part ways with Zack and walk across this UBC parking lot for the last time. As we get to my LC, I hold the door open for Scarlette while she climbs in. I look up to see Philip hand in hand with Leanne, and Liam walking to Phil’s Audi a few rows down.

“Enjoy the mountains, El,” Liam shouts across t o me.

“See you tomorrow. Don’t be late. Or this time, it’ll be Allison you owe big,” Phil says, chuckling as he hops into his car.

“You’re right, Phil,” I reply with a laugh. “Alli would have a fit.”

I make my way into the car and turn on the ignition. Snow White roars to life, ready for the jou rney.

We drive through the southern Coast Mountains, our hands intertwined the whole time, listening to the radio. Scarlette stares out the window as usual, but this time she sings along to the songs she knows, turning my way every so often to serenade me. I can see her happiness shining through, and it fills my heart with joy. I can’t help but smile at every glance she throws my way. In between songs, she talks up a storm, admiring

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