Home > The One Reason(47)

The One Reason(47)
Author: Odile Rose

She turns to Scarlette, embracing her. “Hello, darling,” she says with a genuine s mile.

“Paige and I hung your dress up behind the door in one of the guest rooms. Third door to your right from the stairs,” Allison tells Scarl ette.

“I should make my way upstairs and start getting ready,”

Scarlette says, with joy lighting up her face.

“Scarlette, before I forget, your dad mentioned he’ll be bringing Jeffrey Middleton with him tonight,” Alli adds.

“Oh, that’s wonderful! I’m happy he can make it.” Scarlette looks delighted. She spoke of Mr. Middleton so fondly when we saw him briefly outside her house, and I can’t wait to meet him prop erly.

While Scarlette makes her way up to the guest room, I head to my own room. I notice my formalwear hanging up in the closet and my dress shoes laid out on the f loor.

Allison! She has everything organ ised.

I hear the soothing sound of a melody coming from outside, and I walk over to the window, lifting the blinds to peek out. Below, Lizzie leans forward on the wrought iron railing outside our front doors, staring into the tent. I’m curious to see what she’s watching, and my eyes follow in the same direc tion.

My father has my mother in his arms, moving together on an empty dance floor, while Allison plays the piano. The caterers walk around them as if they aren’t there, still focused on the setup.

As the song comes to an end, I see my dad twirl my mom around, pulling her into him. He has loved her the same way for as long as I can reme mber.

I’ve watched love move around me my entire life, but I never really understood it—until now. I never wanted to fall in love before. I used to believe that it could only hurt you, and that’s something I was desperate to avoid. But I was wrong, love doesn’t hurt. Love brings you to life. I learned that it isn’t love that hurts, it’s feeling un -l oved that makes you feel incomplete.

But loving someone, and them loving you back, makes you whole. It sets you free. I didn’t want to give love a chance, but instead, love gave me the chance. I had to save Scarlette, in order for her to save me back. Love is the one thing that revives you, that I’m certain of. I come back to life every time Scarlette is nea r me.

I look down at my watch. It’s already time to get ready for the party, so I put on my suit and stare at my reflection in the mi rror.

Not bad, Elvis. Looking s harp!

Walking out of my bedroom, I look over at the door to the guest room where Scarlette is getting ready. I was hoping I would find her in the hall, but her door is still closed shut.

It’s quiet as I reach the main floor, and I realize I’m the first to be ready. I wait patiently for my favourite person to come down the stairs. Every time I hear a door open above me, or the slightest sound of a footstep, I hope it’s her. First, it’s my mother and father walking down with their arms wrapped around each other. Then, it’s Adam and Natalie, along with Allison and Logan, making their way down the stairs together, hand in hand.

Outside, I can hear cars starting to pull in and people’s voices talking over the music in the background. I look hopefully up the stairs again and my eyes open wide. There she is, standing halfway down the steps. I’m blown away by her beauty. Her hair is pulled up, away from her face, with dark curls falling down her back, and her black dress fits like a glove—cut slightly off the shoulder and reaching down to the floor with a slit just above her k nees.

Scarlette walks gracefully down the stairs, and my heart moves with every step she takes towards me. I watch in awe, unable to take my eyes off of her. She looks stun ning!

“Wow!” I bre athe.

She blushes, putting her hands on my arms and running them down my sleeves. “You look very handsome ton ight.”

I can feel my face flushing the same colour as her cheeks. The girl of my dreams is standing right in front of me. I take her by the hand and walk outside with her to join our family and fri ends.

It’s a perfect night. It’s with a clear, starry sky. The occasion has everyone in the mood to celebrate, and looking around, everyone seems to have a lot to be thankful for. I smile at Scarlette, standing across from me with Paige and Allison, having a cheerful conversa tion.

“The way you look at Scarlette is the same way I look at your mother,” I hear my dad say softly from behin d me.

“She’s everything to me, Dad.”

“You’ve done right by her, son,” he finishes and pats my arm, walking towards my mother. He takes her hand in his, bringing her

to the dance floor. I’ve watched my parents dance their life together. They never seem to get tired o f it.

I notice a man making his way around to where I’m standing.

There’s something familiar about him and as he approaches, I realize that I recognize him from the family photo in Scarlette’s living room. He stops in front of me and reaches his arm forward for a handshake. “Richard Fay,” he says.

It’s an honour to finally meet her father. My arm lifts automatically, giving him a firm handshake back. “Elvis,” I reply, “It’s nice to finally meet you, Mr. Fay.”

“Please, call me Richard, and I already know who you are.”

Richard looks kindly at me with the same brown eyes as his daughter’s. “You’re the guy. The one who saved my daughter that night. I owe you a thank you.”

I blink slowly, slightly taken aback. “I don’t want a thank you.

I’m just glad to see Scarlette h appy.”

“Happy and in love,” he says. He holds my gaze for a moment, and I don’t look away. “Elvis,” he says, “it’s beautiful for a father to see his daughter love the right one, and to be loved back.

She’s a lot like her mother. Be ready for the best time of your life.”

A soft smile plays on his lips, and I can hear in his voice how much he misses her. I wouldn’t want to know what it’s like to miss Scarl ette.

He puts his hand on my shoulder. “I trust you will take care of my little girl?”

“Without a doubt,” I assure him.

“Love mends, and it heals.” I hear an unfamiliar voice say from beside me. I turn to see Mr. Middleton smiling back a t me.

“Jefferey Middleton,” he says.

“Elvis,” I say, taking his hand. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Middl eton.”

The three of us stand together, watching everyone enjoy this blissful night. I look around the party—people are gathered under the tent, some enjoying the food, some having a drink, many on the dance floor. I see Zack standing by one of the tables talking to a brunette with curly hair. Liam has Paige in his arms, and she’s laughing at something he’s said to her. A few feet over from them, Philip twirls Leanne across the dance f loor.

I make eye contact with Allison and she knows instantly what I’m asking: Is it time?

She nods at me with a smile, and I look away. My eyes search around one more time and instantly find Scarlette, who’s already gazing my way. Our eyes meet, and we understand each other immedia tely.

I excuse myself and make my way over to the one girl who makes my heart beat.

“Come with me,” I say, taking her hand.

She holds it tightly, without asking any questions, as I lead us around the side of the house to the back, taking the steps up to the top of the ter race.

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