Home > Twist of Fate (The Ghost Girl #2)(27)

Twist of Fate (The Ghost Girl #2)(27)
Author: Sinclair Kelly

“Ah. I understand, darling. This whole situation has been hard on all of you, especially without your memories. Destiny filled me in. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Of course not. You’re my...sister. You should know what’s going on.”

“I mean, they are guys, dear. I’ve warned you about this in the past, though you obviously don’t remember. They get bored and are always looking for the next best thing. Pity, really. Maybe it’s time you listened to your big sis and considered making a fresh start, now that you’re back.”

My eyes narrow. I remember bits of those conversations, my withering patience and the frustration that was beginning to eat at me, but she doesn’t need to know that.

“I would never consider replacing my guys,” I say, a bit of bite in my voice that I can’t withhold.

“Hmm. Well, if you ever change your mind, you know where to find me. I can help you figure it all out.” Her eyes don’t leave mine, and there’s a spark of...something that I can’t quite make out. “Anyhoo...do you have any new leads as to who’s responsible for this mess?”

“Unfortunately, no. We’re still searching for clues that might point us in the right direction.”

“Pity. Well, I can see that you’re in the middle of getting ready, so I won’t hold you up any longer. Sorry I couldn’t be there in person, but I’m dealing with my own chaos here at the moment. I’ll make it a point to stop by soon, okay, little one?”

With that, she blows a kiss and the screen goes dead.

“What the fuck was that?” I whisper to myself.

“That, my friend, was your sister. Now maybe you understand why I held her off as long as I could.”

“Is she always like that?” I wave my hand, indicating the space where Karma’s image had been.

“Always. Most of the time, she’s worse. I’m surprised she let you off that easily if I’m being honest.”

“I don’t know whether to thank you or curse you right now.”

“Drastic times call for drastic measures.”

I scowl at her. “You’re evil. But after that little stunt, you’re leaving my hair alone, right?”

She sighs and gets to work, taking the rollers out of my hair a little more aggressively than I think is called for. “Fine. Whatever.”

What feels like hours but is probably less than thirty minutes pass by, and I’m already over this day.

“Are we almost done?” I whine.

“Nearly there. Let’s get you in your dress, then it’s just a few final touch ups.”

“How long is this thing going to take anyways?”

“You do realize our backlog is like...a hundred years long.”

“Fuck. Me.”

“You’re not my type.”

My eyes cut to hers in the mirror. “And your type is?”

“Blonde. Petite. Quiet.”

“Yeah, I’m definitely none of those things.”

Standing, I make my way over to the dress hanging next to the mirror. Reg begins to help me into the dramatic gown as my eyes meet my reflection’s. The girl staring back at me is almost unrecognizable and just as unhappy with this situation as I am. I’m supposed to hold court, whatever the fuck that means, as the doors to the Gateway’s main chamber open to spirits for the first time in a hundred years. I’ll be stuck here forever. Not my idea of a good time, mind you. The more I think about it, the angrier I get since I really should have seen this coming. Fuckers! I bet they were all in on it.

Despite that, they were right in a way. I need to do this. Just...note to self...don’t let Reggie get the idea to play dress up again any time soon, even if she has done the impossible and made me look regal and strong.

The dark blue gown is made of beautiful satin, with long lace sleeves that hug my arms and a deep v that dips down the front, showing off my cleavage. The back trails along the tile in a sea of blue fabric. My hair is lying in loose waves against my back, with a small braid added to the front to keep it out of my eyes - the one concession I let my assistant have. My eyes are set off by the charcoal and ice blue eyeshadow she applied, my cheeks rosy and lips glossy.

“There! All done,” she declares, stepping back and appraising her masterpiece.

“I feel like a girl playing dress up with her mom’s clothes. Is that weird since these are technically my clothes?”

“Just wait until the guys see you. They’re going to have a shit fit!”

“What? Why?”

“Girl, you look hot as hell. Every dude ghost in there is gonna want to be all up on that,” she says, waving her hand up and down my body.

“I have enough cranky dick. I don’t need any more.”

“Trust me, I know, but that’s not the point. The point is getting them to sweat a little for being ass clowns and sticking you with the shit job, which is going to take for-fucking-ever by the way. They’ll be lucky if they get laid sometime this century.”

“Oh. Devious. But wait, doesn’t that also mean that I won’t be getting laid any time this century?”

“Eh. Details. Come on, let’s go! Don’t want to keep your subjects waiting.”

We walk through the Gateway and into the main chamber through a door off to the side of the dais, stopping just before entering the room. The dress drags behind me, the thing weighing damn near as much as I do.

“Wait here! I’m going to announce you.”

“Announce me? What the fuck for?”

“It’s ceremonial.”

“Reggie, old me may have wanted to be announced like some kind of psychotic royal, but new me just wants to get this shit over with so I can get out of this goddamn dress and go binge on ice cream and wine.”

“You can have a pity party any ol’ time. You only get one second first impression.”

“But what am I supposed to do?”

“You don’t have to do anything. The spirits will cross over when they’re ready. There may be those that want to speak to you, but most just want to see for themselves that you’re truly back. Once that happens, the Gateway’s power will make sure they can finally see their loved ones. See, easy peasy, lemon squeezy. You sit and look all hot and powerful, and the Gateway will take care of the rest. It’ll be just like old times, minus some memories and a small stick up your ass.”

I roll my eyes. She really sucks at this whole pep talk thing, yet in her own fucked up way, she’s helped strengthen my withering resolve. This is for all of those who were stuck like I was. Alone and without a voice. Hell, even for those who have found others to share their time with while in between realms. They’ve still been without their loved ones for way too damn long, and it’s my job to help them. I’m going to do my best to be so much more than I ever was. They deserve that much.

My eyes start to tear up, but before a single tear can spill, she’s smacking my shoulder.

“Bitch, don’t even think about it. I just spent way too long on that makeup.”

And just like that, the moment is gone, but I’m pretty sure that’s just how we roll. Her smile is gentle when I look at her, realizing she knew just what I needed.

“Thank you,” I whisper.

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