Home > Twist of Fate (The Ghost Girl #2)(28)

Twist of Fate (The Ghost Girl #2)(28)
Author: Sinclair Kelly

“You never have to thank me, boss. Just being here with you all is thanks enough. Now, are you ready?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be, I guess.”

With a nod, she walks out onto the dais, her head high and looking more regal than I ever could. The entire room goes silent. I take a deep breath and exhale, stepping out right after her. The place is packed wall-to-wall with spirits, and I gasp, looking out at all the people who have been waiting for a century to be reunited with their loved ones. My heart squeezes, and as much as I don’t want to be doing this right now, the weight of my role as Guardian of the Spirits hits me full force. The responsibility and all it entails settles around me like a cloak that is surprisingly comfortable and familiar. A smile spreads across my face as I scan the room. I can do this, I tell myself as I settle in for a long day.



“They did this on purpose,” I whine many, many hours later, running my hands through my hair and shifting uncomfortably in my overly elaborate chair. “My ass is numb, and I’m honestly not sure I can sit here much longer. You’re partially to blame for this too, ya know. Had to get all excited about playing dress up.”

She just chuckles as another spirit makes his way up the stairs. He stands in front of me, those opaque eyes that still weird me out silently tracing over me from head to toe. He’s tall, cute in a boyish surfer sort of way, and wearing only a pair of swim trunks that show off his buff body which is still dripping water that vanishes before it hits the floor. Unfortunately for him, his arm is riddled with vicious gashes of torn flesh, and he’s missing half a leg. I have the sudden urge to ask him just how he’s managing to stand upright without it.

“Don’t do it,” Reggie whispers, but I swear her lips don’t move. It’s like she’s a goddamn ventriloquist.

“Do what?”

“Ask whatever ridiculous question is swirling around that head of yours.”

“How do you know it’s ridiculous?”

“You get the look.”

“I have a look?”

“Yes. When old you got the look, I could trust she would keep those thoughts to herself until we were alone. You, not so much.”

“I feel so attacked right now,” I huff, turning back to Buff Guy, whose smirk shows off his adorable dimples. “Oh. Sorry. That wasn’t very nice of me considering your...er...situation.”

“I’ve heard you were different,” he says, his amused voice deep with a bit of an echo.

“Yeah. You and every other spirit in here apparently.”

“But most think it’s a nice change. From what I’ve heard, you used to be…” He stops, possibly realizing that it’s not a good idea to accidentally insult the woman who could send him to an afterlife of torment.

“Used to be what?”

“Well, some people say you used to be a little dry. Cold, even.”

“Huh. Apparently dying...again...brought back my sense of humor. Gotta look at the bright side, right?” I smirk.

He chuckles, his eyes holding mine, before his gaze shifts to just above my left shoulder and he quickly drops his head, studying the floor intently.

The sound of a throat clearing and the scent of sunshine and soap bring a smile to my face despite the fact that I’m still uber pissed off at him. Turning, I find Cole clearly assessing Buff Guy.

“Making friends?” he asks, propping himself up against my very pretty, albeit excessively fancy, chair. He crosses his arms over his chest and looks down at me with an expression I can’t quite read. Still a scowl, but more than a scowl. I swear, this man’s facial expressions have their own personality. But then I feel it. A shot of jealousy with a splash of possessiveness.

I haven’t seen any of my guys in...hell, I’ve lost count of how many hours. Now Cole’s standing here, coming off like a douche. It’s like a match to a flame as far as my anger is concerned. “My new friend and I were just chatting about how most of the spirits think I’ve changed for the better. Isn’t that nice?”

His eyebrow raises before he turns to silently glare at Buff Guy again.

“Yeah. Nice.”

Buff Guy is still studiously staring at the sparkly tile, trying desperately to seem as inconspicuous as possible.

“Sorry. How rude of me. Cole, this is...shit. I didn’t get your name.”

Buff Guy raises his head, his eyes not quite meeting mine. “My name is Rylan, my queen.”

“Nice to officially meet you, Rylan.”

“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, as well, my queen.” His gaze once again hits the floor. For a second, I think he might actually bow, and then I wonder how he’d actually accomplish that.

Cole’s voice is low and deep and suddenly brushing against my ear.

“You’re flirting with the subjects, queen.”

My eyes narrow as my power comes alive, anticipating a fight with my asshole. Wait. That came out wrong.

“I’m being friendly,” I say through gritted teeth. I’m tired and hungry, and I’m pretty sure my ass will never regain feeling. I want a long hot shower and a day’s worth of sleep, but knowing neither of those is going to happen any time soon, my anger spikes. I don’t have the patience for his shit right now.

He harshly whispers in my ear, “I may have agreed to share you with my brothers, but that’s where I draw the line. No strays.”

Taking a deep breath in, I release it slowly. I will not lose my temper. I will not lose my temper. Hell. Who am I kidding? I’m totally going to lose my temper. It’s Ghost Girl Fact #5.

“Cole, I am five point three seconds away from losing my shit. You all are the ones that stuck me here. Now let me do my job,” I growl.

Poor Rylan looks about ready to piss his pants. The power exchange between Cole and I even has Reggie shifting uncomfortably next to me. Surprisingly, though, she’s staying quiet, which says a lot. The girl is never quiet.

“We have enemies out there, Fate. You need to take this seriously. You never know who the bad guy might be.” He pauses, once again assessing Rylan. “Or who’s working for the bad guy.”

A flicker of an idea dots across my consciousness, but it’s gone before I can grab onto it.

“Then why isn’t Knox sitting with me to do his job? It would make this whole process so much easier, wouldn’t it? But noooo, you all have men shit to do and important things to discuss. Without me. And don’t even try to pretend like that isn’t happening behind my back, because I know damn well it is.” I stand suddenly, causing him to straighten and poor Rylan to almost tumble down the stairs. My anger is a dangerous thing at the moment, like a grenade with a twitchy finger through the pin, which is the only thing keeping it from exploding and blowing everything and everyone here up in smithereens. Whether it’s from exhaustion or Cole’s perpetual asshole-ishness, I’m not sure. Probably both. “When are you going to get it through that thick skull of yours that I’m not some helpless female? That I am more than capable of handling just as much shit as you are?”

“Fate?” Reggie quietly interrupts, sensing now is not the time for jokes.

“What?” I bark at my friend, immediately feeling bad when Reggie looks taken aback for a second. I take a deep breath and release it slowly, trying to rein in my temper. “I’m sorry.”

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