Home > Daddy's Bite : Paranormal Age Play(3)

Daddy's Bite : Paranormal Age Play(3)
Author: Jayda Marx

My body ached with the need to scoop him into my arms and never let him go; to protect him from everything that frightened him and fill him with so much light that it blocked out the darkness around him. I wanted to care for him not only because he was my mate, but because I was a Daddy.

Every fiber of my being longed to pamper, nurture, and dote, and those instincts were magnified now that I’d met my mate. I wanted to read Israel stories and snuggle up with him and cook his meals. I wanted to sing him lullabies and rock him to sleep. I wanted to give him a life of luxury and surround him with Daddy’s love.

I’d waited so long, it was hard not to pounce and live the life I’d dreamed of; especially since I knew it was what Israel had dreamed of as well. He hadn’t said the words, but he didn’t have to; Fate matched us together, which meant that his needs met my own. Maybe he didn’t know the terms or that the lifestyle was an option. Or, maybe he was well versed and knew exactly what he needed. It didn’t matter. The fact remained that our souls were the same, and they belonged together.

Needing to comfort him, I said, “Look up at the sky, Izzy.” I flinched and asked, “May I call you Izzy?” I was slipping into my Daddy role deeper by the second, and the nickname just slipped out.

“I’d like that.”

I smiled and turned my own eyes to the sliver of sky that showed between the buildings on either side of us. There wasn’t a cloud in sight, and countless bright dots dazzled against the blackness. “Do you see all of the stars up there?”

“There’s so many.”

“That’s right. I bet there are more stars in the sky than there are people on this whole planet.”

“Wow,” Izzy replied in a whisper.

“So if you ever get lonely at night, look up and see all of those stars watching over you. They break up the gloominess and help us find our way. Even if it’s cloudy and we can’t see them, they’re always there. You’re never alone.” And he’d never be alone again; I’d always be there for him.

“That’s really beautiful, Niko. Thank you for sharing that with me.”

“You’re so welcome. Now, no matter how beautiful the night sky is, it’s getting very late. I’d very much like to walk you home.”

“I...I still can’t come out,” he replied, his voice warbling again.

My chest ached when I asked, “Are you frightened of me?”

“No. You’re so nice and I really like talking to you. I’m afraid of so many things, but you make me feel safe.” My heart nearly beat out of my chest; it was the greatest compliment he could give me.

“Then why can’t you come out? Are you sure you’re not injured?”

“I’m sure.” He sniffled and added, “I’m afraid you’ll laugh at me.”

What? “I swear on my life I would never laugh at you.”

“But...something happened.”

“What happened, Izzy? You can tell me.”

Sobs pierced the air again when he explained, “When I was running from those dog men, and I got so upset...I was just so scared. I thought they were going to eat me and I...I…” He finished in such a quiet whisper that I wouldn’t have heard him if not for my keen senses. “I peed my pants.” He wailed and the shame and guilt in his voice threatened to tear me apart.

“Oh Izzy, it’s okay. Don’t be upset, little one.” The pet name came naturally and I didn’t have a care to give; whether he knew it yet or not, Israel needed his Daddy and I was going to make him feel better, dammit. “That’s just a natural human reaction to fear.” I slithered my hand between two boxes and flapped it around until I found what felt like hair. I pet my sweet mate’s head, and his long curls slipped between my fingers.

“That feels nice." I beamed and continued to stroke his soft hair. "Thank you for not laughing."

"Never," I repeated seriously. "So, since you know it's not a big deal, will you come out? I want to see you."

"But what if someone else sees and laughs at me?"

Then I'll rip out their fucking tongue. Again, probably not the best thing to say. "Hmm…" His home was only a few blocks away, but I'd never force him to do something he was uncomfortable with. Plus, it was a little chilly out and I didn't like the idea of him being in wet pants. "I'm sure there's a shop nearby; what if I go and get you some new pants?"

"I don't have enough money to pay for them," he replied sadly.

"Don't you worry about that; I'm happy to buy some for you."

The top of his head trembled against my palm as he sniffed hard. "You'd do that for me?"

"Of course. I want to take care of you." That's something I just couldn't hide. Before he could get upset again, I asked him, "What size do you need?"

"Either twenty eight or small." Even though I first said it because of my desire to be his Daddy, it sounded like the name 'little one' fit him physically as well. I’d yet to lay eyes on him, but he already owned my heart.

"Stay right here where you're safe, okay?" I hated to leave him, but I knew he didn't want to come out with wet pants, and I wouldn't make him. Beyond that, I had a way to make sure he was safe. I held my wrist to my mouth and whispered, "Are you close by?"

"Yes, sir," Remus answered. "We're at the entrance to the alleyway standing guard."

"Perfect. I need to retrieve something for my mate and need you to watch out for him while I'm gone."

"Of course," Soren replied.

"Thank you."

"Okay, I'll stay right here," Israel agreed. "Thank you, Niko. Thank you so much."

"You're welcome, little one. I'll be back as soon as I can." I regrettably brought my hand back through the boxes and stood up. I walked away a few feet and after making sure Israel couldn't see me, I sped up the side of the building again.



Chapter Two


I bounced from one rooftop to the next, missing Israel more with each step between us. I studied businesses as I whipped by them, looking for an open store that would have what I needed. Finally, I came upon an all-night pharmacy; since it was a large chain store, I hoped it would have what I needed, so I dropped to the ground.

I entered the shop and hustled through the aisles looking for supplies. It was odd to be in a pharmacy since vampires never got sick, being immune to diseases. We also were difficult to injure and had healing and regeneration powers, making medicines unnecessary. Fortunately, when we bonded, Israel would gain immunity and become more resilient.

I was in luck; the store carried generic sweatshirts and matching pants, so I collected one of each in a shade of dark green. Normally, I would have insisted on something nicer for my mate, but I needed to get back to him quickly.

I gathered some medical supplies for his scrapes and, trusting my instincts and our fated match, a couple of surprises I thought he would enjoy.

I paid for everything and since the sidewalks were growing more bare as the night ticked on, I stuck to them as I hurried back through town. When I reached the alley again, Soren and Remus each gave me a smile and nod as they guarded the entrance.

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