Home > The Perfect Cover(15)

The Perfect Cover(15)
Author: K. Sterling

“Oh, good morning, Grant! And look who’s all better!” Rhoda exclaimed as she reached under her counter and found the box of dog biscuits. She pulled one out and Edgar craned his neck and gently took it from her. “Such a sweet boy!” She said as she patted his head then grinned knowingly at Grant. “And I heard you met someone sweet this weekend,” she whispered. Grant’s smile became tight and a weak laugh slipped from him.

“The verdict is still out but I did meet someone,” he said then cleared his throat. “Anything for us this morning?” He asked and she jumped.

“Right! You’ve got much better things to do with your time now,” she teased as she pushed a postcard at him. “Just this from Audrey’s dentist, reminding her to schedule a checkup!” She said and Grant took it and tapped his brow with it.

“I guess we’ll be off, then!” He turned and followed Edgar to the door and got it for him. Grant had already scheduled Audrey’s checkup but he pushed the postcard into his back pocket then took a fortifying breath as he pulled open the door to the coffee shop. Bradshaw was leaning against the counter and chatting with Vanessa and they both smiled at Grant. The door hit him in the ass and he grunted as he stumbled over the threshold. Edgar groaned up at him and Grant gasped and apologized under his breath as he held out his palm so he could dispose of the dog biscuit. Edgar let it fall off his tongue and his tail wagged as he padded off to visit the Davis sisters.

“There you are, Edgar!” Silvia Davis cried. “I’ve saved the melon for you,” she told him and picked a piece out of her fruit salad for him. Edgar was delighted and his tail swished on the cement floor as he sat and joined them for fruit and a little light gossip. Grant forced his feet to move forward and Bradshaw’s smile was warm and easy as he pushed away from the counter and went to him. He was wearing jeans and a light blue shirt and the sleeves were rolled up again, making Grant a touch dizzy.

“Hey,” Bradshaw rumbled softly as he leaned close and gave Grant a loose hug and kissed his cheek. “I had a great time with you and Audrey last night,” he said. Grant saw Vanessa clutch her locket as she swooned and his face was warm as he nodded.

“I did too,” he replied as he stepped back. He could feel everyone’s eyes on him and it made his scalp prickle and sweat.

“Are you taking Edgar to the park?” Bradshaw asked helpfully and Grant nodded again.

“Yeah. After he’s mooched off the Davises and I get my coffee,” he said. Bradshaw’s brows rose. His eyes twinkled and his lips twitched as he glanced at Edgar.

“Mind if I join you?” He asked. Grant shook his head then pointed at Vanessa as he stepped around Bradshaw.

“Not at all, I’ll just be a minute,” he mumbled. His hand shook as he reached into his pocket for his wallet.

“He already took care of it!” Vanessa announced as she pushed Grant’s coffee across the counter at him.

“Ok,” he mouthed as he took it. He gave her a pained smile then went to add sugar to his cup. He was glad his back was to the room as he pried off the top and shook out two packets of sugar. He made a mess as he stirred and quickly cleaned it up with a handful of napkins. “I think I’m ready to go,” he said as he turned and Bradshaw was patiently petting Edgar as they waited by the door.

“Great! Off we go, then,” Bradshaw said as he opened the door. Grant offered Vanessa and the Davises a weak wave then hurried out of the coffee shop.

“Why didn’t I take a Xanax this morning?” He whispered to himself as he rubbed the back of his hand across his forehead.

“You did fine,” Bradshaw murmured in his ear as his hand pressed against Grant’s lower back soothingly.

“I’m a nervous wreck,” Grant said quietly and Bradshaw shrugged as he fell in step next to him.

“Most people are on their first few dates,” Bradshaw pointed out. They stepped off the curb and passed by the fountain as they crossed the town center. Edgar waited for them to catch up then took the trail past the playground when Grant waved at it. Grant’s cheeks puffed out as he considered and he nodded.

“I guess so. I don’t want to blow your cover. I wouldn’t want this to get out and hurt the Lees if they’re innocent,” Grant explained quietly. Bradshaw hummed in agreement as they strolled deeper into the woods. They were quiet for several moments and Grant felt steadier until Bradshaw stopped them.

“I’m sorry, Grant,” he said as he gripped Grant’s arm and ducked so he could find his eyes. “I’m sorry for the stress this has caused you and I’m sorry I lied,” he stated clearly and gently. Grant was stunned by the sincerity and vulnerability he saw as he lost himself in the soft, soft blue of Bradshaw’s eyes. He wasn’t used to making mistakes and apologizing but Grant could see that his opinion mattered more to Bradshaw than his pride.

“Ok,” he said as he nodded weakly. Bradshaw sighed as he pushed his hand into his pocket and kicked at the mulch.

“I didn’t know if you’d hear me out if I approached you directly,” he admitted. “I thought it would make more sense, what I was proposing, if I could show you first. And I thought I was gaining your trust so you’d believe me and want to help me,” Bradshaw explained. “It was never my intention to embarrass you or make you uncomfortable.”

“Thank you and I understand,” Grant replied shakily then waved at Edgar as he paced at the fork in the trail. They continued after him and Grant snorted and looked away as Edgar squatted next to the trash can. Bradshaw was about to witness once again how broken Grant was. He pulled three sandwich bags out of his pocket and double bagged one hand. He lowered and kept his head pulled away and quickly spread the third bag open and scooped up Edgar’s droppings with the bagged hand. He deftly turned the bags inside out and twisted them shut before dropping the bundle into the can. He shook his right hand anxiously as he reached into his pocket with his left and removed a tiny bottle of sanitizer and squirted it onto his right palm. He coated his hand and fingers and waved his hand until it was dry then pulled the small pack of wipes out of his hoodie pocket. He cleaned his right hand then tossed the wipe into the trash. Bradshaw’s lips twitched as Grant rubbed his fingers against his thigh and they both knew he wouldn’t like his hand again until he could wash it with hot water and soap.

“I think this would be a lot easier for you and less stressful if we could be friends,” Bradshaw said as he took Grant’s right hand and gave it a gentle tug. Grant’s eyes widened as he stared at their hands but he followed. Bradshaw’s arm slid around Grant’s shoulders and he gave him a bolstering squeeze as Linda Jones jogged around the corner and stopped to greet Edgar. Bradshaw stepped away but his fingers tangled with Grant’s before he released them. Linda caught it and she blushed as she waved. Grant’s head tilted as he stared at the trail between them and he was struck by how easy it was for Bradshaw to manufacture those perfectly timed intimate moments. He did it on their date, when Olivia brought the check, and he made Vanessa swoon over them at The Six Beans. Linda beamed as she jogged past them and Bradshaw waited until they were alone again to put his arm around Grant. “Where was I?” He asked as they walked.

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