Home > The Perfect Cover(19)

The Perfect Cover(19)
Author: K. Sterling

“I think I’m ready,” he said and Royce sincerely hoped Grant was. He looked at Marcy and Audrey and offered them a salute as he reached for the door.

“We’ll see you later, ladies,” he called and Audrey shook her head.

“I’m afraid we won’t be here later,” Audrey replied as Royce held the door for Grant.

“I’ll call and check in when I get home,” Grant said pointedly as he glared at her and she waited until he was on the porch to wave Royce’s coat at him, reminding him that he’d need to come back to get it.

Crawford’s Inn was the perfect call. Grant was relaxed as he joked with the owner and their server and the food and wine were excellent. They sat in a quiet corner on the patio, beneath the string lights, and Royce was enchanted as Grant blushed and cautiously flirted. It was a bit like watching a baby deer take its first wobbly steps but it stopped being adorable and became agony as Grant moaned and licked banana cheesecake off his fork.

“I think this might be my favorite thing in the world,” he declared as he cut off another bite. It might be mine as well, Royce thought then held his breath as the fork slipped between Grant’s lips. He laughed softly as he chewed but it was a silky little purr that caused heat to swell in Royce’s groin.

“Audrey said that was your favorite,” Royce confided. Grant rolled his eyes but they were heavy as they clung to Royce’s. He leaned on his elbow and he shrugged as he used his fork to gently push a puff of whipped cream to the side of his plate.

“My parents weren’t that cool but my dad’s mother was really sweet and I got to spend a lot of time with her when I was young. She would make banana pudding when I came to visit and this reminds me of that,” he said. He was lost in his thoughts as he stared at the cheesecake then shook his head. He cut off another bite then held it out to Royce. “Want to try it?” He asked. His eyes dropped to Royce’s lips and they throbbed as an array of delicious possibilities tumbled through his imagination. Royce’s hand slid around Grant’s thigh as he leaned and parted his lips. Grant’s eyes were unfocused as he swayed closer and rested the fork on Royce’s tongue. Royce hummed as his lips closed around it but he held onto Grant’s gaze as he swallowed then licked his lips.

“That’s very nice,” Royce murmured drowsily then grunted and his eyes flared in shock as Grant’s lips pushed against his.

“Sorry!” Grant whispered as his eyes searched Royce’s. “I thought you wanted me to so I just did it,” he added sheepishly and Royce was done as Grant’s cheeks turned red.

“That was perfect,” Royce said raggedly as his hand slid around Grant’s jaw and he pulled him close. He tasted sweeter and softer than the cheesecake and Royce swallowed Grant’s moan as their tongues swirled and thrust urgently. It was a little too urgent for their cozy corner of the patio and Royce heard cheering and clapping before someone hissed and shooed frantically.

“Well... There you go,” Grant whispered then laughed softly but he was still blushing and he sighed heavily as he turned his attention back to his cheesecake.

“You taste sweeter,” Royce murmured and squeezed Grant’s thigh possessively, under the table.

“Hmmm...” Grant hummed noncommittally but Royce saw the hint of a smile as he prodded his cheesecake. “This reminds me of how simple life used to be, when I was a kid. Before I was afraid I was different and my parents wouldn’t love me. I was just a kid who liked cartoons and comic books. I believed bad guys only existed on TV and in my comics and everyone just got old, like Grandma Ethel.”

“Reality catches up with all of us but it’s crueler for some than others,” Royce stated. Grant nodded but he was quiet for several moments before he took another bite of cheesecake. “Why do you call Audrey Jelly Bean?” He asked. Grant’s eyes and face became softer and made a wistful sound.

“She looked like a Jelly Bean, in her first ultrasound,” he said and Royce mentally threw his hands up in defeat. Absolutely nothing could be more adorable. He was screwed.

“You did a great job with Audrey. Is it hard, letting her run free and spread her wings?” Royce asked. Grant shook his head as he wiped his lips.

“I was always too serious and too worried, even before we lost Chris. She’s brave and passionate like him, thank goodness. I tried to hold onto as much of that as I could,” he said then cringed. “As much as my own internal fears and anxieties could handle. Raising a child is fucking terrifying,” he whispered but his eyes shimmered with pride and Royce saw that Audrey was Grant’s greatest source of joy.

“So, Chris is her father?” Royce asked and Grant shook his head again.

“I am. Marcy was our egg donor. She said she didn’t think she’d want to have kids of her own but it was always her dream to be an aunt,” he explained. Royce cleared his throat then sipped his water. His eyes were watering, for some unfathomable reason...

“Did Marcy carry Audrey?” He asked and Grant choked on his cheesecake. He washed it down with his coffee then chuckled.

“She didn’t love us that much. Our friend, Carol, carried her. She’d just given birth to her fourth child so she said ten more months wasn’t a big deal. She moved to Connecticut but we still get together a few times a year for barbecues and we try to do something for Audrey’s birthday.”

“That’s beautiful. You have amazing friends,” Royce said.

“I am blessed. Audrey would have been in serious trouble if I didn’t have them. My parents are a lot older and weren’t super cool when I came out. They love Audrey but aren’t very hands-on as grandparents. Chris and Marcy’s parents are great. They moved to Florida four years ago so we don’t get to see them very often,” Grant rambled then stopped. His lips pulled tight and he gave Royce a flat look. “It’s ok for you to stop me before I bore you to death,” he said. Royce shook his head and gave Grant’s thigh another playful squeeze. He bit back a yelp as he squirmed and Royce thought that was a very interesting discovery.

“I don’t think you’re boring. Are you ticklish?” He teased as his thumb pressed into Grant’s thigh and it jumped.

“Maybe a little!” Grant admitted breathlessly as his hand covered Royce’s. Grant wasn’t sure if he wanted Royce’s hand to reach further. Royce saw it in his eyes and the way they tightened and the flaring of his nostrils.

“Shhhh...” Royce pulled his hand away and swept the hair from Grant’s eyes. “Stop worrying or you’ll ruin your dessert,” he scolded as his thumb teased the corner of Grant’s mouth. It curved and Grant laughed softly as he pushed his plate toward Royce.

“Want to share it with me?” He asked.

“Actually...” Royce murmured as he looked around for their server. “I think I’ll take a slice to-go, since I’ll be spending the rest of the evening in my room with Netflix,” he sighed then slid Grant a playful wink. Grant cleared his throat as he poked at the dollop of whipped


“We might make out a little in the car, when you drop me off...” He suggested casually then licked his fork. Royce spun around in his seat and he waved wildly at their server.

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