Home > Christmas in Cockleberry Bay(47)

Christmas in Cockleberry Bay(47)
Author: Nicola May

‘Do you want me to turn the alarm on, on my way out?’ the barman asked as he turned off the glass washer.

‘No, you’re all right, mate, I’ll do it,’ Lucas replied. ‘And thanks so much for your hard work today. It’s been a busy one.’

Lucas let out a big burp as he made his way to check the alarms. He also had a quick look at the cameras that pointed out onto the car park, plus into the kitchen and the bar area. He laughed as he caught sight of the huge Christmas tree swaying around in the breeze with enough lights on its branches to power an electric car. His van was sat in the corner, alongside a couple of other cars belonging to the few who’d had too much mulled wine that afternoon and were sensibly leaving their vehicles there. For some reason, the screen on the second camera, the one that pointed to the two Christmas huts and the table where Davina sat to take the tickets and money, was black. He turned on the outside light and went out of the back door to check what was going on with it. The camera was still in place, but a cable had obviously come loose. With the wind hitting his face and waves crashing on the beach, he jumped up on the table and pushed it back in place. Just as he was hurrying back into the warm, a message beeped in on his phone.

Thank you for making me smile again tonight. Carly x

Lucas felt his heart smile. She never usually left a kiss on her messages. Not sure exactly what to reply, he put his phone in his pocket and climbed wearily up to bed. He needed his beauty sleep. Tomorrow was a new day – to make amends and big decisions.






Tina Green made a small supper of a cheese and onion toastie and a mug of milky coffee with two sugars, then walked upstairs and knocked on her son’s bedroom door.

‘Come in.’ Danny was lying on his bed in T-shirt and boxers browsing through his phone. When his mother handed him the plate and mug, he looked amused and said, ‘This is what you used to bring me when you’d shouted at me for summink when I was a kid.’

‘You’re not too old to be shouted at now neither.’ Tina sat at the end of the bed. ‘It wasn’t your fault, lad.’

‘Maybe it was. I didn’t smell the tuna before I cooked it, so it could have been off.’

‘Nah. The silly bitch was pissed, and of course you would have noticed if that fish was bad – you’re not daft, son. And like you say, how could a prawn get anywhere near it? – And that’s what she was allergic to.’ Tina fanned herself. ‘Bloody hell, that room took some cleaning – ugh. It’ll take time for that smell to go.’

Spotting that her son was looking queasy at the memory, she quickly added, ‘And Lucas will have calmed down by now. You are so like brothers, you two, in temperament and relationship.’

‘He’s asked to meet me tomorrow on the bench up on the West Cliffs path at ten-fifteen.’

‘Maybe he’s going to push you over the edge?’ Tina laughed.

‘Oh yeah? Him and whose army?’ Danny smirked.

‘But that’s a weird place to meet, innit? Are you going?’ Tina began to straighten the curtains that Danny had closed awkwardly.

‘Course I am. We need these jobs, Ma. I’m not uprooting again, not now Alfie loves his school and his new friends down ’ere. It’s a safe place for us all.’

‘I’m proud of you for controlling your temper and seeing the bigger picture, really I am,’ his mother said.

‘It’s taken me a long time to get this far.’

‘I know, but you’re getting there and that’s what matters.’ Tina yawned. ‘Have you thought any more about Leah?’

‘I’ve thought a lot about it, of course I have. But like I said, I want to get Christmas out of the way first. And it’s got to be right for our Alfie.’

‘OK, son. I think that’s a good idea. But if it works out, it will free up some time for you too, you know. We all need a bit of that.’

‘And more importantly for you, Ma. I do realise how much you do for us, and I am so grateful. You go above and beyond, always.’

‘That’s my job, ain’t it?’ Tina Green rubbed her eyes and through another noisy yawn managed, ‘What’s all this about Davina cheating, then? What proof have you got of that?’

‘I saw a text from someone signing off as Santa, insinuating they were at it. I’m assuming it was from the narky northerner in the grotto.’

‘He’s northern?’

‘Mum. Get real. He sounds more like Noel Gallagher than Noel Gallagher does. For some reason he’s putting on a southern accent. I heard him on his phone in the bog. I don’t fucking trust him either.’

‘So, did you tell Lucas you saw a text?’

‘No, I didn’t want him to think I was snooping at his bird’s phone.’

‘What a mess.’ Tina sat back down, deep in thought. ‘But I will get this sorted.’

‘Mum, I don’t want you getting involved. I can fight my own battles.’ Danny picked up his now cold sandwich and took a bite.

Tina ignored him and stood up. ‘Lucas needs us as much as we need him. He won’t ditch us. But if I have to clear the Green name, I will. I’ve done it before. You bloody know that.’

Danny shook his head. ‘I’d rather get in the ring with Tyson Fury than you, Mum.’

Tina smiled. ‘Just keep chatting to him up those cliffs as long as you can tomorrow, mind.’

‘Why, what you up to?’

‘Just trust your old mum to do right by us, that’s all.’

With that she kissed her son on the cheek, stepped quietly down the corridor to check on Alfie, then getting into her own bed and taking the weight off her feet, let out a massive sigh of relief.






‘Not too early, is it?’ Lucas pushed open the door to Gull’s Rest and followed Rosa through to the open-plan kitchen, stopping to thoroughly make a fuss of Hot Dog, who rolled on his back and made his special creaking sound when Lucas knelt down and blew raspberries into his tummy.

‘Nine-thirty, early? Are you having a laugh? I’m usually awake before the bloody gulls start their screeching. Do you want a coffee?’

‘Nah, thanks, I’m not stopping long.’

‘What brings you here anyway? Surely you should be checking people out.’

‘I have staff for that.’ Then Lucas corrected himself. ‘Well, I have Tina this morning, anyway. Me and Danny had a fall-out.’

‘Oh, shit.’ Rosa carried on loading the dishwasher.

‘He thinks Davina is cheating.’

‘Oh, double shit.’

‘He’s got no evidence, just thinks so.’

‘Danny’s no fool. He’s cut from the same cloth as me. He wouldn’t stir up a storm if there’s wasn’t some truth in it. But how do you feel about it?’

‘I’m fine,’ Lucas replied resolutely.

‘Why didn’t you just have it out with him there and then and find out why he thought that?’

‘Because we were just about to start service and the bloody hotel inspector was there. It’s been a nightmare, Rosa. I honestly thought she was dead from food poisoning.’

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