Home > The Complete If I Break Series(317)

The Complete If I Break Series(317)
Author: Portia Moore

“I can entertain both of us.” He raises his hand, calling over the waitress. I didn’t want to deal with something like this today. I grab my backpack and stand when he reaches over and grabs my wrist.

“Come on sweetie, stay for a while,” he insists through clenched teeth. I feel my chest tighten. And the dull headache coming on.




I slowly reach my hand into my jacket pocket and feel the pepper spray resting comfortably in it. I grip it in the palm of my hand.

“Look, I’m sure you’re a really nice guy but you don’t want to talk to me, I have a lot to deal with already.” My voice is tight. I look around the seedy little diner searching for someone who might intervene. Unfortunately, there’s just an elderly couple looking on nervously, the waitress, and a cook who looks old enough to be my great-grandfather. The good thing about that is if I have to spray this guy in the face, I can make a pretty clean break without getting arrested.

“Sit down,” he growls. I recognize a glint in his eye that sends a shiver down my spine. I clear my throat and let out a small breath.

“Do we-we know each other?” I ask, nerves filling up the insides of my stomach. He nods slowly, a bitter grin spreading across his face. I cautiously sit back down, not removing my hand from the mace.

“I knew I’d find ya Ali,” he says, laughing gleefully. “I almost didn’t recognize you in your disguise. What are you supposed to be, a nice little college student?” he asks, snarling.

“You have the wrong person. My name isn’t Ali,” I try to explain, feeling my thoughts start to get foggy.

“Save me the BS that it’s not me who ripped you off for fifteen grand, it was my secret twin sister crap,” he growls. I can feel my heart beating faster and faster.

“Fifteen grand?” I say in disbelief, my voice trembling.

“Oh, you forgot all about it huh? That’s okay, how about you come with me so I can refresh your memory.” He lifts his shirt and reveals a gun. My hands are starting to shake. I eye the door and the elderly couple at the other end of the restaurant, their attention now on their appetizer. I swallow hard and nod, starting to rise from my seat. He looks surprised but begins to stand as well, but before he’s on his feet I yank the pepper spray out of my purse and squeeze down on the release hard and directly into his eyes. He howls, grabbing his face.

“I’m sorry!” I tell him before running from the restaurant. When I’m outside I glance back at the restaurant and through the window see the ketchup guy yelling and flailing around. My hands are still shaking as I pull the keys out of my purse and run to get in my car. As soon as I do I see him running outside, holding his eyes, still screaming profanity. I start the car and pull off as fast as I can.

My phone starts to ring and I pick up.

“Hey I’m almost there,” Blue says.

“This guy just tried to pull a gun on me!” I say, almost out of breath.

“What the fuck! Are you okay?” he asks urgently.

“Yeah, yeah I’m fine,” I assure him, trying to catch my breath.

“I’m about three blocks away from where we were going to meet. I’ll text you when I make sure he’s not behind me,” I tell him before hanging up.

After about ten minutes I finally see a late night bar and grill and pull into it, my anxiety finally starting to settle down. I text Blue and let him know where I am. I stay in my car watching as other ones pass, wanting to make sure ketchup guy doesn’t pull in behind me.

I rest my head on the steering wheel and demand myself not to cry. It’s not like it’s the first time that some strange person swore that they knew me. It’s not even the first time someone confronted me about money I owed them, but it is the first time someone threatened to kill me. I fight the tears in my eyes as well as the urge not to scream. The look in that guy’s eye makes me shudder, to not know what exactly happened. For all I know I probably deserved him shoving a gun in my face. At least if nothing else, it let me know that I’ve made the right decision not heading back to Kam’s. I might not ever be able to go back. I’m too much of a liability. He doesn’t deserve to be wrapped up in this mess I’m in.

Leaving him will be the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. I know with every fiber in me if I told him the truth, the details, he’d stand by me. He’s so selfless but isn’t that selfish, to drag someone through hell with you because they love you—because you love them?

Kam has a chance at being someone who can change things. He’s smart and funny and I’m sure he’ll be on his way to Washington soon; just like his dad, he wants to do good and change the world. I won’t let him destroy his career over having a girlfriend who ruins everything around her, who has a past she doesn’t know about. A girlfriend who can ruin him. And as of now has a strange man chasing her over money, wanting to kill her.

Today is the first step though, the step where hopefully Blue can come through with what he promised. I turn around and see the black Maxima pull up beside me. I had been holding my breath and let it out as Blue climbs out of his car and walks over to mine. I put the window down.

“Someone’s had an interesting day, huh?” he asks with a wide smile and sarcasm I let him get away with. I let out a short laugh. “It wouldn’t be my life without it huh?” When I get out of the car he pulls me into a short hug, his long lean arms enveloping me. A hug I so desperately need.

“You scared the hell out of me,” he says, his tone light. But I can see the worry crinkle the corner of his eyes and can only imagine how Kam is feeling.

“So what happened?” he asks, confusion and relief all over his face. I quickly explain my encounter with the bushy eyebrow man.

“Shit Megan. What the hell? I’m kind of impressed.” He grins but after I glare at him his expression turns serious.

“It’s not a joke Blue, it’s my life,” I remind him and he nods.

“But if you had fifteen grand I’m gonna have to charge you for this.” He smiles, displaying a perfect set of teeth, and I swat his shoulder while cracking a smile.

“Come on. I got some news for you,” he says, gesturing towards the restaurant.

We head into the restaurant and the hostess seats us quickly, in a booth towards the back at our request. This place is full of people, mostly high schoolers that have probably come here after a game or before they head to a party. We both sit down and I let out a sigh of relief to have someone here, someone that may have answers.

“Kam called me,” he says offhandedly, rubbing his silver lip ring. Just hearing his name makes me more anxious.

“You didn’t tell him you were meeting with me, did you?” I ask, a part of me hoping that he did tell Kam, and that he’s going to storm in and tell me that I’m an idiot for leaving and that whatever is going on I won’t have to do it alone, that we’ll get through this together.

That’s the selfish part of me.

“I did what you told me,” he says grimly. “It’s easier to not tell him since Katie’s out of town. If she was around I might have caved,” he admits.

The waitress heads over and pours us fresh water. Blue orders a BLT and I just ask for scrambled eggs and bacon. I’ve been so nervous I just realized I haven’t eaten anything in hours.

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